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ignment Wort \ o/| s s 5 Oa lhe Cre fhe _citterent types Oh atomatian 2 Cbhere crobortt. fal Qutamation 2 Diccass 2 Bus = There (are Three es OF Outemotion. @ firec! Gut maton © Leribe — utometion © _prqrammoble Outamotian = " ae = ee = To bs} O a |__| ee Ss o% a8 6, | Projrammebl procluct \eriety 4) Lixeol Ciutomotion .? = Tenis. Usesl hem Volume OF — procluction ts high fheretore It is Copp? T x : a to _ _Chesign cially _Cguipement | pro avafhe, ae ace ery ~elhiltently | 2 dun igh" Prrctiichon — Catt Dad, on MGR! ERA eal Sfp ie Hohl. EeeS “Ountinuous Plois Fuze Pi ee tiaras ohh oS lara OA. Hes . reals Deion Cu seems (Gnd) 11458 — ee 19g shen. — ——— a ae nil naan product Noriet: — — +— © | High proctucton Yate . = o high ‘ni ti nVestment + E : lo fool Set & aa reg aires. ah ling femme Pixel. i 3) Plexihle Au (Bogor ea = Blexible ctomation ypical|: Consists Gre /ndtrConpecteof Of Zoork I {Chastions: Hat Ore [nterconnecdect| by” f atedo, andclling- _Qno oragl \ ‘ OO”. ipment o Proce. OlEferen . Product Configuration At the Same L ime On the Came TdenyFactyany- + . Systm fe ‘i Je . + A Central Camporer fs Usech L . i @O REDMINOTE9 easy | oe . Jeatures i— Se et ee itoble for Con tinuous _proclactia \Vorble Nrectucts Paexible jn Ciscom mactehing—y por ole sign Yoriation- Ttedlium _proctaction fees. Jinimam tool Setup De fiigh foitiol fnlestement for Custom Lozineege — Cguipment . on Droqgran mab le utomebon = Set (Se Used When fhe Velame LOf proctuction fs _Felafivel aa a Lpheséd _/: a Varlety GO to he _Inoole . i > gntbis type Of Cutomotor he procluction Oguipment 's Chesigned to he cacloptte/ to _Vorlotion fn _@ ee Conkigy ra t1or) - This ee ‘lity feature 3 accepted hy- Opesating the equipment ex she Ge Of Mo apo instaochion bet Ae “Lek = @O REDMINOTE? CO Al QUAD CAMERA Page covvccveror Devire Qn (aL isterter Iredspo N Also ASCu Dts. SO Gdbrng. ys i a 5 = Ko hot 5 Tears Of Ongipeerxin i het (nvlolves the ConCepting- _clesian i _| Mang facture nel Operation af croho | This field Overieps ith ehefroniis | = ompudter Seine OAdtBicol fotet lignes 4 Daechatronic Manotechon Lio Gnd | hdoenzineegine . e Indu nia! tobe t ners , Ah nob)usteial. Kohotieua Ypmre- | mmake multLunchonel Paanipal afer AreSigneo to ove _rmatewal , parts Pool: ae pecial _ Olevica, bro 4g 5 Vanofle ae notions — Jerr Ae pexforman ce OF 2 Gis Mordbhge OF ask. Z | Basic mpone: eee ts {Beal Fi fecher- * | Mani pulator- 1 * | Actucgs - - - - se ~ = Cortroller . 2 soo s Yes cos al @Q RED! CO AI QUAD CAMERA ee >| Enel BFfector ‘ i, Sa Pe a. the end efbettor 15 ep DY. | Sree 10 lian ga — ian ipulator + “i Se ania/ba. Pde suindiatics frets tt “| Gequ toed Lask. KS _ ey Pea) seri ofnr Ss Ae her Contzollecl F lag the obot' wh fro ler Ir é | Gentroller Communicate Catt Fe Le On ofbecbr __Controllin ule Gath a Ee | A = Manipulator ?