2022 - JRWang - ArXiv - Controlling Frustrated Magnetism On The Kagome Lattice by Uniaxial-Strain Tuning

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Controlling frustrated magnetism on the kagome lattice by uniaxial-strain tuning

Jierong Wang,1 Y.-S. Su,1 M. Spitaler,2 K.M. Zoch,3 C. Krellner,3 P. Puphal,3, 4 S. E. Brown,1 and A. Pustogow1, 2, ∗
Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Institute of Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt (Main), Germany
Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
It is predicted that strongly interacting spins on a frustrated lattice may lead to a quantum disor-
dered ground state or even form a quantum spin liquid with exotic low-energy excitations. However,
a thorough tuning of the frustration strength, separating its effects from those of disorder and other
arXiv:2209.08613v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 18 Sep 2022

factors, is pending. Here we break the symmetry of a kagome-lattice compound in a controlled

manner by applying in situ uniaxial stress. The transition temperature of Y3 Cu9 (OH)18 OCl8 is
linearly enhanced with strain, ∆TN /TN ≈ 10% upon in-plane compression of order 1%, providing
clear evidence for a release of frustration and its pivotal role for magnetic order. Our comprehensive
1 →

H NMR results suggest a Q = (1/3 × 1/3) state under unstrained conditions and further reveal an
incomplete antiferromagnetic transition with fluctuating moments in this strongly frustrated system.

Even after two decades of intense scrutiny, quantum applying uniaxial strain of order 1% we tune the exchange
spin liquids (QSL) remain an elusive state of matter [1– interactions and frustration strength in situ triggering a
4]. Apart from growing evidence for the importance of pronounced increase of TN linear with strain.
disorder [5–15], geometrical frustration is considered de- In the two Y analogs of herbertsmithite (kapellasite),
cisive to suppress magnetic order in presence of strong the additional charge upon substitution of Zn2+ is com-
antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchange interactions. The pensated, resulting in Mott insulators with a charge-
vast majority of QSL candidates are found in quasi two- transfer gap of 3 eV (U ≈ 8 eV [39]). In the case of
dimensional correlated electron systems with triangular YCu3 (OH)6 Cl3 this leads to an unstable crystal structure
[8, 16–21], honeycomb [22] or kagome [23, 24] lattices. – similar to GaCu3 (OH)6 Cl3 [33] it can be only synthe-
Herbertsmithite, ZnCu3 (OH)6 Cl2 , is an archetype real- sized as powder [35, 40] – while large Y3 Cu9 (OH)18 OCl8
ization of the latter symmetry [24] and has been intensely single crystals with slightly distorted kagome layers
studied over the last two decades [5, 24–31] – not least (structure shown in Fig. 1) can be grown by hydrother-
due to the exciting proposal of exotic superconductivity mal methods [34]. Both compounds exhibit AFM order
and Dirac bands in a doped kagome lattice [32]. Although at temperatures much lower than ΘCW ≈ 100 K; mag-
the latter scenario could not be realized so far [33], many netization, specific heat, µ-SR and neutron diffraction
related compounds substituting Zn by other bi- or triva- experiments yield TN = 2.2 K for Y-kapellasite [34, 40],
lent cations have been synthesized by now [23]. Among related with the observation of THz magnons [41], and
those, Y3 Cu9 (OH)18 OCl8 [34] (denoted as Y-kapellasite) TN = 15 K for YCu3 (OH)6 Cl3 [35, 40, 42, 43]. Despite
and YCu3 (OH)6 Cl3 [35] crystallize in the closely-related the apparent absence of a QSL state down to T → 0, dis-
kapellasite structure (see Fig. 1) and exhibit AFM order torted kagome lattices [44–47] came into focus recently
at temperatures TN ≪ J/kB ≈ 102 K. due to magnetoelastic coupling and the realization of
So far, most attempts to modify the frustration
strength focused on chemical substitution in order to ar-
(a) (b)
range the valence electrons in the above mentioned pat-
terns. While commonly physical pressure is applied to
tune electronic interactions, e.g. towards metal-insulator
transitions, hydrostatic compression does not directly af-
fect the lattice symmetry, unless it triggers a structural
transition. Recent developments in piezoelectric uniax-
ial strain applications at cryogenic temperatures [36, 37]
now provide us the opportunity to modify the degree of
geometrical frustration in a controlled manner. c
Here, we take full advantage of uniaxial strain to di-
rectly tune magnetic order in Y-kapellasite single crys- a a
tals. We characterize the magnetic properties by 1 H
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in a temperature FIG. 1. Crystal structure of Y3 Cu9 (OH)18 OCl8 (Y-
range 1.5–200 K and reveal strong spin correlations for kapellasite). (a) Cu2+ atoms (orange) are arranged in layers
T < 30 K. We find AFM below TN = 2.2 K that is con- parallel to the ab-plane. (b) Within the plane they form a

