Govt Policy

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Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

For BPL, unorganized sector. Oct 1, 2007. Smart card base Careless insurance cover. Rs 30,000/- per annum per family. Beneficiary would Pay Rs 30/- per annum as registration/renewal fee 75 : 25 Rest of Idia. 90 : 10 for N.E . & J.K

Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana

1st April 2005 It is an unemployment allowance to the insured person for a period of max 12 month. Also entitled to medical care of his/her family for a period of 12 month.


Important by ministry of Rural Development. 2 Feb, 2006. It guarantee wage employment. 33% participation for women. Worker to obtain insurance under Jan Shree Bima Yojana of LIC.

Pradhan Mantri Sadak Yojana

On 25th December 2000. 500 person rural and 250 person Hilly, tribal and Desert area.

Bharat Nirman

Pop. mome than 1000 in the plain area. 500 or more in hilly and tribal area by 2009.

Indra Awas Yojana

Important by ministry of Rural Development, since 1985-86. Provide financial assistant for construction/upgradation of dwelling unit. 35,000/- in plain area, 38,500/- hilly area, 15,000/- upgradation of Kuchha house. 75 : 25 basis.

Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana

1st April 1999. After restruction and merging of Integrated rural development programme. In 2009-2010, It was restructured as National Rural Livelihood mission.

Indra Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme

Started from 2009. Rs 200/- per month to BPL, widows in the age group of 40-64 years

Indra Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme

Rs 200/- per month BPL person. B/W age group 18-64 years.

National Rural Drinking Water Programme

Implying by ministry of Rural Development National Drinking water mission introduced in 1986. 1991- renamed as Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission.

Central Rural Sanitation Programme

1986 launched Total Sanitation by- 2012. UN sponsored date 2015. 1999- Total Sanitation Campaign was launched under restructured Central Rural Sanitation programme. It is a demand driven programme.

National Social Assistance Programme

In 1995. To lay foundation for social assistance for the poor. Art 41.

Indra Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme

Launched in 2007. Rs 200/- per month per beneficiary provide by centre. 60 years and higher of BPL. State were urged to contribute and then Rs. 200.

Annapurna Scheme

Introduced in 2000

Provide 10 kg of food grain per month free of cost. Given to those person who could not could not cover under National old age pension scheme.

National Family Benefit Scheme

Rs 5000/- in case of natural death. Rs 10,000/- in case of accidental death. Provided to the family in case of death of primary bread winner of the family. Primary bread winner- 18 to 64 years of age.

Back ward Regions Grant Fund Programme

Launched in Barpeta (Assam) in 2007. To addressing persistent regional imbalances in development. It Sum summer the Rashtiya Sam Vikas Yojana (administrate by Planning Commission)

Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana

Implemented by Ministry of Panchayati Raj. Implemented in the non Back ward Regions Grant Fund Programme districts. It provide Training and Capacity building of elected representatives and function of PRI.

Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission

Launched 3rd December 2005. Fast track development of cities. Duration (5) year 2005-2006 to 2011-12.

National Urban Information System

Launched 2006. To develop GIS database for 137 towns/cities in the country. It has two components- Urban spatial Information System Scheme - National Urban Databank and Indicators.

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