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What is a network?

A network, in computing, is a group of two or more devices or nodes that can

communicate. The devices or nodes in question can be connected by physical or
wireless connections. The key is that there are at least two separate components,
and they are connected.
A network consists of two or more computers linked to share resources (such as
printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The
computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio
waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
A network is a group of two or more computers or other electronic devices that
are interconnected to exchange data and share resources.
The four types of wireless networks -- wireless LAN, wireless MAN, wireless PAN,
and wireless WAN -- differ when it comes to size, range, and connectivity

Disadvantages of Computer Networks

 It can lead us to lose access to information very quickly. ...
 Work-life balance gets changed due to computer networking. ...
 The cost of computer networking is very high. ...
 Computer Networking can direct us to various types of distractions. ...
 It requires a specific type of setup.

What are the disadvantages of the network?

 Purchasing the network cabling and file servers can be expensive.
 Managing a large network is complicated, requires training and a network
manager usually needs to be employed.
 If the file server breaks down the files on the file server become
Five benefits of networking
 Shared Knowledge. Networking is great for sharing ideas and knowledge. ...
 Opportunities. Naturally, networking will result in opportunities. ...
 Connections. ...
 Increased confidence. ...
 Raising your profile.

What are the advantages of networks?

Files can easily be shared between users. Network users can communicate by
email and instant messenger. Security is good - users cannot see other users' files
unlike on stand-alone machines. Data is easy to back up as all the data is stored
on the file server.

The advantages of computer networks include resource sharing, improved

communication, and increased productivity. Disadvantages include security risks,
dependence on technology, and potential for network failures.

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