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Decribing Person

Susi Pudjiastuti, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia. She tall and have a
plump body. Mrs. Susi has a brown skin so her bring image of oriental woman and long
legs. She has medium - curly-black hair.
Her long nose with wet lips, she also have a round face with alitle chubby and double chin.
Her height is average.


After completing this lesson. You should be able to:

 Introduce other people;

 Respond to the introduction;
 Describe about somebody’s identity.

Dialogue 1

James : “Janet, I want you to meet my colleague Brandy. And Brandy, this is Janet. She is my

Neighbor and she is also my good friend.”

Brandy : “Hello Janet. How do you do?”

Janet : “How do you do, Brandy?”

Dialogue 2
Mr. Roger Brown : “Mr. Richard, I’d like to introduce my wife Emily.

And Emily, this is Mr. David Richard. He is my colleague.”

Mr. David Richard : “How do you do, Mrs. Brown? It’s nice to know you.”

Mrs. Emily Brown : “ How do you do? Nic to meet you, too . but just call me Emily, will you?’

Mr. David Richard : “All right, and just call me Dave.”


1. Who is Janet?
Janet is James’ neighbour
2. Who introduce Janet?
Janet introduced by James
3. To whom is Janet introduced?
Janet introduced to Brandy
4. Who is Emily?
Emily is Mr. Roger’s wife
5. Who is Dave?
Mr. Dave is Mr. Roger’s colleague
6. Who introduce Emily to whom?
Mr. Roger introduce Emily to Mr. David Richard
Mr. Roger introduce his wife to his colleague

To introduce somebody you know, you say:

Have you met my friend Emily.

Do you know

This is

These are my friends Emily and Janet.

I’d like you to meet

to know

Or you can also say:

I’d like to introduce my friend to you

My sister and brother

My family

My colleague


To respond to the introduction, you say:

Hello, how do you do?


Followed by:

I’m glad to meet you.





It’s a pleasure to meet you.


Exercise 1
Fill in the blank spaces with the following words.

A pleasure how this delighted meet

Friend these too introduce colleague

1. He is delight to know you.

2. This is my colleague we work together at the same office.
3. This is my neighbor.
4. It’s a pleasure To meet your sister.
5. These are Paul and Mary, my next door neighbours.
6. Would you like to meet my sister Anne?
7. Tony is my close friend
8. How do you do, Mona?
9. Nice to meet you, too Janet.
10. I’d like to introduce My lecturers to my family.

Exercise 2
Paraphrase the following sentences using the appropriate possessive pronouns. For example:
This is my pen

This pen is mine.

1. Tonny is our friend. He is a friend of us

2. Jenny is my teacher. The teacher is Jenny’s
3. That is your book. That book is yours
4. This is Budu’s pen. This pen is his
5. That is his bag. That bag is his
6. Anna is her teacher. Anna is hers
7. Mr. Andi Brown is our father. Mr. Andi Brown is the father of us
8. This is Windi’s magazine this magazine is hers
9. That is our dog. That dog is ours
10. Here is your folder here is yours

Exercise 3

No. Name Relationship Age Job Address

1. Martines Close friend 18 College Jalan Mangga

2. Prilly Classmate 18 College Jalan
student Pembangauan

3. Titin School mate 18 College Jalan Sepakat

4. Widya Roommate 19 . College Gang Sarman
5. Dedi Brother 29 College Jalan Seroja
6. Ayu Sister 27 Housewife Jalan Jeruk

7. Mem Rebbeca Teacher 37 Teacher Jalan Jeruk


8. Petra Neighbor 20 Secretary Jlan Jeruk Manis

9. Nova Colleague 18 College Jalan Terompet

10. Abir Deskmate 18 College Jalan Sukatani

Exercise 6
Answer the following questions!

I : “Hello. How are you?’

U : “Hai. I’m good, thank you.”

I : “I’d like to introduce my good friend from TV.”

U : “Okay…”

I : “This is Mr. T.

And Mr. T, this is my friend, a student fro polytechnic.”

U : “I’m so delight to have a friend from polytechnic”

T : “Hello. How do you do?”

U : “Hai. How do you do?”

T : “It’s nice to meet you, friend.”

U : “Me too”

Don’t forget

Happy to meet

Glad to know

A pleasure to introduce


Good how do you do?

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

 Ask about the appreance or look of a person;

 Describe a person by physical appreances;
 Describe a person by characters

Dialogue 1
Elaine : “Have you heard about Eliza?”

Farah : “No, I haven’t. what about her?”

Elaine : “She has just got a new boy – friend.”

Farah : “Really? What is her new boy – friend like?”

Elaine : “He is handsome, tall and attractive.”

