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Science and technological advancements have now sparked innovation and new discoveries in a variety
of disciplines. There is a tendency towards environmentally friendly processing in the manufacture of
food products, in addition to the high market needs for the products involved. Among the goods under
question is the manufacture of cultured meat, sometimes known as laboratory meat. This meat is no
longer produced organically through farming on farms, but rather in labs and factories. However, this
cultured meat must comply with Islamic principles when it wants to be marketed to consumers Muslims
who are known to be among the largest consumers in the meat market. Cultured meat is a good form of
new invention and is able to solve the problem of lack of meat supply which is expected to decline. This
research will look at the concept of cultured meat in general, history and techniques used in the meat
culture process which are scaffold structure, self -organizing, and 3d printing. We will describe five
pillars of Halal Forensic related with the issues of cultured meat taken from animals that were not
slaughtered and bring the chain of evidence of the issues.

Keywords: Halal, Culture meat, Slaughtering, Halal forensic

INTRODUCTION cells can be classified into three stages: early

stages (Totipotent cells), intermediate stages
Cultured meat is one of the newest (pluripotent), and late stages (multipotent and
products in the world of nutritional science. progenitors (Hossam E. Fadel, 2007;
It is produced not through conventional Farzaneh and Bagher, 2011; Shahrul Hisham
methods of animal husbandry, but using et al., 2011; Anna and Kenneth, 2005).
laboratory technology. Scientists have used Totipotent cells are the most primitive cells
various terms to describe cultured meat. that can divide and differentiate to form any
Among the terms used are cultured meat, cell for the body's use and it is able to grow
cultured beef, lab-meat, lab-grown meat, endlessly until they form a human or a perfect
artificial meat and in-vitro meat. In Arabic, so organism. Totipotent cells are embryonic
far there are still no new terms used or cells that are still at the zygote stage until they
introduced by scholars. However, if the reach the morula stage, that is until they
English terms are translated literally, they can divide into 8 cells. Pluripotent cells are
be (artificial meat) (Euronews, 2014), (lab- simple primitive cells, and are formed from
grown meat, or (in-vitro meat) (al-Nisf, Totipotent cells that have differentiated.
2014). Pluripotent cells are usually at the Blastocyst
Stem cells are the basic cells of 210
different cells, which make up the human
Compared to Totipotent Cells, this
body, animals and plants. Stem cells are a
cell is able to renew itself (self renew).
type of cell that is able to divide and develop
Multipotent cells are the most differentiated
into various other types of cells. These stem
cells. That is, this cell is capable of dividing The first source is embryonic stem
and differentiating to form more than one cells, which are the right and best choice for
type of cell from a different cell lineage. producing cultured meat because of their
Multipotent cells can be obtained from ability to breed without limits (Zuhaib et al.,
umbilical cord blood (UCB), body tissues or 2001; Zuhaib et al., 2011). According to
organs, bone marrow and adult cells (ASCs). Adam May (2012), in theory, this single
Progenitor cells are cells that are only capable embryonic stem cell is capable of producing
of dividing and differentiating into only one meat that can meet the world’s human needs.
type of lineage. However, behind the advantages of these
ESCs, there are some obstacles faced by
Nowadays, stem cell research has scientists when using them, such as a lack of
begun to gain attention for use in the field of information about the ‘signal’ (cues) (Ali
food processing such as meat culture. Samadhikuchaksaraei et al., 2014; Kshitiz et
Cultured meat can be seen in several aspects, al., 2012), which is the factor that makes
namely the source, the production process, ESCs turn into muscle cells, the likelihood of
the medium and the final product. First, the becoming cancer cells that can lead to tumor
source of cultured meat must involve animal formation as ESCs grow and multiply (I.
tissue or stem cells. Second, the process of Plate and M. Betti, 2010), and its use in the
producing cultured meat is done ex vivo, that study and cultivation of meat is still bound to
is, outside the animal's body. Third, cultured ethical issues as it is taken from embryos
meat will be bred in a suitable medium. (Marloes L. P. Sophia et al., 2010).