− S = 1/2 kagome lattice indicated by black dotted lines.
sistent with the proposed Q = (1/3 × 1/3) order [38]. By

(MHz) 16 4 1
H NMR Y-kapellasite 46 44 42 40 38 NMR Intensity
(a) B || ab H1 H2 = 41.68 MHz (b) (c)

B2 - B1 (mT)
200 K
80 1 MHz
NMR Intensity (shifted)

103 150 K 60 0 = 41.68 MHz

100 K 40 mean

run 1 80 K field fit
20 2.0
run 2 102 60 K
50 K 0
B sweep 1.6 2.0 2.4
40 K

T (K)
101 35 K T (K) 1.9
1 10 100 6K
30 K
T (K) 24 K
3.5 K
20 K 3.05 K
2.5 K 1.8
16 K TN = 2.2 K
12 K 2.15 K
10 K 2.1 K 1.7
8K 2.0 K
1.95 K
4K B0
1.70 K 1.85 K 1.6
B0 = 0.9789 T 3K
B1 1.55 K B2
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00 1.04 1.08 0.92 0.96 1.00 1.04
- 0 (MHz) B (T) B (T)

FIG. 2. (a) The 1 H NMR spectra acquired for in-plane magnetic field (B ⊥ a, B0 = 0.9789 T) consist of two peaks (H1 , H2 )
separated by 30–40 kHz. The lines exhibit successive broadening upon cooling and exceed the experimental bandwidth below
4 K, as seen by the deviation of the integrated spectral weight SW from the standard T −1 dependence (inset). (b) The spectra
below 4 K, acquired by magnetic field sweeps at constant frequency ν0 = 41.68 MHz, reveal a pronounced splitting into three
peaks below TN = 2.2 K. The separation between the two outer peaks (B1 , B2 ) increases to lower temperatures (inset) while
the central peak remains at B0 . The grey line indicates the spectrum at 6 K, which follows the frequency scale at the top.
(c) The false-color plot of the data from panel (b) illustrates the shifting of B1 and B2 as well as the strong broadening. The
horizontal bar corresponds to a frequency of ∆ν = ∆B/1 γ = 1 MHz.

non-trivial ground states such as pinwheel [48, 49] and AFM order setting in at TN , the ratio among the peak

− intensities provides insight into the details of the spin
Q = (1/3 × 1/3) order [38]. →

Prior to application of strain we carried out a thorough structure. Upon Q = (1/3 × 1/3) order predicted for
ambient-pressure NMR characterization of Y-kapellasite. a distorted kagome lattice [38], along a Cu2+ chain four
The magnetic field was aligned parallel to the Cu2+ successive AFM bonds are satisfied followed by two un-
chains of the kagome network, i.e. perpendicular to satisfied bonds. We point out that 1 H nuclei are ideal
the crystallographic a-axis; in the following, this in- probes of the local field at a bond as they are attached to
plane field configuration is denoted as B k ab. Fig. 2a oxygen atoms and, hence, are sitting between two neigh-
presents the temperature evolution of the 1 H spectra boring Cu2+ sites, as sketched in Fig. 3a. If the electron
(B0 = 0.9789 T, ν0 = 41.68 MHz), yielding two peaks spins are antiparallel, their local fields cancel out yield-
separated by 30–40 kHz above 4 K. At lower tempera- ing a proton resonance at B0 ; for parallel alignment, their
tures, the line broadening exceeds the experimental band- local fields add up to (subtract from) the external field
width such that the intensity (probed by integrating the yielding the NMR line at B1 (B2 ). Our Gaussian fits in
spectral weight SW ; shown in inset of Fig. 2a) deviates Fig. 3b indeed reveal an intensity ratio between B0 :B1 :B2
from the standard T −1 dependence. To resolve the en- sites of 4:0.93:1.07 that is close to 4:1:1 [50]. Overall, the
tire peak structure, we performed magnetic field sweeps spectral features of our NMR measurements are consis-