Farah : “Is he kind?”

Elaine : “I don’t know exactly. But I’m sure he is kind to Eliza.”

Farah : “I think this time Eliza is really falling in love!”

Elaine : “Yes she is. In fact she is very proud of him. She says so many things about him.”

Farah : “What does she say?”

Elaine : “She says she likes his nose. She likes his well-built body. She likes his

complexion, and so on.”

Farah : “What is his complexion like?”

Elaine : “It’s white or pale maybe, like European.”

Farah : “I see. I think she’s got what she wanted.”

Elaine : “Yes, she certainly has.”

Dialogue 2
Officer : “So, a man came to your house and committed a robbery.”

Anne : “Yes, Sir. He took some precious things of ours.”

Officer : “What does he look like? Can you describe him?”

Anne : “He was a big, black man with a moustache.”

Officer : “How tall is he?”

Anne : “He is much taller than me. I think he’s about 180 cm high.”

Officer : “What about his hair?”

Anne : “He has short, wavy, dark hair.”

Officer : “All right. Was there anything special about his appereance?”

Anne : “His nose is hooked and he’s got a black spot in his chin.”

Officer : “Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Jackson for the information.

I hope we can figure out who he really is.”

Anne : “Thank you.”


1. What is Eliza’s new boy – friend like?

He is handsome, tall and attractive
2. What is his body like?
He is tall, has weel-built body, and white skin
3. What does Eliza like about him?
She likes his nose, his well-built body and his complexion
4. What does Eliza proud of him?
Eliza proud of him because of his appearance and personality
5. Where does the conversation between Anne and the officer possibly take place?
The conversation between Anne and the officer in police office
6. What is the robber like?
The robber look like a big black man with moustache, he has short wavy dark hair, and hooked
7. What is his height?
He is about 180 cm high
8. What are his special characteristics?
He’s got a black spot in his chin

To ask about the appearance of a person, you say:

 What is he like?
are they


 What does he look like?

do they

To answer those questions, you say:

 He is handsome, tall and attractive.

a big, black man with a moustache.

To ask about the look of a certain part of body, you say:

 What is his complexion like?

To answer those questions, you say:

 His nose is hooked or He has a hooked nose.

pointed pointed
His complexion is pale or He has a pale complexion.
dark dark.
 His body is well-built or he has a well-built body.
slim slim body.

Now find the meaning of the words to describe the appearance of a person from a dictionary or
from other resources.

Face Build Height

thin fat 170 cm

long thin medium height

round slim average height

oval plump below average

square medium built tall

heart-shaped well built short

broad-shouldered tallish

overweight shortish

Nose Eyes Complexion

long blue gray pale

straight brown sunburned/tanned

hooked with thick eyelashes olive skinned

broken with long eyelashes fair skinned

bushy eyelashes oriental brown

thin eyebrows black white




Lips Hairstyle Haircolour

thin long a fringe black brunette

full short swept back brown red head

wet straight in a bun red mousy

wavy pony tail fair dark

curly bald blonde

neat balding gray

untidy thinning white

plaited receding dyed

To ask about the personality of a person, you say:

 What is he like?

his personality like?

his personality?


 What is his character like?

are his character?

To answer the questions above, you say:

 He is kind

( Please refer to the notes below! )

Look up the dictionary or ask your teacher for the meaning of the words to describe the personality
of a person.

aggressive moody talkative

amusing polite thoughtful

calm reliable wise

cheerful reserved

friendly sociable lively


Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the following words.

like tall wavy oriental

look personality pointed

sociable square balding

1. Jane’s hair is beautiful. It is long and wavy

2. What does your new friend look like ?
3. Tony is still young, but his hair is balding.
4. A beautiful girl usually has a pointed nose.
5. Ina is famous in her villages because she is sociable
6. John’s height is 185 cm. he is very tall.
7. My brother and I are very different. We do not look the same. He is tall, but I am short.
8. Everybody likes Nina. She has a kind personality
9. Mike Tyson has a Square face.
10. Rebecca is a true blue Aussie, but her skin is oriental

Exercise 2
Comparison and Superlatives

 For a one syllable word, we use …. Er and est.

For example: tall becomes taller – tallest
Strong becomes stronger – strongest
 For words with more than two syllables, we use
More………………and most………….
For example: beautiful becomes more beautitul
And most beautiful
Attractive becomes more attractive
And most attractive
 For a two syllable word, we can use:
Either………….er and……………est
More……….and most……..

