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It's just a kiss - Minsung

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stray Kids (Band)
Relationship: Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know, Hwang Hyunjin/Kim
Seungmin, Bang Chan/Seo Changbin
Character: Han Jisung | Han, Lee Minho | Lee Know, Seo Changbin, Bang Chan
(Stray Kids), Kim Seungmin (Stray Kids), Hwang Hyunjin, Berry | Bang
Chan's Dog (Stray Kids), Bbama | Han Jisung's Dog (Stray Kids),
Kkami | Hwang Hyunjin's Dog, Soonie | Lee Minho's Cat (Stray Kids),
Doongie | Lee Minho's Cat (Stray Kids), Dori | Lee Minho's Cat (Stray
Kids), Lee Felix (Stray Kids)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Celebrity, Bodyguard Romance, Alternate
Universe - Bodyguard, Seungmin is older than Jisung ik thats wrong
don't come at me it is for the plot, Praise Kink, Emotional Hurt/Comfort,
Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and
Smut, mental health, Mental Health Issues, chan and changbin best
dads, Lee Minho | Lee Know is Whipped, Han Jisung | Han is a Mess,
Han Jisung | Han is a Confident Gay, OCD, Depression, Drug Abuse,
damn if i'd see the tags I wouldnt read it this is gonna ahve a lot of
trigger warnings, trigger warning, no selfharm, Social Anxiety, Han
Jisung | Han is a Ray of Sunshine, lee minho is protective, Childhood
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-13 Words: 3,472 Chapters: 2/?

It's just a kiss - Minsung

by Squirreltailcat


The crowd was screaming and chanting. All were dressed the same way as the artist they
were seeing tonight. Colorful bracelets, dyed hair, piercings, colorful clothing and
accessories and of course the two most important details of the star and the fandom;
stickers all over the face and a plaster across the nose. The tickets were sold out soon after
they came online. The chanting became louder and louder and it blurred so much that the
artist found himself deep in his dark memories of his earlier life, thinking about how his life
changed 180 degrees almost overnight. He became emotional as he started smiling, and got
onto the stage ready to hear the whole stadium chanting, “J.One”.


Jisung is a young rapper named J.One who’s popularity rapidly increased

from a few soundcloud listeners to huge stadiums filled with fans. But all of this makes it
more difficult to go in public or just go to the taxi cab after a show, so his management
organizes a personal bodyguard for him who he grows closer to as allowed.

Hi, hello, annyeong (If you get this reference our wedding is tomorrow),
glad you made it here..
I wanna say that this is gonna be a long project and I am very busy so it's gonna be a bit
tricky to update regularly but I'll do my best hehe oof
I've been working on this project with my girlfriend for a long time so I'm really excited to
finally bring it out ahhh
If ur interested I also draw stuff to all of the au's I have with my gf and on my insta are
already a lot drawings based on this fic so if you wanna check it out my name is
@/squirrelcatart. ^^
I hope you'll have fun with this one

DISCLAIMER AND TRIGGER WARNING (gonna put a TW on any chapter thats heavier
but here's the general one)

This fanfiction contains heavy topics like childhood trauma, drug abuse and mental health
issues (but no self harm), such as ptsd, anxiety, (at some smaller points but still) eating
disorders and ocd. The story won't mainly focus on it all the time, (since its not just a vent
story but a celebrity/bodyguard romance), but it will contain parts discussing it.
If you struggle with any of this and feel easily triggered by these things I may consider not
to read this fanfiction or to take it slow and close it anytime you can't take it. We don't want
to romanticize anything, it's just a part of the story and I as a person who experienced
similar things will try to describe everything the best I can.
If you ever struggle with your mental health try to open up to someone and always
remember, there's at least one person around you that cares about you deeply. You got this
bestie, don't give up and take care.