at constant frequency ν0 covering the temperature range tent with Q = (1/3 × 1/3) order in Y-kapellasite [38] and
between 1.55 K and 3.5 K (Fig. 2b,c). Below TN the motivate more thorough assessment of this model.
signal splits into a triplet: while the central line (B0 ) Apart from the splitting, the NMR linewidth (Fig. 3c)
remains unshifted, the two outer peaks (B1 , B2 ) move is subject to severe broadening. The full width at half
apart symmetrically upon cooling. As plotted in the in- maximum (FWHM) increases beyond the homogeneous
set, the separation B2 − B1 is consistent with the onset linewidth (πT2 )−1 ≈ 35 kHz already for T < 30 K, in-
of a broken symmetry, which is further illustrated by the dicating the onset of antiferromagnetic fluctuations, fol-
yellow-blue contour plot in Fig. 2c. On a quantitative lowed by an abrupt broadening at TN . Note, while the
level, the line splitting at the lowest measured temper- FWHM increases by two orders of magnitude across the
ature agrees well with a local field Bloc ≈ 60 − 64 mT studied temperature range, the spin-spin relaxation rate
originating from dipolar coupling between 1 H nuclear mo- merely varies by a factor two. The two-peak structure
ments and AFM ordered electron spins on the Cu2+ sites of the spectrum (T > 4 K) and the absolute values of
(see Fig. 1), which are at a distance 2.44–2.50 Å [34]. T2 are caused by proton-proton dipolar coupling since
While our observation of a line splitting evidences hyperfine coupling to the spin-1/2 Cu2+ sites is weak.

(a) B1

B ab
10 0.9789 T
2.0075 T
3.7420 T

B0 800
B c
|| 1 T
2 T

B || ab


5 T







(b) (c)

ν0 = 41.68 MHz
3 ν0 = 41.68 MHz
B1 B || ab 0
T = 1.70 K
10 100
B || ab
10 B2
T (K)
1/T1 (ms-1)

