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Ujian Kursus TOEFL -

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Text 4
What is the main topic of the passage? *

defining the “Aesthetic Movement”

decorative arts in late 19th century


English influences on American decorative

arts in the late 19th century

The change in tastes from “Rocco and

Renaissance Revival” to the ‘Aesthetic
Movement” in late 19th century America

The word “integral” in line 1 is closest in *

meaning to …….




According to the passage, during the *
Aesthetic Movement popular carvings and
deep          modeling of earlier years ……..

were popular

again became popular


defined good taste

The word “elegant” in line 9 is closest in *

meaning to ……




According to the passage, the purpose of *
the Aesthetic Movement was to ………

induce proper moral conduct and actions

define what was meant by good taste in

the domestic interior

encompass Arts and Crafts as well as

ornament an decoration

define good character and contribute to

the betterment of society

The phrase “new attitude” in line 14 refers *

to ……..

including the early Arts and Craft

Movement as well

artistic reawakening

the Industrial Revolution

Rococo and Renaissance Revival

The word “denoted” in line 16 is closest in *
meaning to …….





Where in the passage does the author *

mention the influence of art and good taste
on          morals?

lines 5-9

lines 10-14

lines 15-20

lines 20-24
Which of the following can be inferred from *
the passage?

designers and decorators were mainly

responsible for starting the new attitude

the movement led to a higher standard of

morality in late 19th century America

the Americans considered the English to

be the arbiters of good taste

women, as keepers of the home, faced a

heavy burden

According to the passage, which of the *

following remained most important,
regardless          of influences from other

surface pattern

English opinions

good taste

Proper moral conduct and actions

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as *
a feature of the Aesthetic Movement?

shapes became less flamboyant

ornamentation became lighter in


forms were accentuated by colored lines

decorations focused mainly on furniture

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