Now I wish you a lot of fun with the fanfiction <3


The cold rain was soaked into his dyed hair, the water running from there, down his nose bridge,
ending up on his chin, until it fell down to the ground. The freezing temperature crawled down his
spine, bit into his skin under his soaking wet clothes and overall he came to the conclusion that he
was going to catch a cold before he even had entered his door. He already imagined the fever and
coughing in the morning. Seems like a short period of time was coming upon him, where he
wouldn't be able to smoke the amount of cigarettes he’s used too. But if he was being honest - of
course no one, including him, liked being sick - he was kinda excited to have an excuse to not
leave his bed tomorrow, the meeting he’s supposed to be attending on that day, in the back of his
mind. And then he came to the conclusion he actually turned crazy, when the idea of opening his
jacket came up on his mind, just to clearly make sure he could snuggle into his pillows and watch
YouTube for the whole upcoming day.
But the more he thought about it - he realized that a fever wasn’t actually that aspiring and a bit of
a high cost for a day off. So he deleted the idea of opening his jacket and went on with his way.

As per usual he avoided any public streets and even tho the collar of his jacket felt as if he took a
bath with it, he pulled it at least a bit over his face. Of course he could take the taxi on the way
home from the studio but he had a very hard time with the awkward silence. Of course he wouldn’t
make any kind of attempt to break the silence - but didn’t make it less uncomfortable and even if he
wasn’t who he was, he’d prefer taking the bus.

The rain got harder and harder and so did the craving for his bed. It wasn’t that far anymore, most
of the way was done but maybe that was the reason why it became more and more unbearable to
walk, the closer he got home. As soon as he started shivering he decided to speed up his walking
but as he started to do so, he heard a, “Excuse me Sir?”.


He wasn’t ready for this right now. At the same time he also didn’t want to be rude and just,
literally, run away. To be honest sometimes he thought about how people would react if they came
up to talk to him and he’d just scream and run away. He would never do it but maybe some time
eventually, as a joke, just to get back to the confused person right away. But now was not the time.
This one right here, was probably going to be one of these moments where he just had to politely
refuse to give an autograph, or take a selfie with the person behind him.

“yeah?”, he said, without turning around, hearing the stranger coming closer. Damn it, why did he
watch so many horror movies and true crime documentaries!? He already felt his end coming.
Pulled into a van or something and never be seen again.
Of course he knew he was overreacting. The person behind him probably just wanted - OF
COURSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS STORM - a talk with the famous world star J-

“Do you need an umbrella?”, the stranger behind him said.

Wait what?

Okay to be fair the voice didn’t sound that caring, but not rude, still polite even. He couldn’t really
put it somewhere. Slowly he turned around, but only half the way he needed to if he really wanted
to talk to the stranger - which he didn’t. The chance to run away screaming was still there perhaps -
but he actually, really needed an umbrella. He looked at the person, who was standing under an
umbrella themselves but also handing him a closed one.
“Wait, aren’t you J.One?”

Fuck number 2.

‘J.One’ froze and now, once again, screaming seemed like an option. But he was actually ready to
just shake his head a little, but still somehow planning on how to get the umbrella. But before he
could act out anything the stranger spoke again as if he realized that the person in front of him,
who really looked like the artist J.One, probably already prepared himself mentally to refuse an
autograph or anything similar.

“Oh don’t worry I frankly don’t care I just wondered for a second”.
Okay to be fair that sounded kinda mean but the freshly baked newcomer worldstar Han Jisung -
known as ‘J.One’ - was actually quite thankful that the stranger wasn’t out for ‘greetings for his
daughter who’s such a big fan’ or for the worst part, telling anyone that he had been there. So
Jisung slowly turned around, now able to catch a view of the person in front of him. The man was
a few inches taller than him, had dark hair - or perhaps they were actually blond or something but it
was too dark to see - which a few of them fell into his eyes. He had, at least that counted for those
parts that Jisung was able to see, sharp features and if the light and shadows didn’t fool him, he
could see a little mole on his nose.

