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Logic For AIM Fields

1. Industry Usage & Channel

Applicable for 2100 & 2300 customers

If T-code is VA01 or VA02

Check if VBAK-BSARK (Purchase Order Type ) matches with Entry in Set

Then do not check for Industry Usage & Channel in customer master and allow to save
the Order without these values

For these Interface orders we have a background job(ZSDGL_SOP_DIMENSIONS_UPD02) which

runs every 30 mins, picks Orders created by RFC ID and updates the orders with Industry Usage
& Channel from customer master if available

If Entry is not matching in above set

Check if VBAK-VKORG matches with Sales Org in ZSDGL_SOP_VKORG_PREREQ

If matching then check if Account Group is 2100 or 2300 and Order type not equal to
Check customer master table and update Industry Usage and Channel , If entries are not
found in customer master then throw error at the time of saving order if the values are
not maintained.

If Account group is not matching then these fields should not be mandatory and visible
in sale order.

2. Application & Vessel :

Applicable for 2100 & 2300 customers
This field is not mandatory for Interface Orders at the time of Order Creation only but is
mandatory at VA02 Save.

Check if sales Org matches with value in Set ZSDGL_SOP_VKORG_PREREQ_1
Pick the first profit center from VBAP where Reason for rejection is blank

Pass this Profit Centre code in CEPC table and pick Department code (ABTEI)

Now pass this Department code (ABTEI) in ZCOGL_DEPT and Pick Business

Now if this Business Area code matches with Value in set

ZSDGL_APPL_GSBER_PREREQ then Application field is Visible/Mandatory in sale

Now if this Business Area code matches with Value in set

ZSDGL_VESSL_GSBER_PRERE Q then Vessel field is Visible/Mandatory in sale order

Application & Vessel is not mandatory if VBAK-BSARK (Purchase Order

Type ) matches with Entry in Set ZSDGL_APPL_VSL_EXEMPT only at
the time of order creation.

3. Business Line

Applicable for 2100 & 2300 Account Group

If Sales Org matches with value in ZSDGL_BUS_VKORG_PREREQ

Pick the first profit center from VBAP where Reason for rejection is blank

Pass this Profit Centre code in CEPC table and pick Department code (ABTEI)

Now pass this Department code (ABTEI) in ZCOGL_DEPT and Pick Business
Now if this Business Area code matches with Value in set
ZSDGL_BUS_GSBER_PREREQ then Business Line is Visible/Mandatory in sale

Business Line not mandatory if VBAK-BSARK (Purchase Order Type ) matches with
Entry in Set ZSDGL_SOP_BSARK_PREREQ only at the time of order creation.

Reporting category

Reporting category in sale order is mandatory if the Profit Centre

of first active line matches with entry in ZSDGL_REPCAT

If a wrong value is selected then system will throw a pop-up with

Allowed Entries as per table ZSDGL_REPCAT table.

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