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Polymerization is the process in which small molecules, called monomers, combine together to
form long-chain polymers.
There are two types of polymerization:
1. Addition polymerization- Addition polymerization is the continuous addition of
monomers possessing double or triple bonds. During addition polymerization, the
monomers rearrange themselves to form a new structure.

2. Condensation polymerization- Condensation polymerisation occurs when multiple

monomers react with each other to form larger structural units while releasing
smaller molecules as a by-product, which is usually water.

Now that we have understood what polymerization is, we will be going into depth on the
polymerization of polyethylene.
Polyethylene is formed through the addition polymerisation of ethylene or ethene.
It is by far the most common type of consumer plastic and is used in many everyday materials.
Different processing conditions of polyethylene give rise to different grades of the product that
can be utilized for multiple purposes.
Polyethylene was first synthesized by a German chemist Hans von Pechmann, who accidently
prepared it in 1898 while heating diazomethane.
During the studies of the effects of extremely high pressures on polymerization of polyethylene,
the first industrially practical synthesis of polyethylene was produced in 1933 in England.
It was not until 1935 that another chemist developed a reproducible, high-pressure synthesis for
Subsequent discoveries in polyethylene synthesis have revolved around the development of
several types of catalysts that promote ethylene polymerization at milder temperatures and
Today there are several types of polyethylene produced: high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and
Low-density polyethylene
In an addition polymerisation reaction, there are multiple conditions that must be met in order for
this reaction to occur.
1. It requires monomers to have at least one double bond for a reaction to occur
2. This double bond must also break either through a catalyst, UV light, heat or pressure

Let's look at the addition polymerisation reaction of high density polyethylene.

To produce this type of polymer, there are three different processes each undergoing similar
conditions including:

○ Low pressures of around 10-80 atm

○ An inorganic catalyst
○ Temperature range around 350-420 K
○ Hydrogen must be mixed with ethene to control the chain length of the polymer

The Polymerisation of low density polyethylene also has certain conditions including:
● Very high pressures around 1000-3000 atm
● Conducted at moderate temperatures around 420-570 K
● An initiator must be used such as small amounts of oxygen

Moreover, Polyethylene is the most common form of thermoplastic used in consumer products,
and has a wide range of applications:
· Food packaging material: Because of it being highly resistant to water absorption
and chemical damage, it is certified as safe to use for food packaging applications

· Medical tubing: The lack of permeability of polyethylene makes it an ideal material

to use for catheters and other medical products due to its resistance of

· Buckets, bottles and bins: Due to its hard properties and its durability under stress,
it is suited to such products

· High-tensile cables: They are light, therefore easy to install. They are also strong
making it useful in complex industrial applications

Generally, high-density polyethylene is much more crystalline and has common application in
construction. It is a robust, moderately stiff plastic with a highly crystalline structure and is
frequently used in plastic for milk cartons, laundry detergent, garbage bins and cutting boards.
In contrast, low-density polyethylene is more commonly used in plastic packaging. It is a very
flexible material with unique flow properties that makes it particularly suitable for shopping bags
and other plastic film applications.
Polyethylene’s offer excellent chemical and impact resistance, electrical properties, and low
coefficient of friction. They are lightweight, easily processed and offer near-zero moisture
absorption. Due to the extraordinary properties of polyethylene, such as resistance to damage,
corrosion and water, new uses are constantly found for this raw material. It works well in the
construction industry as well as in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food, and cosmetic industries.
Social impacts of polyethylene
● With its properties, polyethylene has brought society with many products such as
insulators, packaging and more which are extremely useful for people to use in their
everyday lives

● Polyethylene is used in medicine, construction and many other industries. It also

provides a cheaper alternative to other materials and so brings benefits for companies
and consumers in society

However, with all of its uses and benefits to society, there are also many negative impacts of
using plastics such as polyethylene that can harm our society
With the rapid increase of the production of plastics, we also see a profound increase in plastic
pollution. Plastics such as polyethylene, persist in the environment for hundreds of years which
can cause detrimental effects to wildlife.
Although plastic pollution mainly harm wildlife, this also brings negative social effects
With plastics being present in marine environments there is an increasing presence of micro
plastics. About 54.5% of micro plastics are polyethylene.
Due to its low density property, polyethylene floats around in marine water and most of the time
is ingested by fish and other marine creatures.
These micro plastics also end up in the digestive system of humans who would eat marine
creatures who have consumed micro plastics. This creates a great concern on human health in
modern society.

Future uses of polyethylene

With polyethylene dominating in most of the plastic products, studies have shown that this
polymer could soon be used to make more sustainable fabrics than the now used cotton and
polyester fabrics. Polyethylene fabrics are able to be recycled and also take less energy to
make. Other substantial qualities of this future fabric is that they would also be stain resistant
unlike the fabrics we wear now as well as quick to dry.

Polyethylene could also help in future medical surgeries. Studies about how polyethylene glycol
could help in repairing a peripheral nerve injury, shows its increasing importance as a polymer.
This precise surgery would use polyethylene to help recover nerve conduction and could help
improve surgical treatment of these types of injuries. This is still being studied but could be a
possible use of polyethylene in the future.

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