“Are you going to take it now or not?”,

the man asked while he slightly tilted his head to his right, combined with raising his eyebrow.
“Oh sorry yeah I will take it thank you”, came from the smaller one, as he took the umbrella just to
immediately open it to safe himself from looking even more like he went swimming with his
clothes on.
“Would be a shame if the famous world star would catch a cold”, the other said with a sigh. Jisung
definitely didn’t know how to interpret these words combined with the tone and so he couldn’t
bring anything but a nervous laughter out of his mouth as he nodded. Awkward silence entered
between the two as the smaller called out another, “Thank you again Sir”.
“Oh it’s nothing, have a good evening then”, the stranger said with a dry voice and all of a sudden
turned around and left so Jisungs, “Thanks you too…….sir..”, came way too late and was probably

Confused, he turned around again. That was….weird?

After some thinking and repeating this horribly awkward situation in his head, another confused
turn around - the stranger long gone - he just shook his head and continued his way home, kind of
cursing to himself that he would have to attend the meeting tomorrow.
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

Hello again I wish you a great morning/evening/night <3

Hmmm who could that person with the umbrella be????
I dont' he was just hangin' around i guess hhehe
I don't have much to say right now other than I wish you a nice read.

“Jisung…could it be that you’re sick?”, Seungmin, Jisungs manager, side eyed him, as he went
through the application documents in front of him. Yes, Jisung was sick. His walk home on
yesterday's evening made him catch a cold, but - to his disappointment - not enough to be chained
to the bed. As an answer to his manager, he just showed him the little gap between his thumb and
his index finger, taking another sip from his iced americano (no cold ever could separate him from
his iced americano, much to the skepsis of Seungmin).
So now he was sitting there. The meeting he was kinda scared of. Jisung and his Manager -
actually, his company, but these two needed to take the bait on it - were looking for a personal
bodyguard for ‘J.One’, who’s popularity took an unexpected huge rise up nearly overnight. It has
been just a few months since Jisung performed overseas even - much to the worry of his parents.
So now the mass of fans sometimes were big enough to justify the search for a personal bodyguard.
Jisung tried protesting. He really did. But after a lot of discussion with his loved ones he ended up
being fine with the idea, even tho he had a hard time getting close to new people. It was important
for him to get along very well with all the people working with and for him. Really important. He
needed to feel safe. “And that’s why you get to choose Jisung and what may be safer than a
personal bodyguard?”, He had the voice of Changbin in his head. But the longer the meeting went,
the more doubt came up to him again. A lot of the candidates either seemed like they were just out
for the money, or they were just emotionless buff men, where Jisung already saw the awkward
standing next to each other and a lot of pressure instead of trust. Trust. That was his keyword. He
didn’t want to follow safety measures without being able to trust the person. And trust was
something Jisung didn’t have much to give to people.

“Okay so did you go swimming yesterday or what?”, his manager asked, now finally turning his
head to his client.



A sigh from Seungmin.

“I said…
did you have a nice swim yesterday?”

“If you want to name my way home yesterday that way - yes”, Jisung answered with a smile which
was a mix of cockyness and innocence.
“Or to word it different; You forgot your umbrella”
“Yes I forgot my umbrella” the smaller one answered as he leaned over to take a look at the
document in Seungmins hands taking an awfully loud sip from his americano.
“The next applicant is Lee Minho”, said Seungmin as he clicked with the pen - which was full of
Jisungs stickers. In the studio and also a lot of things the staff members owned were full with
Jisungs stickers. It was an, how Jisung worded it, ‘J.One staff family thing’. Some people theorized
the star even had a system on how much he liked you or how long you’ve been with the team,
because a few staff members (Seungmin included), had a colorful childlike bracelet, made by
“I think he looks trustworthy”, Seungmin continued, as he looked at the CV. To be honest it was
an exemplary CV.

“This is an exemplary CV”, Seungmin needed to point it out again.