= \ (Meanipuletor is the Combination OF Dhecha- nical linkage Connecteol by Joint | fo Lram On. Open- loop fkifermatic Chain Cs e Panipulofor Is Capahle CF mevemen in Vadious AxrvecHon . | RThe folot Of. He monfputafor — frracluce | ; 2 } : opdhe eee G etervthat “fpagh "> . pexbormed. Hphasugh the Grol a Tae a Co hle (5 Connectacl Lap | | Paanipulator. ot Sarge on i : i he actuches Gre the drives Used atte et DMI NOT! 1 ini ; = Be Decl ce! ela ep Sro donee ae —_— A | _MeHon” hetween the twa Linke! Of Joint. . os |ta Short bey. Ox 2 PhirSeles | SGP a phe Manipulator = ae | Lhe Common types Of ctuaters t= a * Servomoter ° = S eper Motor - a] * Dnumatic Clinger: 4 ° ty dralic Gyltnolers i os e ZEA Controller i= | = |The Contaoller Qecbives the instoucton from Be. processor Ff. a Compafor al Gnd Contao/ the Potion OF he Qctuotor take. Peed back from n th chtor- = Sensors 2o8 = the Sensor Gre Llsecl fr Cellect on Information about the Seti. OF + an ijpalator __ Anal he nol ebhectexr = ic Can he ctane Cantinuously- Om a ¢the “Bnei pf fe clesiracl monon i tipn esr lon B | ain San Ae *lxlon Visual Sensor i Atait Shoide © lnosition Censor + Veloctt LPS OO — Zextile = Sensor —___*__ 7 *VSual Censor i Ty Comera \ffsio Uy chem. Charge. Coty KE lel Xr rae ae a ie probeceay= Urs. e/a menace the_| Cob ot hich Calcutate the. Proton OF a Jointa So 3a. achive Phe besirect action Of +40 ohot ep me Or rt Oignal__ to on Proller Meceive ey ce) ee, Centodller Fic pro yo fos Gr (Gain | Clecticated +40 Single puapos Cor tioare 2 These Qre Fenewally ree Groups Of REtaIeFe. Pherae ee) aioe Qohot Operative 4 tem ¢ Gin piper ot So tinea Tons Alpplication — Drogromme _pexiphe ro = eves. lConksuxoton , Discuss On Dow Canaan types OL pohot on __neot Sheth. He Tepes OF pasic (ConPuzuaohion Ot Qrobot <<. 2 i elelele 4 Carlesion Contiguwation Lohot - Cylingrical Cen ‘ugurotton HMobot * Dolor Conkupguration Lobot [Spherical J Axticulatecs jointed Gre] Cenfaguteton Aohot . | Carfesion CenFuguration Lohots *= (Corkesian (onfuguxation Xobot —— asap Oe [Op ae | provides doce lineax Is Alone ree a alter pa perpaincbicilar eee Fe a: here fs - Jottan- 4 _——_—__— — Sa fiero ie IG) Pawetizing- ns ewe ee fo. acls i icine jh ene l ALD bese New Dork Volame I ie erm my a Fevers fo Lhe ~ Qeare Golthta— (p Alch \ Ste Gobot Can Mmanipalar [te Cart: L Cand. ~The ‘envention Of C/sing- Lhe (ovist Ord to _alePine/ the _Wobots NQoork:Volumb. 1sy Golo pteof fo avok tte Complication Of Olifherent ides __| Of ened CFecfor phot ehh ibe QttaChed the obo ' La vist 8 ihe | Ond Chechen eaeya eyion 4 to the besic Qobot Qn - Choulof mot 4e _ Countec/ opel hols. (boring Sa type Gf Joh, Te i, ar Moe ih Al QU. eS a L 07? —— fhe Limits Of He Fobot's faint [rovements _Clepencling= Gn Ae_Conkugitrate Ondo Sie Of He ~ link. mn of _Carist Joint (@ohot Con Oreach @ Collection 2 Points Calteol _ Coarkspace 