Fourth, culturing meat will produce meat as
well. What differentiates between cultured The second source is Myosatellite
meat and conventional meat is in terms of its cells, which are one of the adult stem cells.
physical appearance which is more like ASCs can ‘transform’ into muscle cells and
minced meat. are taken from some types of adult animal
tissue (A. J. Agers and I. L. Weisman, 2004).
CULTURED MEAT PRODUCTION So far, myosatellite cells are the most suitable
PROCESS choice because they do not require any
external ‘signals’ to transform into muscle
Cultured meat is meat produced in a cells. In fact, these cells are already able to be
laboratory using specific animal stem cells separated from some species of livestock,
that are then placed in specific nutrient media such as cows, chickens, Dutch chickens, fish,
at optimal conditions suitable for growth. The sheep and goats (M. V. Dodson et al., 1986).
production of cultured meat can be seen in However, the use of these ADSCs has some
three aspects: the source of stem cells used, disadvantages, such as the fact that they
the technique used, and the culture medium. cannot be easily found in the bodies of
The stem cells used are divided into two animals (Zachary, 2013; and I. Tree and M.
categories: embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and Betti, 2010),
adult stem cells (ASCs).
Technically, only three of the few stated duration is seven days. Although this
procedures tried by scientists have succeeded approach promises meat culture that equals
in generating meat which are Scaffold actual meat, it still does not neglect
Structure, Self-Organizing, and 3D shortcomings such as the absence of blood
Printing are the three strategies used. arteries to deliver nutrition to the muscle cells
that are in the middle of the meat. If this
1) Scaffold Structure condition is left, the meat can become
poisonous (Benjaminson et al., 2002; R.
It starts with the separation (isolation)
R.Britt, 2015; Ian Sample, 2014; R. Dennis
of stem cells from the bodies of livestock
and P. Kosnik, 2000).
animals such as cows or goats, which are then
placed in a container or bioreactor with the 3) 3D Printing
proper growth medium, whether serum or
plant-based. The medium must have the same The technique was introduced by Dr.
environment, nutrients, and chemical Gabor Forgacs in 2011 (Stacy Lu, 2014). In
composition as the condition within the general, meat is a combination of billions of
animal body (in vivo) (Zachary, 2013; and I. muscles, fat, blood cells, and so on. Through
Tree and M. Betty, 2010). For a few weeks or a three-dimensional printer machine, the
months, these stem cells will multiply, grow ‘dough’ that will be used is the cells, which
into muscle cells, and attach to the frame are then ‘printed’ on a sheet of ‘paper’ that
(scaffold) placed inside the container or can be removed after the meat is ready to
bioreactor. These cells will ‘transform’ into ‘print’. (Vladimir Mironov et al., 2003;
muscle cells with ‘signals’ (cues) from the Peter Aldous, 2006). These cells, whether
existing environment. All these cells will be muscle, fat, or blood cells, will be bred in the
combined and can be processed, cooked, and culture medium as in the first technique.
eaten by humans (Adam May, 2012; p. E.
Sophia et al., 2003). Among the ISSUE INVOLVING HALAL
shortcomings of this technique is its inability FORENSICS IN CULTURED MEAT
to produce the same meat as that of a cow,
1) Halal Analysis/ Halal Science
i.e., in a three-dimensional (3D) form. But if
this technique is to be used as a meat-brewing Halal analysis or halal science of
product, it can already be considered cultured meat involves examining all aspects
practical. (Zuhaib et al., 2014). of the production process of cultured meat to
ensure that it is compliant with Islamic
2) Self-Organizing
dietary laws. This includes examining the
The second technique was a group of source of the cells used to produce the meat
scientists led by Benjaminson. They to ensure that they are halal, and that the
cultivated the meat of goldfish by crushing it animal was slaughtered according to syara’.
and placing it in a container (petri dish) The cells used to produce cultured meat can
containing a suitable cultural media. The be taken from a living animal or from an
animal that has been slaughtered, but the
latter is more commonly used. The source of agreement (ijtima') of modern believers is
the cells must be halal, meaning that the used to resolve it. The status of halal meat
animal from which they were taken was culture is also not an exception to the current
slaughtered according to Islamic dietary debate among Islamic scholars on the
laws. procedure of meat cultivation and the source
of meat stem cells.
