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NUR 028 (Nursing Research 2-Lecture)


Session # 1

Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student will be able Barrientos-Tan, C. (2011). A Research Guide in
to: Nursing Education: Building an Evidence-Based
Practice. Pasay City: Philippines, Visprint Inc.
1. Describe the types of research data
2. Explain methods of data collection
Polit, Denise F. & Beck, Cheryl T. (2012). Nursing
research: Generating and assessing evidence for
nursing research (9th ed.), Philadelphia, PA:
Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams &


The instructor will start to introduce himself/herself. The course outline will be distributed and discussed accordingly.
Listed below are the additional information vital in this orientation which must be discussed inside the classroom by the

1. The calendar of activities for major examinations

2. Course Syllabus
3. Classroom rules and regulations
4. Computation of grades specific for the subject
5. The essence and significance in grade computation of these modules
6. Election of class officers, if still undone
7. Other information that will be deemed necessary by the instructor

MAIN LESSON (20 minutes)

Types of Research Data

The conduct of research will yield research data. The type of research data is determined by the purpose of the study, the
method of research used, and the tools to be used in gathering the data. Research data greatly affect the implications of
research findings and the development of theory.

1. Cross-sectional Data
The researcher dips into study setting at a given point after the study design is completed, then gathers present
data on events occurring at that time. Such data is limited to the subjects at one point in time, and is best
gathered when the time frame is of short duration.

A study is conducted on the amount of nursing care a patient receives on certain days according to
categorization of needs an problems.

2. Retrospective Data
Frequently called ex-post facto studies. In this particular type, data are collected on events in the past before a
study design is completed, or data collected “after the fact”.

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Fear responses of children during physical examination. The data will expectedly indicate previous
unpleasant experiences with health workers that could have influenced the children’s behaviour.

In such studies, it appears that events have occurred prior to the initiation of the study, and that data covering that
event have already been gathered by means of questionnaires or through analysis of existing records. Results
are limited to the availability of data.

3. Prospective Data
Refers to future data or events that occurred after the study design has been completed, but the study is pursued
over a relatively long period of time into the future.

What will happen to Cancer Patients who are discharged from the hospital after six months?

Prospective and retrospective researches are sometimes called longitudinal studies because they extend over a
long period of time. All experimental studies are prospective, and have the advantage of the possibility of
manipulating research variables and observing the effects of these after a period of time.

Retrospective cross-sectional prospective

Past current future

Categories of Data Collection

1. Primary data collection

In primary data collection, the researcher personally collects data from actual respondents using methods such as
interviews and questionnaires.

The key point here is that the data collected is unique to the researcher and the research. It is not accessible to
anyone else until it is published. The primary data generated by the methods below, may be qualitative in nature
usually in the form of words, or quantitative usually in the form of numbers or where the researcher can make
counts of words used. There are many methods of collecting primary data and the main methods include:

 questionnaires
 interviews
 focus group interviews
 observation
 case-studies
 diaries
 critical incidents
 portfolios
 physiologic instruments
 psychometric measurements

2. Secondary data collection

In secondary data collection, the researcher uses data that was collected for another purpose such as patient’s
medical records, employees or patients’ satisfaction surveys, organizational business reports and government

By their nature, they are easier to collect and gather than primary data. Its use is limited only by the specific
administrative procedures in different institutions.

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Short Quiz. Multiple Choice. You have to read and analyze the following questions carefully. Write your answer in
CAPITAL letters only. Erasures and superimpositions will be marked wrong. (10 points)

Situation. A group of investigators are working on a field study exploring childhood obesity in the town of Pandayan.
The data will be gathered using questionnaire, observation and physiologic measurement. The study aims to determine
the risk factors of childhood obesity- the diet, activity and parental support given to children to formulate a program on
Child Wellness.
1. Based of the study, the category of data collection is:
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Both A & B
d. None of the above
ANSWER: ___________

2. From the purpose of the study cited above, the type of research data is:
a. Cross-sectional
b. Retrospective
c. Prospective
d. None of the above

ANSWER: ___________

3. Which of the following secondary data will help investigators achieve their research goal?
a. Immunization record
b. Dietary Record
c. School Record
d. List of Family menu

ANSWER: ___________

4. If a focused group interview with the parents regarding their children will be utilized for the childhood obesity study,
the research data is:
a. Primary-Cross-sectional
b. Primary- Retrospective
c. Primary-Prospective
d. None of the above

ANSWER: ___________
5. If the study aims to determine the physiologic measurements of children next Friday, the type of research data is:
a. Cross-sectional
b. Retrospective
c. Prospective
d. None of the above

ANSWER: ___________

6. Which of the following is an example of an ex post facto research? Select all that applies.
a. Randomized controlled Trial on Frozen Plasma Treatment for COVID Clients
b. Experimental Study on Drug Treatment for Flu
c. Descriptive Study on Best Practices to Prevent Pneumonia
d. A Case Study on TB Patients Drug Resistance

ANSWER: ___________

7. A descriptive data on Level of Knowledge in Dengue Fever Among Barangay X residents can be obtained from any of
the following except:
a. Checklist

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b. Questionnaire
c. Interview schedule
d. Unstructured Interview guide

ANSWER: ___________

8. In a follow up study of Deworming children in Barangay Y, the type of research collection should be:
a. The same tool with the primary research
b. Questionnaire and Anthropometric measurement
c. Stool Exam
d. Varying tool from the primary research

ANSWER: ___________

9. Data obtained from the civil registry is considered a secondary data.

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. None of the above

ANSWER: ___________

10. Which of the following is a secondary data?

a. Interview
b. Researcher’s observation
c. Bracketing Note
d. Nurses’ Endorsement logbook

ANSWER: ___________

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss
among their classmates for 15 minutes.

1. ANSWER: ________

2. ANSWER: ________

3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________

5. ANSWER: ________

6. ANSWER: ________

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7. ANSWER: ________

8. ANSWER: ________

9. ANSWER: ________

10. ANSWER: ________


LESSON WRAP-UP (10 minutes)

You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL Strategy: Microlecture

You have to choose and recite an outcome sentence. The following are the outcome sentences:

I learned………

I was surprised…….

I’m beginning to wonder……..

I rediscovered……………..

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