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Two men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all

at once, a huge Bear crashed out of the brush near them.
One of the men, thinking of his own safety, climbed a tree.

The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone,

threw himself on the ground
and lay still, as if he were dead. He had heard that a Bear
would not touch a dead
It must have been true, for the Bear snuffed at the
Man's head awhile, and then,
seeming to be satisfied that he was dead, walked away.

The Man in the tree climbed down. "It looked just as if

that Bear whispered in your ear," he said. "What did he tell

"He said," answered the other, "that it was not at all wise to
keep company with
a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger."

Forest- did the story happened

huge bear- crashed out from the bush when the two travelers went to the forest

He threw himself on the ground and played dead- the reaction of the one of the travelers when he saw
the bear coming near to him.

Not all friends are trustworthy- is the moral of the story

The bear snuffed the traveler and seemed to be satisfied that he was dead- does the picture show
about the bear

One of the travelers abandoned his friend when they faced a great danger- the picture show about the

Animation- This is the process of making a static image that looks like it is moving

Video- This is defined as the technology for capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and
reconstructing moving pictures, electronic signals or digital media, primarily for viewing

Text- One of the basic elements of multimedia. It conveys information to the audience, tells stories and
describes things, interprets graphics and charts.

Sound- Multimedia means the use of more than one sound system in communication.

Sublimation- is not a multimedia elements

Multimedia- This refers to the application and technologies that includes text, data, images and sounds

The man will remove his coat- The wind blew strong gusts of air so that ___________________.

He felt so warm- The man took off his coat because ___________________.

There are no classes- All the school doors are locked. You cannot see teachers and pupils around.

so he took out the garbage- Ryan's pen ran out of ink

so he went home- Joe didn't feel well

Many people think that they can get sick by going into cold weather improperly dressed; however,
illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are caused by germs. So while shivering outside in the cold
probably won’t strengthen your immune system, you’re more likely to contract an illness indoors because
you will have a greater exposure to germs.

People get sick- Which among the sentences below state the effect in the paragraph above

People do not have healthy immune system- Based from the paragraph above. Which of the following
sentences state the causes why people get sick
Rita is a hardworking pupil- Rita studies her lessons every day. She gets perfect scores in her test. She
makes her assignments and submits her projects on time

I brushed my teeth (effect)- I awoke in the morning and ate breakfast. I could feel the food stuck in my

I went to the park (effect)- I went to the park and I got to play with my brother

My brother gave me a math book (cause)- My brother gave me a math book because I am not good at

because it was raining (cause)- Bob put up his umbrella

so she can enjoy reading (effect)- She reads every day

but- Before, classes were done face-to-face learning ______today the learning modality used is Modular
Delivery Modality due to the pandemic that we are experiencing right now

as much as- The schools today and in the past are _______ similar in a few ways and different in some

Both- _______ household partners and teachers have vital roles and responsibilities in the Department of
Education during this pandemic

But- As the school year starts, pupils before have a learning room _____ now pupils are not allowed to stay
in the room and their parents are the ones who are allowed to get the modules of their children in the

on the other hand- ______________the schools in the past and today have similarities and differences in
the effectiveness of learning.

Evaluation- judges the possible or real results of the solution and may offer a future recommendation

Pollution affects the quality of life- is not solution to pollution

Online learning and modular approach were used as the new learning modalities- is a solution

Schools were closed worldwide to prevent the spreading of virus- is a problem

While- Riding on a bike was Tina’s past time ________Fiona’s past time was reading novels.

Situation- is the background information of the problem

Becoming sick of respiratory disease (problem)- More and more children in the neighborhood were
becoming sick of respiratory disease, so the barangay officials planned out some actions

Air around become cleaner- So, the people were encouraged to plant more trees and other plants in their
yards in order that air around would be cleaner
Smoking cigarettes harm the health of children (problem)- Since smoking cigarettes harms the health
of children, smokers in families were advised not to smoke inside the house
Offensive odors post hazard to mankind (problem)- Offensive odor post hazard to mankind so families
were told to use water-based paints, odorless detergents, unscented soap and other mild cleaning agents

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