2 field sweep frequency


NMR Intensity

H1 0.1
H2 0.9 T [Imai]
1 TN
1 10
Y-kapellasite 1 10 100

0 0.01 T (K)
0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1 10 100
B (T) T (K)
FIG. 4. 1 H NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate T1−1 for B k ab
and B k c (inset). Upon cooling from room temperature, T1−1
FIG. 3. (a) Q = (1/3 × 1/3) AFM order predicted for a initially decreases towards a minimum around 32 K (orange
distorted kagome lattice [38]. Colored circles indicate location double arrow). Below that, the increase of T1−1 signals the on-
of 1 H nuclei in the crystal lattice of Y-kapellasite (cf. Fig. 1). set of strong antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, which result
(b) The NMR intensity (violet) at 1.7 K was fitted with three in a sharp maximum at TN = 2.2 K. Increasing the magnetic
Gaussian peaks corresponding to the 1 H positions (see color) field yields a reduced peak value and broadening of the transi-
in (a); their intensity scales as 4:0.93:1.07 (B0 :B1 :B2 ). The tion, consistent with specific heat results [34]. Above 4 K T1−1
spin-lattice relaxation rate (orange diamonds) was measured does not exhibit pronounced field dependence or anisotropy.
at different fields: T1−1 of the side peaks (B1 , B2 ) is ≈ 50%
smaller than for the central peak at B0 = 0.9789 T. (c) The
full width at half maximum (FWHM), extracted for the 1 H
NMR peaks H1 and H2 (T > TN ; see Fig. 2a) as well as for the magnetic field to 2 T and 3.7 T decreases the peak val-
three lines B0 , B1 and B2 emerging below TN (see Fig. 2b,c), ues of T1−1 and broadens the maximum, in accord with
exceeds the homogeneous linewidth below 30 K and shows a specific heat results [34]. As AFM sets in, relaxation
steep increase at TN . Note the different units of the vertical rapidly decreases upon further cooling. Throughout, we
determined the temperature dependence of T1−1 at B0 .
At 1.70 K we also measured T1−1 at the two outer peaks
B1 and B2 (Fig. 3b) yielding a 50% smaller value com-
Hence, we assign the pronounced line broadening below pared to B0 . The faster relaxation at the central peak
30 K to magnetic correlations in Y-kapellasite. indicates fluctuating spins – possibly a small portion that
Aside from T2 effects, the spin-lattice relaxation rate has evaded (or is not involved in) static AFM order. In
T1−1 is highly susceptible to the emerging magnetism. this regard, NMR measurements at lower temperatures
Above 10 K the 1 H relaxation rate of Y-kapellasite, are highly desired, especially at T ≪ 1 K.
plotted in Fig. 4, is of similar magnitude compared to To summarize the findings so far, the NMR properties
ZnCu3 (OH)6 Cl2 [51]. However, herbertsmithite exhibits →

are consistent with AFM order of Q = (1/3 × 1/3) sym-
a different temperature dependence with a maximum metry [38]. Moreover, Y-kapellasite features coexistence
around 90 K and steadily decreasing T1−1 upon cooling of fluctuating and static moments, in line with recent µ-
below that (magenta dotted line in Fig. 4). Here, we ob- SR results [40]. The spin-lattice relaxation rate is highly
serve a positive slope at high temperatures, likely related susceptible to the onset of magnetic order and exhibits a
to lattice dynamics, while below 30 K the relaxation rate sharp peak at the transition, making it a sensitive probe
increases upon cooling due to AFM fluctuations. Down of the transition temperature. Having identified its un-
to 4 K we do not observe pronounced field dependence usual magnetic ground state, in the following we apply
or anisotropy (measurements for B k c shown in inset of in-plane uniaxial stress to Y-kapellasite single crystals.
Fig. 4) in T1−1 . Through distorting the kagome lattice by compression
The onset of magnetic order yields a sharp peak at along the Cu2+ chains, as sketched in Fig. 5d, we directly
the transition temperature TN = 2.2 K. Increasing the modify the anisotropy of the transfer integrals t′ /t and,

hence, the exchange interactions J, J ′ and their degree (a)  (c) N
of geometrical frustration. u
In Fig. 5 we trace the change in transition tempera-
ture through T1−1 measurements at B0 = 1.81 T (B k a)
upon applying uniaxial stress parallel to the Cu2+ chains.
There is a clear enhancement of TN with approximately 1 mm
linear dependence on the applied strain, which agrees
with calculations of Heisenberg AFM ordering on a dis- (d)
torted kagome lattice [52]. Our results on two samples Y-kapellasite TN
consistently reveal an increase of transition temperature ε )
by almost 10% for compressive strain of order 1% parallel 0.0
to the kagome layers. How does this compare with the 6 -0.7
modifications expected for hydrostatic pressure of simi- -1.1 in situ  !"#
-1. o$ %&')*+ ,-/0123

