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Software Engineering (BIT 317)/ Business Software Applications

(BIS 222)/ Software Construction (BCS 316), Principles of
Software Engineering (BSE 1102)

BCS 2.2/ BIT 2.2/ BIT 2.3/BIS 3.1/ BSE 1.1

Answer all questions
1. (a) Use relevant examples to help you explain the difference between a Computer Software and
a Computer program. (5 Marks)

(b) Use examples to help you explain the difference between Generic Software and Customized
Software. Explain circumstances which may prompt you to use Generic Software over
Customized Software (5 Marks)

(d) Why would it be necessary to follow Software Engineering Principles in developing Software.
When would you prefer to develop a software without the common Software Engineering
Principles? (5 Marks)

(e) What do you understand by Software Crisis? Explain briefly how a particular Software Crisis
would have been avoided. (5 Marks)

2. (a) Software is said to have a life cycle. Use examples to help you explain the validity of this
statement and explain the common phases of the Software Cycle and the expected deliverables
from each phase. (5 Marks)

(b) Select any two Software Life Cycle Models and explain how they differ. When would you prefer to
select one over the other? (5 Marks)

(c) Why is the classical Waterfall Model not often used while designing Software these days.
(5 Marks)

3. (a) Software does not wear out in the same sense as hardware. Explain the validity of this
statement and give examples to help you explain your answer. (5 marks)

(b) Explain the major techniques that are typically part of good software engineering practice and
explain particular instances where you would need to use any two of these techniques.
(5 Marks)

(c) Software Engineering provides a set of methods, a variety of tools, and a collection of
procedures. Explain what is meant by the words in bold (5 marks)

Wednesday 21 June, 2023

Wednesday 21 June, 2023

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