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what is life

Once upon a time, there were two young children named Aramet and Ken. They lived in
a small village on the edge of a dark and mysterious forest. The children had heard
stories about "those things" that lived in the forest, but they had never seen

One day, Aramet and Ken were playing in the forest when they came across a strange
creature. The creature was small and furry, with big eyes and a long tail. The
children had never seen anything like it before.

The creature looked at the children and smiled. "Hello," it said. "My name is

Aramet and Ken were surprised. They had never met a creature that could talk

"What are you?" Ken asked.

"I'm a Thing," Thing said. "We live in the forest."

"What do you do?" Aramet asked.

"We play," Thing said. "And we eat berries. And we watch the stars."

"Can we play with you?" Ken asked.

"Of course," Thing said. "I'd love to have some friends."

Aramet and Ken played with Thing all afternoon. They played tag and hide-and-seek
and climbed trees. They had so much fun that they forgot all about being scared of
the forest.

When it was time to go home, Aramet and Ken were sad to leave Thing. But they knew
that they would see him again soon.

"Thank you for playing with us," Aramet said.

"You're welcome," Thing said. "I had a lot of fun."

Aramet and Ken waved goodbye to Thing and headed home. They were tired, but they
were also happy. They had made a new friend, and they had learned that "those
things" in the forest weren't so scary after all.

The end.

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