But Jisungs eyes got bigger because of a different reason. This Lee Minho, was the guy who
handed him the umbrella yesterday! He had to be! Oh his hair was actually dark. But yes! The
sharp features and even the mole! The shadow didn’t fool him yesterday. There it was. Okay
maybe Jisung got a bit impulsive right now but his choice had been made. Because he knew him?
Because he helped him? Okay to be fair he wasn’t too friendly, but helpful! Jisung himself didn’t
know why he wanted him to be his personal bodyguard. It just…felt right? Excitement entered his
body again as he said, “Yes it is!”.
“Geez Jisung where did all of that enthusiasm come from right now”, Seungmin let out a gentle
laugh and looked at the younger.
“I dunno”, Jisung sing-songed while he sat down again, his eyes pinned to the door now.
“okaaaay…?”, his manager just said as he cleared his throat and brought out a more or less loud,
“The next may come in”, and the door opened.

It made Jisung feel a bit like he was in a kdrama and his mysterious savior from yesterday’s
evening came in and he would find out his identity, ready to fall in love with him. That would
probably happen if this was a kdrama. But no, Minho didn’t enter the room in slow motion and he
didn’t flip his hair while slowly opening his eyes with a smile.

He entered,

like every normal person would do on a job interview, much to Jisungs disappointment.

All of this - Minho walking in and taking a seat after bringing out a polite,”Good morning” - went
by so fast and as soon as Jisung came out of his fantasy his ‘Mysterious savior’ sat right in front of
him. And of course as the GenZ introvert he was, he couldn’t take any situation like that seriously.
He pressed his lips together in panic to stop himself from laughing. It wouldn’t even have been a
big laugh. Just a little awkward giggle. And after that was over, the huge wave of shame and
embarrassment came up on him, even a second before Seungmin slowly turned his head to his
client. Jisung didn’t need to look at the elder, to know his expression. The typical ‘Are you serious
what’s going on?’-expression Jisung always got from Seungmin, everytime the star did something
that wasn’t completely agreed by his manager.

“I didn’t know there’s something to laugh about, I thought this was a serious job interview?”.

Jisung and Seungmin both looked at Minho. He just said that with such an ease, and with a
professional type of humor. The reputable aura of him didn’t vanish a second.

‘Yes!!’, Jisung thought to himself. He really started sympathizing way too much with the idea of
Minho becoming his personal bodyguard. ‘Come one give me more green flags so Seungmin
agrees!’ he had in his mind - or at least - something like that.

“Oh Mr.Lee excuse him he-”,

“Excuse me? I just-”, that came out of Jisung a bit too fast and a bit too much like a protesting
child. He knew that Seungmin took all of this really seriously and wanted everyone to have the best
impression of them possibly. They clashed each other very often at that point. But excuse him??
Like he was-

“I hope the umbrella protected you the rest of the way Mr.Han”, Minho said calmly and once again
Seungmin and Jisung looked at him.

Okay so he was also in charge of keeping it cool? Jisung started liking him. But this euphoria
didn’t last long when Seungmin once again looked confused at him. His face read, “What
umbrella?”, or something like, “do you guys know each other?”. Jisung pressed his lips together
which made his cheeks puff and as he started talking again he slowly looked to Minho again,
“Ehhhhrr…yes it did..! Yes it did Mr.Lee thank you again.” Minho just smiled and nodded.

At this point Seungmin looked like he was losing his mind and Jisung took the opportunity to end
his misery, “Oh yeah yesterday like, ….n-nothing world changing he just..he saw me walking in
the rain and handed”, he panicked and took a tissue and sneezed, just to continue his sentence,
“ an umbrella”.

“Okkaay I understand…”, Seungmin slowly said, “and bless you”,

“Thank you”

“All fine”,

the manager's eyes met Minhos again.

“So Mr.Lee we are very happy about your interest but now we’d like to hear, why would you like
to work here?”, he said, followed by a few seconds of silence in which Minho seemed like he laid
the question sound a bit in his ears.

“Well..”, he started, pausing, then, starting again with a smile “I was quite amazed by the great
image of the company and the standing out invitation for more diversity. I would really like to
work for someone who embodies this open mindset. I think that is something we all need these
Seungmin nodded and smiled as he answered,”Yeah that is for sure something the company and
the artists here work for. No one should be treated differently for the way he is (...)”.

