Nolitha. st10085076.INRS7321. Assignment 1

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Introduction research: Assignment 1






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Table of Contents

1 research title ....................................................................................................... 1

2 backround ........................................................................................................... 1

3 Research problem ............................................................................................... 1

4 Relevance / motivation ........................................................................................ 2

5 research questions .............................................................................................. 2

6 research hypotheses / objectives ........................................................................ 2

7 theretical foundation ............................................................................................ 3

8 review of previous research ................................................................................ 3

9 concepulisation of key terms ............................................................................... 5

10 refrences ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

11 Reference List ..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



post psychological effects of gender-based violence

Violence against woman is prevalent not only in south Africa also worldwide and has
been overlooked for years. Thanks to social media and the growing number of
‘incidents’ there has been a rise in the amount of attention this matter really has
amongst people. as a growing issue in the word effecting many lives, I thought this
would be an appropriate topic to conduct research on. Growing intentional recognition
of these violent issues opens opportunities for possible elimination. However, it would
also be extremely beneficial for countries to also have their governments involved in
making budgeting plans and invest in action to prevent and respond to abuse. There
needs to be an emphasis on presentation, communities and group intervention
involving woman and men can easily shift discriminatory social norms.


Violence against woman does not always necessarily entail only physical violence it
is much broader. The term violence against woman means any act of gender-based
violence this is a growing problem amongst society and results which can also result
in not only physical, sexual or psychological harm it can cause a lot of suffering for a
woman psychic. The violence against woman and girls negatively affects a woman
general wellbeing. When looking at gender-based violence within our communities a
lot of debate and ‘talk’ can further lead to questions such as ‘what about men?’ or
‘what about men that have been abused’ then the conversation becomes a lot varied.
This conversation can be intricately linked to the statement ‘Black Lives Matter’ vs ‘all
lives matter’ within the BLM movement, when discussing topics such as these it is
particularly important to understand no life is above the other however it is especially
important to also have a clear understanding on those who are immensely affected.
When discussing abuse, it is more common amongst woman who are the victims yes
men also face gander-based violence and yes, their lives are just as valuable as
woman, however one also has the grasp the understanding that gender-based
violence is deeply rooted in gender inequality. Similar to the black lived matter
movement vs all lived matter government, when studying these phenomenon keep
this in mind when saying all lives matter or all genders matter as a response to the
bigger problem which is the fight for equality is like saying to fire departments all

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houses should be spray down all houses In a neighbourhood even though one house
is on fire simply because all houses matter too, yes your house matter BUT your house
if not on fire ?.


This subject I chose I found stimulating as it a general yet devasting part of our
reality. It all seems so fictional when we see it on the news or read articles however
the conversating takes a dark twisted turn when it happens to someone you know
now think about when you are the person who endured this type of abuse. Gender
based violence refers to harmful and distressful act at a person grounded on their
gender. One action, one hit, one mistake can lead to a lifetime of tears for a lot of
families. It is important to also have a more human instinct when we are dealing with
gender-based violence, weapons dirt kill people, people kill people. To get a better
understanding of GBV and mental disorders it id comorbidity and psychosocial
functioning among woman (S. Reese, D. Silove & T. Chey et al, 2011).


Based on the research as the reader ask yourself how does violence against woman
effect society and what are the post-psychological effects of gender-based violence?
The effects of physical abuse can often at times be exceedingly difficult to spot
especially when the victim know how to hide it, this is a very unfortunate case as there
are long term effects that can have a very negative impact on their lives (R. Mnjoo &
C. McRaith, 2011).


Furthermore, to answer the question presented above, the main causes of gender-
based violence in our societies is many young girls are often forced to pull out of
education as well as an increase In unemployment thus increasing levels of poverty in
a society. when woman within a community often feel threatened or at higher risk to
be a victim of any violence the community loses its sense of togetherness this leads
to the community structure collapsing and woman don’t find support and protection in
violent situations (A. Patel, S. Prabhu & N. Sciarrine et al, 2021). Woman often come
face to face with post psychological effects which include suicide, depression and

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PTSD when have been victims of violence which I will elaborate further in my


According to H. Lever, D. Ottenheimer & J. Teysir et al in their case review on

depression, Anxiety, Post-traumatic stress disorder and a History of Pervasive
Gender-Based Violence Among Women Asylum Seekers Who Have Undergone
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting it states woman who have gone through forms of
abuse proved in standard questionnaires high scores of anxieties, depression and
PTSD. In the case study provided there are high levels of metal health disorders form
woman who endured violence at some stage in their lifetime. Understandably so this
article asses the effects and causes of gender base violence which have damaging
consequences to an individual’s livelihood (H. Lever, D. Ottenheimer & J. Teysir et al,
2018). When studying this article as well as discussing gender-based violence it would
be recommended for government to invest in institutions like judiciary so that victims
are assisted and given the proper care they need.