It also involves examining the
production process to ensure that it is free Nonetheless, obtaining a specific
from any haram (forbidden) ingredients or fatwa for cultured meat is no longer certain.
contaminants. This includes making sure that This is due to the fact that there are two
the growth medium used to culture the cells opinions, the first of which states that the law
is free from any haram ingredients, such as of the revenue of the meat culture is to be.
blood, and that the meat is not contaminated This assertion is ascribed to the manufacture
with any haram substances, such as alcohol of yogurt products. The second point of view,
or pork. The production process of cultured on the other hand, is to use the tawaqquf
meat is carefully documented to ensure that approach due to a lack of concrete study on
the meat is safe and free from contamination. meat culture.

Halal certification bodies are Singapore has approved the usage of this
currently working on developing guidelines cultured meat, and it is the first country where
for the production and certification of halal it has been released and promoted by Eat Just
cultured meat. This includes developing Company. Furthermore, in Malaysia, the
standards for the production process, as well National Assembly Fatwa Committee for
as testing and certification procedures. There Matters of Islamic Religion Malaysia 26th,
is ongoing research to improve the which was held on 7-8 March 1990,
technology and ensure that it is safe and discussed the use of surface active agents in
sustainable, and to address any concerns that food should be subject to the condition that
consumers may have about the safety and the surface active agent sources are obtained
halal status of cultured meat. from plants, and if obtained from animals, the
animals must be halal and slaughtered
2) Islamic Jurisprudence and fatwa according to Islamic law. Essentially, the
halal status of cultured meat must be studied
Islam is a strong religion with clear
and determined from the tissue retrieval
laws governing all aspects of life. In keeping
process, i.e. taken from a halal source.
with current technical advancements, any
significant scientific findings must be Basically, in Islam, every food is
validated either according to Islamic Sharia halal except what has been forbidden by
or vice versa to prevent Muslims from syarak such as animals that are not
shrinking in religious life. When it is slaughtered according to syarak, blood, pigs
practical, it becomes more urgent. If a matter and others. This is based on the words of
is not described in any mazhab (fuqaha'), the Allah SWT:
ِّ‫َّم َو ََلْ ُم ا ْْلِّنزِّيرِّ َو َما أ ُِّهلَّ لِّغَْْي‬
ُ ‫ت َعلَْيكُ ُم ال َْم ْي تَةُ َوالد‬ ْ ‫ُحرَِّم‬
punishable as haram. This is because
blood is impure and forbidden to eat.
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ َِّّ
‫يحةُ َو َما‬ َ ‫اَّلل بِّه َوال ُْم ْن َخن َقةُ َوال َْم ْوقُو َذةُ َوال ُْم َََتديَةُ َوالنَّط‬ ● Taking tissue from sea animals is
halal to eat. This is because sea
ُ ‫السبُ ُع إََِّّّل َما ذَ َّك ْي تُ ْم َو َما ذُبِّ َح َعلَى الن‬
‫ُّصب‬ َّ ‫ِأَ َك َل‬ animals are categorized as animals
whose carcasses are halal and do not
Meaning: Forbidden to you are carrion, need to be slaughtered like land
blood, and swine; what is slaughtered in the animals. Therefore, the use of cells
name of any other than Allah; what is killed from it to be used as cultured meat is
by strangling, beating, a fall, or by being halal because the original source is
gored to death; what is partly eaten by a halal. Firman Allah SWT:
predator unless you slaughter it; and what is
‫اعا لَّكُ ْم‬ ِّ
sacrificed on altars.