Most of the following things - typical job interview and company talks - flew over Jisung and his
hyperfocus was on Minho. And the more he smiled, acted and talked, the feeling in his stomach
felt more and more right. He scanned the taller up and down. The soft eyes that seemed safe but at
the same time Minho felt like someone you didn’t want to make angry.

Someone to feel safe with.

Someone to trust.

As he scanned him he noticed something. There was a little tattoo of a safety pin on his wrist!

Someone to feel safe with!

That tattoo made everything for him. He was the right one! He had to be!

Just as he had this zoning out realization, he noticed that both of them, Seungmin and Minho,
looked at him again.

Seungmin spoke, “I said…do you have any last questions?”,
Jisung switched looks with both of them. Now was the chance. Maybe he was mean and ignorant
for not caring about the other applicants but he made his decision.

“No I don’t Mr.Lee you have the job!”, Jisung said, to the confusion of both Minho and Seungmin.

Some may call Jisung impulsive. Some may even call him stupid but he himself likes to call it
‘trusting your belly’. To be fair usually Jisung was the kind of person to overthink every decision,
depending on how important the decision itself was (wich was most of the time individual since
sometimes he tented to overthink the smallest things and in the next moment it didn’t seem much
of a bad idea to spend 200,000,00 won in one sitting) but this just felt so right, much to the nerves
of his manger who turned to face the younger.
“Excuse me?!”, where his words but the star didn’t care. He was used to Seungmin being mad at
him and he knew that in the end they’d figure it out and so, like a child, he turned to him with a,

Seungmin wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Minhos eyes grew big and he sat up straight,
seeming like he had the feeling he shouldn’t be in the room much longer since the two in front of
him clearly had to discuss something. ‘the two infront of him’ looked at each other until Seungmin
turned around and spoke, “Excuse me Mr.Lee we’ll get back to you as soon as we can”, while
talking he stood up, signing Minho to follow him to the door. The poor man had the word
confusion written on his forehead as Seungmin continued talking, “We apologize for the
inconvenience now”.
“No its all fine I’m glad I could come have a great day”, he just said with a rather awkward but still
polite smile as he left through the door that Seungmin closed after a, “Thanks you too”.


Door closed.

“Han Jisung…”

The one called just said there innocently, sipping on his straw, swallowing the bitter caffeine-
containing drink, breathing out loudly in enjoyment and then looking up with a smile, “Yeah?”
Seungmin couldn’t look more stressed. “You know what?”, he started coming to the desk again,
“One day I’m gonna rip your head off”, he said down with a sigh as he packed up the papers while
the young man next to him brought out a little laugh. He knew Seungmin wasn’t being serious. It
was a healthy but nagging relationship between them, still they where a good team - most of the
time at least.
“Could you please, at least one time, talk to me before you make a decision?”, he asked with
frustration dripping from his words but Jisung was ready to defend himself.
,,But Hyung I have a good feeling about him! You know how important it is for me to feel safe
with someone and that’s exactly what I felt right now”, he let out a sigh before he continued, “I
don’t want to have a muscular mean guy who just stands next to me I want someone to be friends
with just like you and me! I can talk to you and touch you without feeling awkward. I like him and
I was even scared of the other ones myself..”, he finished as he kinda overworked his sore throat
just enough to caught a little.

Seungmin firstly sighed - he often did - and his gaze softened after Jisung finished his explanation
on why he had to send all of the other applicants home even before they could enter, which got him
close enough to sigh again but he held himself back. He also just wanted the best for his client.To
be fair he also had a good feeling about this Lee Minho. He started organizing the papers again
while he started speaking.
“Okay fine.. but”, he side eyed Jisung, “I’d still like you to talk to me about things before you take
action in the future and please don’t let me tell you this again like I’m doing right now”.
The star's face lit up as he threw his arms around Seungmin just to say, “Ahhh Seungmin-Hyung
you're the best manager ever. If I wasn’t sick I’d give you a smootch on the cheek". At first
Seungmin laughed but then his face formed into disgust, “Yes I know b-but no thank you I refuse
in a friendly manner”.

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