5. ‘that oto ee ean hy. Spee Of Potion One [dae Cancry ings O fa hf of dkepot 2 ns |—4 Speco/ OP Pyohon im = [Greee/ OF Cour Je fermine. ow Juick Lfhe ob Cen Accom lish aq Given ox Cycle Sepa: Genetca thy. Clesigoble in P&octucton f a oi fhe Cech» ae encase co Biven ask. erly al) Yobot: Aove Same poéan x Qobich Cooly ustment F8 Cpeeol. C Be, fe Male - Telermination Of tte most _clestroble 3 LpeeA + fn _Crofelition fo merely larttompting-— qo ainimise fee mel ee ime vould _atlsp Ctepenel Oxi. _Othey — factors - [fhe Cecwacy- (oitn [obich fhe Onda : Pyust bes itonedt- gl tl | Paenipala for tate te eae ae ~$ ie ia geal jp_—Oa_Inwerse Melati. hip beter Crcegr 4 eeof Ed eS a a Ap the hlects paovee! Ollso | ink luence the (Operation eee! Aeavier bfec can Greater inertia Cine Promentom2 nad “Abe *Fobot \Pruse — é rate! fore * Tour | fo ately. Hey Coith Laese | AFOTS . | =a es i GPace es a ° the eae Conkigora on _.C onsdurchran a lobrive yg Stem ea é Vea - \Carrwin Capacity. OF (iio; ° ‘0. Cpa) ig iC (Cn etez ae Concli'tion Sb et the crohots* Ce ee Lasethect osifian a £ be the C. — @O RED i co hat Z os r Oe Isr Coke i ——e Cxtension.. ce | [he pugley. Leught- = Carrying a me. | 1 lnalustocal yobots ronge Tn SAAN Oe ee A. Age for the Ina) robots __Up ize at Pleximum x 100 keg. en Exi- The Small Qscembjy- Fobot a5 the cuker /Lo “hate Leeight Cormuns- Capahilitie Of proximate Gi few Kg 6. Clbat cto You /nean by Actua tg Case, poecisian Of Moment fa dobotes + — | Accysacy t= *| Acturacge Yefer Zo abot’ Ability position (Wg >.Gorist nl Qt __@ Aeairecl _farget Point Ceithin the | plorkVolume ZO. ga 7 es — ‘al Delle Because Phe bility. to! Cichive* a faye t__ Point Nepends— On ow ee fhe Otabot Cap the ee eee anes ees feat : \— aes pe ed oz especie A i) ie ee ES | __|Grepeated. fosks— pa fe je in ae care iE pene ol L: [neastixe of — if 5 Bility E to _position —C2nef Ores Oe, a eblector the leslie - eri fan Cane ies — SAGE e Line Precision a Pancho i OF hee Lat Ure; + 1 Coafia evo et? @. ‘ 2-| Accuyoty L 3. tabi lit . Hep ectability. 4 Ost \Disca jaye type Of Lobot Controls. ‘i ? Abs sx | = Control Ay Stems a tn Creer fo Operate Qo ot anust have G__mean Of Con fx ee Ctrive tem Poffo ly. Qregtlatech - nites ofOn . = Bow Fypes Ob tobes Cant Sslem ] 49.c&_ _Wobot faith Point - ¢ / on ae o_Polnt f ee 9..| Dlaysock. ohoies (vite op unape Path Centzol . 4. | Tntelligen Qobor z |Aicnidecd - {eptene filer Almifted- e Mobote s le mo Cerve Rosi fe indicate cle tive : Position. invOP Softe »Jofnts 1 »Tosteaof* foe] Been Ae 120 o colle bz thin “9, Ceortch Ono Traechonice Bh do CStabtish Lactpoint ‘oO. tro Vel tor Cach Of cle joints: Petobil: ) hing the Dositlons Onos Sequence Gad: es ops. inVolve: mechanical Setup 2 +he__ [Menipulator Croter. hat (ohot _pivgzamming - Tre stypiiS RX oBo x | Application .