ُ ‫ص ْي ُد الْبَ ْحرِّ َوطَ َع‬
ً َ‫امهُ َمت‬ َ ‫أُح َّل لَكُ ْم‬
(Surah Al-Maidah:3) َّ ِّ‫َول‬
ِّ‫لسيَّ َارة‬
As previously stated, tissue retrieval
Meaning: It is lawful for you to hunt
is used in the production of cultured meat.
and eat seafood, as a provision for
Taking these tissues is as illegal as taking
you and for travellers.
animal parts that have been severed or
separated from them. As a result, in order to 3) Health Implications
evaluate the status of this cultured meat, it
must be assured that the procedure of tissue The advent of cultured meat as a
retrieval adheres with the the Shariah criteria, substitute for traditional meat has given rise
namely: to a myriad of concerns and there is also a risk
that must be considered from a Halal forensic
● If the tissue is taken from the body perspective. There is no denying that the
parts of an animal, then the animal latest technology, which allows meat to be
should be classified as an animal that produced simply by taking a cell sample and
is halal to eat such as cows, goats and growing it in a laboratory, has enabled the
the like. production of meat with unparalleled textures
● If the tissue is taken while the animal and elevated nutritional value. Nevertheless,
is still alive or dead without being the health implication of cultured meat
slaughtered, then it is considered as a production still remains a subject of
carcass and forbidden to eat. On the deliberation.
other hand, if it is taken from a dead
animal slaughtered according to The meat produced through this
Sharia, then it is halal to eat. method may yield a wide array of advantages,
● Taking tissue from the blood of yet it is not without the potential to inflict
animals, whether from halal or haram harm upon the human body due to the
animals, slaughtered or not, is still consumption. Culture meat may be deemed
as an entity that can provide the essential 4) Halal Management, standard &
nutrition to the human body during the regulations
processing of the culture meat because the
cultured meat owing to its creation in a As for now, Malaysia has yet to
controlled environment, may be regarded as establish any definitive regulatory or
a potent source of nutrition to the human standardization for lab-grown or cultured
body. Notwithstanding, it is imperative to meat. However, it is expected that these
note that the cultured meat may be products will have to meet the same safety
accompanied by certain deleterious attributes and quality standards as their conventionally
that are commonly associated with farmed meat products. Furthermore, any
conventionally produced meat, including production of meat including culture meat
elevated levels of saturated fat and that contains approved animal cells must be
cholesterol. But as the nutritional content of fully compliant with the Malaysian Standard
the meat can be tailored to suit particular MS 1500:2009, which mandates strict
dietary requirements, the production of guidelines for the preparation, handling,
cultured meat presents an opportunity to storage, and production of halal food
manipulate the nutritional profile of the meat production, MS1500:2019 (halal food),
to cater to specific dietary needs (Mishler. J, Shariah law, and fatwa. . This is to ensure that
n.d). the animal cells utilized in cultured meat are
procured from animals that have not ingested
In the microbial contamination any impurities and the use of cells in the
aspect, as the cultured meat produced from production are deemed halal in accordance
the cells of animals, it is prone to microbial with Islamic law.
contamination due to the lack of immune
systems like animals. The inherent lack of an However, it is imperative that the
immune system in cells leaves them origin of meat cells be in full compliance with
particularly vulnerable to microbial the halal slaughtering regulatory framework,
contamination. Antibiotics are also not being which was enacted in accordance with the
used and being an ineffective solution. The Food Safety Act 1983 and Food Hygiene
exposure to cultured meat of bacteria or Regulation 2009. Furthermore, all meat
viruses can take an extended period of time supplies must undergo thorough checking to
to be detected by quality control measures, ensure the quality prior to and throughout the
and it is potential to result in the wastage of cultured meat process. Hence, it is crucial
whole cells batches. But the more extreme that the six elements which are halal food
cases are the distribution of contaminated derived from halal sources, acceptable by
meat products to consumers. Due to the fitrah, free from syubhah, hygienic, safe for
potential for human error to occur, can consumption and nourishing. These are to
manufacturers truly provide an assurance of ensure the integrity of the final product.
the safety and quality of lab-grown meat?