For example: pretty becomes prettier and prettiest

Or more pretty and most pretty

Now do the following exercise. Number 1 has been done for you!
1. Ani is 165 cm tall. Evelyn is 170 and Erika is 175.
Ani is tall.
Evelyn is taller than Ani.
Erika is tallest among the three girls.
2. Andi’s pocket money is Rp 3.000,- a day, while Shinta’s and Lina’s is Rp 4.000,- and Rp
5.000,- repectively.
Perhaps, Andi’s family is rich
Lina’s pocket money is more than Sinta’s pocket money
And Shinta’s pocket money is more than Andy’s pocket money
3. There are about three boys interested in Amy, and five boys are interested in Indira and
most boys are interested in Nany.
I think Any is least interesting of all
Indira is more interesting than Amy
Nany is the most interesting girl
4. Ali can lift an object weighing about 75 kg, while Jack and Rob can lift something that
weighs 50 kg and 60 kg respectively. So, how do you compare their strengths?
Ali is the strongest of all
Rob is more stronger than jack
Ali is the weakest of all
Ali is the least strong of all
5. JJ shirts cost Rp 40.000,- each. Hammer shirts are worth Rp 50.000,- and Levi’s shirts are
Rp 65.000,-.
So, JJ shirts are the cheapest shirts
Hammer shirts are more expensive than JJ Shirts
And Levi’s are the most expensive shirts
6. Mr. Anwar weighs 60 kf, Erna weighs 70 kg and Bety weighs 80 kg. what can you say
about them?
Bety is the heaviest girl
Erna is heavier than Anwar
Anwar is least heavy of all
7. Mr. Anwar has contributed Rp 500.000,- while Mr. Richard and Mr. Yussac have each
given Rp 700.000,- and Rp 900.000,- respectively. How do you compare about their
Mr. Anwar is generous
Mr. Richard is more generous than Mr. Anwar
Mr. Yussac is the most generous among others
8. Mary can solve the math problem in 3 minutes while Ida and harry can do it in 5 and 7
minutes respectively. What is your conclusion about their intelligence?
Harry is the most clever than Marry and Ida
Ida is cleverer than Mary
And, Mary is the least clever of all
Exercise 5
Look around at your friends and people at your campus and describe their looks and personality and
put the information in the table below. For example:

Henny is a girl with wavy and long hair. She is shortish. She is slim so she doesn’t look short. Her face
is oval – shaped with a small pointed nose and thin lips. She’s got small black eyes with thin eye

Name Height Body Hair Face Nose Eyes Personality

Nova 153 slim Long- Round flat Black attractive

curly eyes
Prilly 168 slim Long- oval pointed Black quite
straight eye
Travis 170 fat Short oval straight Brown attractive
wavy- eye
Pita 169 fat Long- oval hooked Brown cheerfully
curly- eye
Ardilla 166 slim Short- round pointed Black quite
wavy- eye
Willy 165 slim Medium- round straight Black Kind sociable
straight- eye

Exercise 6
Answer the following questions.

I : “How are you?”

U : “Hai… I’m so good”

I : “I don’t know what you look like. Are you beautiful/handsome?”

U : “I’m a girl, so I’m beautiful “

I : “How would you describe yourself?”

U : “ I’m a girl with short wavy black hair, ”

I : “What about your personality?”

U : “I’m melancholic actually. I really like to watch someone personality, I prefer quite place
to think, and I really optimistic and sometimes pessimistic to something.”

I : “I think you’ve got lots of friends now. Do you have a special friend?”

U : “Yes, I have”

I : “Who is he/she? Is he/she your boy/girl-friend? Your close friend?

Your classmate? Who?”

U : She is my roommate, her name is Martines.

I : “What is he/she like?

U : “She really like dancing and singing K-pop. Also she always watching Korean drama”

I : “Are you proud of him/her?”

U : “Yes.. I really proud of her”

I : “Why?”

U : “Because she is a very optimistic person, now she is majoring in electrical engineering in
polmed, which is a men dominate, she is a power girl. ”

I : “Good. Thank you. It’s nice to know about your close friend.”

U : “Thank you”

Don’t forget

What is he like?

What does he look like?

Face Build Height

Thin fat 170 cm

Long thin medium height

Round slim average height

Oval plump below average

Square medium built tall

Heart-shaped well built short

Broad-shouldered tallish

Overweight shortish

Nose Eyes Complexion

Long blue gray pale

Straight brown sunburned/tanned

Hooked with thick eyelashes olive skinned

Broken with long eyelashes fair skinned

Bushy eyelashes oriental brown

Thin eyebrows black white





Lips Hairstyle Haircolour

Thin long a fringe black brunette

Full short swept back brown red head

Wet straight in a bun red mousy

Wavy pony tail fair dark

Curly bald blonde

Neat balding gray

Untidy thinning white

Plaited receding dyed

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