The on argument in my discussion that is present is the mental health disorders

strongly associated with GBV. Violence against woman examines the deferent
types of violence are commonly perpetrated against woman, using these as a
basis I will distinguish five of this type of violence. Namely physical violence,
sexual assault, and stalking (S. Reese, D. Silove & T. Chey et al, 2011). Each of
these forms of GBV is strongly linked to metal health disorder amongst woman even
though studies fail to acknowledge the fact that woman who have experience one form
of abuse is more likely to be at risk in enduring of the other types of abuse. As much
as this has been an ongoing crisis in our communities for some reason there have
been little to insufficient attention to the status physiological functioning of woman
affected by GBV (D. Western, 2013).

psychological violence is any act of physical harm, an example of this hurting,

slapping, punching, and beating in extreme cases would be shooting or burning. This
can have short term effects with the victim such as injuries however can have long

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term effects for the victim such as broken bons and organs and other part of the inside
of the body.

Sexual violence is any form of sexual activity that is not consensual or wanted with the
involvement of bullying, manipulation and example of this is obviously
rape, harassment and exploitation is the most common. When in an intimate
relationship often, we feel entitled to our partner this brings sense of entitlement can
often focus on the inequality of woman which can lead perpetrators to commit acts if
sexual violence.

Stalking is another form of violence; this includes a person who actively investing in
another person which causes emotional distress and causses a sensible person to be
scared. Stalking is apart f GBV as it is unwanted and instructive towards another
individual livelihood.

One of the post psychological effects of woman face who have experienced GBV is
depression. There are several factors that contribute to the development of depression
amongst woman one of them being how woman perceive and understand the notion
of depression. when once has endured any form of abuse from an intimate partner
can seriously harm the victim as they are in a constant battle with one person who is
supposed to protect and care for them, this can cause a massive scar within its
victims? This can also have an effect of the victim’s confidence because they are also
constantly in a bottomless pit of shame and lack of motivation (N. C. Andreasen, 2022).

Domestic violence can also lead the victims in experience post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) when victims are exposed to extended period of violence. According
to N. C. Andreasen (2022) PTSD is a disorder that disoreder that normally occurs
when a person has gone through traumatic or dangerous situations/ evennts. People
who have been abused tend to be extermly wounded meotionally espececiallly when
its been occuring for a long period of time. When not properly treated properlly it can
cause more damage in a persons life.

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there is a specific checklist that woman who have expertise abuse / violent crimes
against them that privets tasks, practical advice for handling trauma it also sets out
specific types of emotional response to expects that offer a wide range of emotional
tools that woman ca use to better cope with events which essentially helps with the
healing process It is good to discuss these matters that concern our larger and more
global communities and also understand that people that affected are human meaning
that we also need to have a more humane way of dealing with such matters.

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A. Patel, S. Prabhu & N. Sciarrine et al. (2021). Gender-based violence and suicidal
ideation among Indian women from slums: An examination of direct and indirect
effects of depression, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms. APA psycNet, 13(6), 694-
702. Retrieved May 03, 2023, from

D. Western. (2013). Gender-based Violence and Depression in Women: A Feminist

Group Work Response. New York : Springer Science. Retrieved May 03, 2023,

H. Lever, D. Ottenheimer & J. Teysir et al. (2018, July 02). Depression, Anxiety, Post-
traumatic Stress Disorder and a History of Pervasive Gender-Based Violence
Among Women Asylum Seekers Who Have Undergone Female Genital
Mutilation/Cutting: A Retrospective Case Review. Journal of Immigrant and
Minority Health, 483-489. Retrieved May 02, 2023

N. C. Andreasen. (2022, April 01). What is post-traumatic stress disorder? Taylor &
Francis , 13(3), 240-243. Retrieved May 03, 2023, from

R. Mnjoo & C. McRaith. (2011). Gender based violence and justice in conflict and post-
conflict areas (Vol. 11). Cape Town : Cornell. Retrieved May 04, 2023, from

S. Reese, D. Silove & T. Chey et al. (2011, August 3). Lifetime Prevalence of Gender-
Based Violence in Women and the Relationship With Mental Disorders and
Psychosocial Function. Jama, 306(5), 513-521. doi:10.1001/jama.2011.1098

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