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- Are you student of Polmed?
Yes, I am
Yes, I am a student of Polmed.
- Are student of Dharma Agung?
No, I’m not.
No, I’m not a student of DA.
No. I’m a student of Polmed.
- Did you come here yesterday?
No, I didn’t.
No, I didn’t come here yesterday.
No. I went to my friend’s house yesterday.
- Have you met Jokowi?
No, I haven’t
No, I haven’t met Jokowi.
- Will you come to my house tonight?
Yes, I will
No, I won’t
No. I will go out tonight.
my father – Who is the old man in your house?
The old man is my father.
my motorbike – Whose motorbike is this?
It is my motorbike.
in campus – Where did you meet Jokowi?
I met Jokowi in campus.
lastweek – When did you meet Jokowi?
I met Jokowi lastweek.
apple – What is your favorite fruit?
My favorite fruit is apple.
Why do you study here?
I study here because i want to be businesswoman.
Which color do you like better, red or black?
I like black better than red.
How much does this dictionary cost?
It costs Rp 100.000,-
Whom do you think I am?
I think you are my best friend.
The beautiful young widow always sings some nice romantic songs beatifully in the bar on
every Saturday nights because she has some children to support.
-Who always sings some romantic songs .........? the widow
-Which widow always sings ......? the young widow
-Which young widow always sings .......? the beautiful young widow
-How often does the beautiful young widow sing some ....? always
-What does the beautiful young widow always do.......?sings
-What kind of song does the beautiful young widow always sing .....? romantic songs
-how does the beautiful young widow always sing some romantic....?beautifully
-Where does the beautiful young widow always sing some romantic ....? in the bar
-When does the beautiful young widow always sing some romantic song in the bar ....? every
Saturday nights.
-Why does the beautiful young widow always sing some romantic songs ....? because she has
some children to support.

- nextweek- When will you go to Europe ?

- twice a day- How often do you doing exercise?
- in the jungle- Where is the lion lives?
- before i was born- When my parents married?
- the manager- Who is that handsome man ?
- sell fruits- What do you do after run?
- honestly- How dou manage that money?
- sometimes- How often did you meet with him?
- in the garden- Where the flowers planted?
- the dog- What is keep your house safe ?
- shopping- what are you doing in mall ?
- in the 3rd floor- Where is the metting held ?
- my mother and my sister- with whom did you go yesterday ?
-the long blonde-haired lady- Which woman did you like ?
-the murderer - Who is her father ?

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