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Problem and Repair Adjective Checklist


You work in a technical trouble-shooting department for a civil engineering consultancy. Make an assessment of the
problems below from the notes you took. For quick reference for your computer files, you need to find 3 adjectives
describing the six problems in the profiles below. Decide if the adjectives describe the problem, the damage or the
object (structure or machine). Write 3 adjectives in the boxes describing the problems and then read the 6 plans on
the next page that have been drawn up and then decide which plan should be applied to which structure.

Aging Antiquated Cheap Chipped Corroded Costly Complicated Critical Dangerous Defective
Derelict Extensive Faulty Flawed Fragile Frequent Impractical Inaccessible Ineffective
Intermittent Insignificant Irregular Irreparable Irreversible Lasting Leaky Limited Local
Loose Lopsided Major Mismatched Minimal Minor Neglected Old Out-dated Permanent
Peripheral Profound Recurrent Rundown Rusty Serious Severe Significant Slight
Soggy Structural Superficial Systematic Teetering Trivial Uneven Unequal Unimportant
Unsalvageable Unsound Unstable Unsymmetrical Warped Weak Widespread Wobbly

West Walton Metro System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grunty Fen TV Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This metro system has been in use since
the early 1970s and has served the citizens This 200 metre tall transmitter mast was
of the city of West Walton very well. completed 40 years ago and has
However, it is now time to modernise this provided an excellent service to the
system. New trains have been bought, but area. The TV and radio reception in the
on a test run last week, it was discovered that the doors were area is exceptional. However, when the
lower than the platform in some stations which could cause a mast was built, the weather in the area was very
serious accident or injury to the passengers when boarding or different. This was not an area of strong winds or
alighting from the trains. The new trains have been mothballed extreme cold until recently. Changing weather patterns
for the time being until a solution can be found and old rolling have seen some serious gusts of wind that have started a
stock has been recommissioned to ensure the service for, what potentially dangerous swaying of this concrete tower.
is hoped, a temporary period. There have also been some heavy build-ups of ice on top.

Walton on the Nene Flood Defences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gorefield Sewer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When these flood gates and walls were This sewer system was built more than
erected in the mid-70s, the solution to the 150 years ago and is finally starting to fail
sporadic floods that had started to plague the on account of the expanding population in
town was considered to be more than the city of West Walton. The rehabilitating
adequate and the system has experienced few process would be easy to do if the soil in
problems, that is until 6 years ago. The defences were this area was just normal earth. However,
overwhelmed for the first time and every year since then, there while the topsoil is solid enough, the local river basin and
has been at least one evacuation in the town centre as the river
marshes have had their effect. The soil around the pipes is
has threatened to flow around the walls and gates, inundating
basically mud and trying to widen the tunnels would result in
the sewer system and road drainage scheme to push through into
cave-ins. There are drier areas to the north of the city, and
the centre, flooding homes and businesses. We need a solution
fast, as the damage to the local economy will be unsustainable. renovation work has started there but the local city
engineers are worried about how to proceed.

The 100 Year Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walton Airport Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This bridge was designed to last for only This revolutionary wooden design is the
100 years as it was deemed a temporary second largest wooden structure in the
solution only. As it goes, the bridge is world. This whole section of the airport is
now 112 years old and, despite some built in composite wood material and held
slight problems on account of its age, it could last another together by a special resin. The building
couple of hundred years or more if the refurbishment is itself attracts tourists to the area and has
done well. The main problem is the load calculations, as won several prestigious awards. However, one large area of
the bridge was built when most traffic on the road was the lounge is now out of action after the roof started to leak. A
horse-drawn. Although traffic over the river remains light, preliminary investigation discovered that a large external area
there are plans to build a large shopping centre near the on the roof had been coated in a supposedly waterproof resin
bridge which will bring in a heavier volume. The structure that had been incorrectly mixed. The resin has succumbed to
is sound enough but the abutment is not designed for the weather and there is extensive water damage which has
heavy traffic flow and the terrain around it is rather soft. caused part of the roof to rot and allow rain to leak through.
The Water Gate Plan (Cheap and easy) The Maintenance Friendly Plan (Upkeep)

This device is cheap and easy The problem with this

to deploy. Manufactured in structure is not so much to
Canada and used in an area do with the ground around
of frequent flooding, the the river rather than the fact
Water Gate has saved the that it was not designed with
lives, properties, and regular maintenance
schedules in mind. The soft ground at the abutments
economies of myriad communities in that vast
can be rendered safe using piles or a series of
country. Made from a tough plastic, the gate uses
supporting rods to cope better with traffic vibration
the flow and weight of the water to self-deploy.
and reduce settlement with the resulting sinking of
The weight of the water holds down the base and the abutment and inevitable movement and damage
the force of the current lifts the wall to block the to the deck. What really needs to happen is the
rest of the flow. These large, collapsible, and easily upgrade of components of the abutment to be more
stored mechanisms can be quickly installed in an in line with modern safety standards. Replacing
emergency and are very cheap to buy. The concrete parts with more flexible steel supports and
instructions are simple and training for their use is neoprene bearing pads can be done cheaply and will
given free via an online course. facilitate future maintenance or restoration work.

The Vortex Protection Plan (Spiral into control) The Sticky Plan (A fresh coat)
The movement in the If not treated soon, the damage to
concrete mast is easily the roof is going to be irreversible.
resolved by technology It isn’t even necessary to examine
designed to combat vortex the structure to see that this is a
shedding. Breaking up the severe case of “wet rot,” and the
wind-flow by using irregular timber has been eaten away by the fungus known
shapes built around or into the outer concrete lining as coniophora puteana, or “cellar fungus” in
will do the trick. Wind flow in the area is still pretty layman’s terms. We would need to erect a second
gentle when compared to other areas but if weather roof above the affected area and then treat the
patterns continue to change it would be wise to wood with a fungicide or replace those parts that
prepare the structure for much greater external are too badly damaged. We would also need to
forces. There is an aeronautical company very close to recoat those areas with the correct solution of the
the structure that is an expert in this technology and
resin and leave enough time for it all to dry before
we have worked with them on similar projects before.
removing the temporary second roof. Because of
They have the most effective cure for vibrational
safety concerns, the affected areas of the lunge
loads on the market and, in terms of logistics, are the
would need to stay closed to the public.
most rational choice.

The Raise-the-Ground Plan (Cheaper but tricky) The Cryogenic Plan (A cold initiative)
The answer to this Although the machinery used
conundrum may sound would pose a significant cost
tricky but it’s been done to the project, the idea of
before. We could raise the creating a “freeze wall” has
track at the affected been floated around during
conversations on the
stations by three
renovation project. If the mud
centimetres. This was done around the tunnels could be
successfully in one underground station in London a frozen, the excavation and removal of the material would
few years ago when new trains were introduced, be so much easier. This would also provide greater ground
and the whole operation was completed in just support for heavy equipment on the surface above. The
under 12 hours. The complicated part will be doing ground freezing process involves drilling and installing a
the same in three different stations with no room series of relatively closely spaced pipes and circulating a
coolant through these pipes. The refrigerated coolant
for error. Using special plates, extra ballast, and
extracts heat from the ground, converting the water in the
brand new tracks, the old track can be pulled out mud to ice resulting in an extremely strong, impermeable
and replaced using a rapid deployment system, the material. As the freezing process uses an entirely closed
whole operation could be done in only 9 hours. system, no chemicals can pollute the local water table.

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