In Malaysia, halal food is governed
(Marjory, 2022)
by the MS1500:2019, which prescribed the
halal food guidelines. According to item 3.4 perspective, the consumption of cultured
of MS1500:2019, all of the halal food refers meat by the Muslim consumer is contingent
to food and beverages or any ingredients that upon the fulfillment of several specific
are permitted under Shariah law and fatwa conditions that are stated above. It is
and the condition include such not contain imperative that authorities in fatwa issue a
any parts of animals that are prohibited by formal fatwa regarding the consumption of
Shariah law, not be toxic or harmful to health cultured meat. Following that, the researcher
and more other conditions (Mohd Kashim must conduct the research of the
M.I.A. et. al, 2023). measurement of cultured meat impact on
human health to gain the trust of Muslim
Additionally, to ensure that cultured consumers in cultured meat.
meat is permissible for Muslim consumers,
there are three key factors that must be CHAIN OF EVIDENCE
considered which the first is animal cells used
must comply with Islamic laws, second, the The meat industry is striving to cater
medium used for culturing stem cells must be to the growing demand for meat products that
evaluated and the last one is the biomaterial are not only rich in nutritional content and
used in the proliferation process must be flavor but also sustainable, cost-effective and
analyzed. In these cases, the Islamic the most important is the status of halal meat.
perspective surrounding cultured meat will To achieve this, scientists are exploring
be discussed upon the use of ESCs, MCs, alternative methods that ensure the quality of
serum and biomaterials as the source of meat. meat, prolonged shelf life and ensure the
The permissibility of cultured meat is status halal of meat with chain of evidence.
determined by six fundamental principles Chain of evidence refers to the process of
which include the types of animals used documenting and tracking the handling of
(halal or haram), animal slaughtering, the evidence to ensure that it is not tampered with
absence of najs, Istihalah tammah (perfect or corrupted. In the context of cultured meat,
substance change), the presence of Maslahah it’s important to document and track the
and Mafsadah, and the existence of Darurat handling of the meat samples. This ensures
of the cultured meat production (Mohd that the meat is produced according to halal
Kashim M.I.A. et. al, 2023). standards and is free from non-halal
substances. It is also important in the case of
CONCLUSION halal fraud investigations, as it helps establish
a clear and transparent trail of evidence. The
Cultured meat stands as a novel meat halal status of cultured meat can be resolved
variation that has the capacity to reduce the through identifying the source cell and
negative impact on the environment, and it culture medium in culturing meat. But in this
serves as a secure and sustainable case, to prove whether the source cells of
replacement for meat production. The advent cultured meat derive from non-slaughtered
of cultured meat has the potential to increase animals, the Fourier-transform infrared
the livestock and food industries. From halal (FTIR) spectroscopy is a most accurate
detector to detect molecular vibrations and slaughtered animals. The FTIR spectra of
generate sharp peaks in the mid-infrared cells are then compared to determine whether
region. FTIR can provide a lot of information there are any differences in the chemical
and it has been used in many food products composition of the cells. (Dzulfadli Rosli,
for different purposes (Candogan, K. et. al, 2023). The Fourier Transform Infrared
2021). In meat, it’s been used to detect Spectroscopy (FTIR), as depicted in the
adulteration, monitor safety and shelf life. diagram referred to figure 1.
Thus, for cultured meat, there is no specific
method for determining the culture meat
taken from cells of animals that are not
slaughtered since it is a relatively new issue.
However, if there are such an issue arises, the
right approach is with using Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to
analyze the cells from both slaughtered and
non-slaughtered animals to determining the Figure 1: Fourier Transform
origin of the cultured meat cells by taking Infrared Spectroscopy
blood from both slaughtered and non-

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