* Or. yecorHe oA 2 pdte Dy s @O REDMINOTE 9 CO Al QUAD CAMERA + Figa tbs take Jeginala lectern lon” Gnsars tata ‘Tewerved from The perutions. “The Qobets in jg Close hate Ht. Capacity Jo Comaunicote Haring. Ae ark Cecile leith human beigng-. Application !— Pscembl: dashes Tace_Lotlcling eration te. 8) dd Disca Castension Corxdinate pobets gaa Cel¢, Pizgerre . rdesion Confugurotion (robots 17 Socom in Pig» Pzovicte tore ear Mmotans inhi cular @O REDMINOTE 9 CO Al QUAD CAMERA obot £- oy “in otsical + 8 Ppeplications t- @_Loacling L Cnloadng- ms achin fools. Du Clhat lo_you mean by: (aohot Yodrdive, zr catisc 2 DDB Ex Delkin ins DRaramrrs Por _nclusatco/ Vohots. I> No Of Gxes i= 0 axes Qe Ceguite fn Geach ip fn _@ Plane wee Gocks + -7Fe Qequired to reach ang. point fn Space. (fo Pally. Control jhe _OrlentJation OL Hpe end lof the Gam Lie fhe Corist J Lfpreex more. kes (Yau, _pitsh re _orequirsecf » BUAWARySsC.o Sas SH Vu3WV) GvND IV QO 63L0NING3y O@ mci) |e : i oar : Bt | QDiscuss Varig us Z Bite _OF robotic _ iain = ratomadtions a) 9 3 = Serpe frocluchvity- - > a LL hI oy Of PIOesS te atone. Peeeo Lon improve. Deaths Of ~ Bors om Ateuracy- a feat olen 576g cg ena Dor =+ Compliance ( Suitob le Por DMankicturing] 7 Non _fnvo. a echono/eg > Jmpsove Cmploye Porol Loawarol. cay kinematic oer 3), Discu =mation. Tnverse_. ths:= |e Forward kine Patie _§— Gaiven to Set QF Joint _|ink _paramerr. Ae Drphlem Of Fincling- e foston Qnd Grientation QO. 0 _Crncl Of Peco r Ye) FOUN elena: fr AS __* [Dever Gwe spt ho knavia eee OF Pani pulator L- for Siven Position OF ano Orientation | Of end “ eflector_Gith respec LO _OQn 4 immobile Or /ngertial aeference _. Prame | _ | reference Prcne\ bien Geshe ae “We tend to erivects Io Porward — kinematic. rf ke / ne! i bt [4 Geouizec) to Ping) a Le Ce lol iabl xin Ae Enel. Chlector fn Speci Bea _pPasition Qnd Orientation fhig _15__Geferrec/ fo a inverse Or Qeverse kinematic Giving From Jo nt Shace to Berle Doare — WS Calle Lhe Pape) oo a. Onhite From — Goulet Space to Gln Space Va GOUCT 5 LO Verse Kinemeatte : @O REDMINOTE Fipisin He type OP [omak Volume toe (4) pst lin Brice! Dobot Ciz4 neat Shetch ee ns Conk Volume '— “The ork yolume I Aetermine dl by be Following : physical Chavachrstic OL fhe _ Graber. e Sobatic Physical Aue L e OF ‘join ¢guctuxve O 3 he Si2e of the booly- .O7m a "ae components. * (The Limit PF Be Flies joint _movemen i “ee “Confagurotién Gobot ier *). Cplinctrical Conkiguaaron tober - @ poles onhry1 10 Bobot - @ Atcaleleal— “Contagunction @obot %* | C¢lindxica onbguration Mobot = i onkguration obo. Bown gi ° F A2 a in hig Provioling wo linegrr Anof Qe. “ crotany motion . | kook OE Of Oylinelatca, z Olamé + abot 4 in opsical 2 ie w= Looting. f linloadinge ee Xe seis arene ak Prachine vals ~@O REDM ms a wo > : E¢ 8 @O REDMINOTE? CO Al QUAD CAMERA r Yemen Ouse CO Al QUAD CAMERA +The Slicer = "Crank Desh onisinfe-| oy ———jSimpie_Pechanical Avice that _——_——C4avert xotetonal Meton fatp ———Matien Gn vices Versa. /t Consist Of Cronk A _Connecting roof an a_ Slider Behe a Cronk ai Bo ei hak: z Comnectocd D LIOHEN - * |The Connecting C0eof is O Gigid Sink | Aat Connect the Cxan to the Lichex . Th Slider: a__Llock tthe “iter back _Qnof baths lpg Yaaight line Gilong. OG _Guicte Boll - +} Or it Causes # lode fhe Cranks Yotoses ead the. Connecting. Woe fo. move Je fin a Ciacalar TMetan i in tums. (Couses Phe Site ia ; Snave back —Cincl Pouath __1” lindins .mnatianessaclang” _abBE om _Gor xa [es @O REDMINOTE 9 CO Al QUAD CAMERA GQ. J IE Plata dhe = (ooa) ig pxincipl Of Verper ly0Fo: a a Robot clave 1 Neat eth. ‘ T Hing 2 > These Gre lalse | called a eeping ofoxrs t Con he Consiclerel as G Aigrtal _Clevice that proyi cles _Catpa in the Jrm OF — Oiscvede angular. Pot'on increment. 2 ———} => Tt fs Actucrtect exes OF Ofiscrete o_pulses. for” 2very. elechoical Impulse hore is Q Sing -Skp Botaten QL pre mother Melt . Steepor mnotor bre Usually Omployee for light _Cluet, (Qobotic Opplication + = Also these Motors Cre. Used «fA Opentoop System Leather than he Iolose Oop. Systera. Nee fee) ave AA chonieriac7O Cea) [te moter _position _— Speco. “The ¥ moter i s- _typicoll ge Coupled To g | gearbox Or — ofser mechanical System oP Scie fe. Cnmmiital SPU ee | _arive that Weteves Vgnals Prrom | a Contto, Sys tem » i pe Te oe: ai a2 Closed. loo 4 = |OQrlaol Systems Compare phe Ortual idfan af the mot (4h the _ofesired/ position. f f+ Ocljust he popper CQutput fo Wninimivee Qny emor. TE Lecel hor g [dechanicm = ical Consist OF & Potentiometer “'ar Bode that provicls “Posihmy — Leewback to she Ser Ver frie. 3 St The Detpae of fhe Serva mopr a / . a ft o. Such Cire OS onyon en Lert Fhe position. f_Specol_ of the Cr he - | Confarlieol = Precisely / big = 75: Glen agen T = he Servo (NOM rune aN Lo wee PD pliCod rn ss ts ero motor Cre” Grelely= seo) in Creoboric f aatomation Application Ave to their Xe cise Positioning. peed Contaps / ee) - a -_ aD, Capabi lite po ¥ a i appear of! Other capbo Cictua tor Bethy -as in Cale — PI achini 3D f. Other precision machinery. y. 3) Expl jn__the Loaking— Of De Popr as Corot olrive (bith their Oclvantage Quer the Other Lygpts. Bp alee eee Gorking- matipit OF a De Motor imlolves the ingraction bofaxen the magnetic Lieto! of the sta fo Gfictte Gotex.. @hin ar-Current 1F feof to fo. Phe Motors inching. QQ __magrtfhic Biel _f: Createot i o. -CainlingS, “The lmagnesic \ Hetol : i “(pith the magnetic Fielel Joe pormament Magnet On thé the to : fc eorrnunent 4, Se. 4 Tre De Moder Consist OF Ctarhr @ith a Binding. to Vober Gy a Perwant A Go} 2. A ity. ~~ OF the Curran Sppliep fo the mone: Winding a Ae. Gofor otafe Onsuzing Phat the rotor Continues +o _cratate ina Signgte AhreGon - e ofor a alk i 2 r Other Types OF Potor Wa tlucting °— | J x = Ligh £efictency t= DesMohr Are Aizbly- CLiictent