1/T1 (ms-1)
lar size? For comparison, we consider that the superex-
change is proportional to t4 /(∆2 U ) and t ∝ r−4 , hence
1% reduction of Cu-Cu distance should result in an in- 4 10
crease of 16%. However, this is a large overestimate, be-

cause in real materials the crystal lattice adapts mostly (

by changing bond angles rather than bond length [53].
Thus, we conclude that the major effect arises from re-
leasing frustration of the kagome lattice. 2
Let us assess the observed strain-tuning effects in the
context of other materials where the structure impacts 0 -1 -2
the magnetic properties. In ZnCu3 (OH)6 Cl2 , indications ε ) B0 = 1.81 T
of DM interaction [24, 29] and even symmetry breaking 0
[54, 55] have been reported, likely related to magneto- -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
elastic coupling [56]. Hydrostatic pressure yields an ∆TN (K)
emergence of magnetic order [57], but also a field-induced
spin freezing was reported [58]. The compound stud- FIG. 5. (a-c) For NMR experiments under uniaxial strain a
ied here shows structural similarities to the ’pin-wheel’ single crystal was glued between the two arms of a piezoelec-
kagome structure of Rb2 Cu3 SnF12 [48, 59] and a Bar- tric strain cell (a) and, subsequently, an NMR coil was wound
lowite polymorph [49]. To that end, Y-kapellasite is around it (b,c). (d) T1−1 was measured for B k a upon uni-
likely frustrated in a different way than Herbertsmithite axial compression of the kagome lattice parallel to the Cu2+
or Kapellasite, which both exhibit an undistorted kagome chains (sketched on top right; cf. Fig. 1). Inset: in-plane
strain of 1.5% results in a considerable enhancement of the
lattice – at the expense of severe Zn/Cu antisite disorder
transition temperature by ∆TN /TN ≈ 10%.
[6]. Finally, an indication for a structural involvement in
the magnetic degrees of freedom is the onset of spin fluc-
tuations below a recently discovered structural anomaly
in accord with theoretical predictions [52]. Through a
at 32 K [60]. An intriguing scenario could be that this is
controlled release of frustration, our findings evidence its
the onset of nematic order below a crossover at T ⋆ ≫ TN
crucial importance for correlated quantum magnets and
predicted for a distorted kagome lattice [52]. Extending
spin liquids, opening the door for similar studies in tri-
our present strain-tuning experiments on Y-kapellasite to
angular, honeycomb and other kagome materials. The
higher temperatures would enable direct scrutiny of this
pioneering strain-tuning approach presented here is ide-
issue and thus remains a desideratum for future work.
ally suited to resolve the magnetic ground states of ex-
To conclude, we performed comprehensive 1 H NMR
isting materials, and to discover novel exotic spin phases
investigations on Y-kapellasite as a function of temper-
beyond state-of-the-art theoretical frameworks [2, 4].
ature, magnetic field and uniaxial stress. Under un-
strained conditions we find spectral evidence for AFM

order of Q = (1/3 × 1/3) type below TN = 2.2 K in this
distorted kagome compound. Clear signatures for AFM METHODS
are also seen in the linewidth and spin-lattice relaxation
rate, which are dominated by proton dynamics at ele- NMR experiments were performed using variable
vated temperatures while magnetic correlations become temperature 4 He cryostats and superconducting mag-
dominant below 30 K. Based on this characterization, nets. At T ≥ 4 K magnetic field and frequency were
we applied in situ uniaxial stress parallel to the kagome fixed according to the 1 H resonance condition ν0 =1 γB,
layers, resulting in a linear increase of TN with strain, with 1 γ = 42.5774 MHz/T, as the proton NMR spec-

trum was resolved within the experimental bandwidth. port with sample preparation by G. Untereiner is kindly
Due to excessive line broadening below 4 K, the NMR appreciated. A. P. acknowledges support by the Alexan-
intensity started to drop below the expected T −1 behav- der von Humboldt Foundation through the Feodor Ly-
ior, as illustrated by blue circles in the inset of Fig. 2a nen Fellowship. Work at UCLA was supported by the
that correspond to the integrated spectral weight (SW ) National Science Foundation (DMR-2004553).
of the NMR spectrum. To that end, at T < 4 K the
H spectra were acquired by sweeping the external field
in dense intervals around B0 = 0.9789 T. As illustrated
by the black diamonds in the inset of Fig. 2a, the entire ∗
NMR intensity was recovered in these field-sweep mea-
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