Level: ranging. Pome D0 - 404 This means Shat they. Convert a large pertion Of tre elecafcal Chergy [nid Mmochanica minimin Onergy- Caste a edo dng Operating. (Qi i Sear nstruCHion Casy. p< sacral Me méeint nee Cost igh Osyue s— De PYorr pxovicse: Alas Pee. Ot aps, perf nak ns, them Boll Suitey Por applicotians “Hat Deguizes precise _Contyo! ven pecof. xf Poxtion - ilicte & nyo Oe Ces ower Jevef =~ De Plotor Qre _ Avew fab sin Griche* Tange OF Hae Ff Power Jewel, m Lhem Suitabke for G_ Variety OF Qobotic Opplications — Pram — Small hobby. Qobot. 10. orqe _InduSfaa| frobot @.4)- i opot Arve (ite thelr _aolvantages psi \, st apvilepe(? _Lxplain the (ocxking Of Ac Monr ols | Qvern the -btver type. ofr _Qre Cinather Pape L —— S$ = ese a Se —Glhen an Ac_Voltaze 14 _Gopplisel__te. “a ucla Ae. S¥a ror ie Oremmss or _orotet [2 5 Ej | hagnets Pie ‘bc fntexact Colts en a ie Poteet cc a S Cause ~o4e cotak recone Tx, Seco OF the Motor j: cleferrminoo{ by he. freauence CP the Ac Power ~ Source, hile Ake _Ofitection a | Qotation +. Clete ine by the ph se) Of the Ac Voltage =| Aclvantayes i= High “beliability. . ecluce fr op Ses Lmproved power Lactor. gh “(Cldvebility. ol Longer ike Chan QOo\e SZ Disaclwan tages ie @ C al eg ul 1 in fo. Operate & § Canfolling Ac DPIofor __- i j go if ich more Chatlengin @] 4 We. OF AGsmotor mae. int pef : \fo__Oitucition here Shere Js __Q_ ecaf—- | fbr high Jota, OTGLe . a ‘Applications sas! - Compute fans ff aj Conclipions , ie A i a | Pn | OO ya ns . oy Py Kohrive _ System : j the hasic SG) dices Ayctroudhc Sy, tem Used for Texans lator. anotor . J 4 ty frawlic Alrite Syston. LES [Qual Aydrautt rive Q I¥ GN Stal SHO Secfem ? © Dowex ydraulic Pdaching Jd A A Hycraulic Olzive~. System Cans’s¢ OF tthree Dart OTe Generator Tepe: Hyctruulic pump ] Obviven by Can —electxit rofor . , @ Nalyos ~ Biers . Piping etc [ fo Quiele cane_Contaol the Syskm sh The actuotr [ez a hyctroulit moter Cr Plyctrau Hinder J tox.» Gri o \ Machinery : wl ecars oF oN Loven lh a Components « een io Sh co. to: Pola th hgct¥aul/ 14 bel sua Aya voulis OQ See kL a i— Tf js Useof 7a Gemove Ary— _Particle $0 As keep the Ruel han fobicjent GSO actuator J Valees Clomage Sto fbLe Ws | Hyotrevulic yp i= Fs ; Used to fore tho ~ fluid ‘rom he xoeseaiore, <7 ORGIES? 2, en Aydraulic Crrcutt by- Convert, mech anica Onergy. into bydrauls Miers FL + | pressure fegulabor a = digit Ci adage tthe Beguire leve Of pressure sn Phe Apel rouse - f Veotirect the cers | | Plate bac. 0 Stavage Conk: . a | Gone) Vel a> = SOs heft RE a) THE. q (elisection _, Pressure Bt) BOLI IF: 1a Plas / 4. frtlyit- Lale (cosh g— AIOUP he Chreu’ | uly prin fh LC. Se. Convert the Pluie power fnto Imechanical Power fo lo UsuFaf Coon x be fz = (P70 fs Ve © evice —Ahe Pimp. ee Pumpiag- System '- Carley the Agctoeilé: rT Nae Place fo

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