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Engineering Hydrology

➢Teaching Scheme 2L+2L+2 T.W.
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➢Books , NPTEL Lectures & Videos
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F.S of B.E - III (Civil)
1. Introduction: Development in hydrology and its role in water resources projects, hydrologic
cycle., Precipitation: Types and forms of precipitation,
water losses, evaporation, interception, evapotranspiration etc. runoff hydrometric network,
optimum network.
2. Rainfall Rain gauge Instruments and their installation, Methods of computing average Rainfall,
Mean Annual Rainfall, Duration Curves, Depth-Area Curves.
3. Evaporation Factor affecting evaporation, methods of measurement, preventive measures,
Interception soil evaporation, transpiration, evapo-transpiration and its measurements
4. Infiltration Rate, Infiltration indices, Factors affecting infiltration, methods of determination,
5. Runoff Factors affecting Runoff, estimation of runoff coefficient empirical formula infiltration
method and dependable yield
6. Hydrograph Analysis, components of Hydrograph base flow separation, Unit Hydrograph,
Definition, assumptions, uses, and limitations, Derivation of Unit Hydrograph, complex storm
7. Hydrograph Analysis, Changing the duration of unit hydrograph, Bernard’s percentage
distribution graph and uses.
8. Flood Estimation Flood estimation by hydrograph, other methods of flood estimation, flood
frequency, probable maximum flood mass curve
1. Engineering Hydrology- K Subramanya (Tata McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Hydrology H.M. Raghunath(Wiley Eastern
3. Engineering Hydrology Jayarami Reddy (Laxmi pub)
4. Ground Water Hydrology D.K.Todd (John Wiley and Sons)
5. Hydrology and water Resources Engineering S.K. Garg
(Khanna Pub.)
6. A textbook of Hydrology & water resources engg. by R. K.
Sharma & T. K.Sharma (Dhanpatrai publications)
7. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering by K.C.Patra

1. Introduction
2. Infiltration
3. Factors affecting infiltration
4. Infiltration indices
5. Measurements of infiltration
What is infiltration?

The movement of water through the air-soil interface

It is one of the things that can happen to precipitation that

reaches the soil surface

Infiltration is the actual rate at which water is entering the soil at any given time (SCSA, 1976)
• The hydrologic equation states that
• Rainfall–Losses = Runoff
• (i) Interception loss-due to surface vegetation, i.e., held by plant leaves.
• (ii) Evaporation:
(a) from water surface, i.e., reservoirs, lakes, ponds, river channels, etc.
(b) from soil surface, appreciably when the ground water table is very
near the soil surface.
(iii) Transpiration—from plant leaves.
(iv) Evapotranspiration for consumptive use—from irrigated or cropped
(v) Infiltration—into the soil at the ground surface.
(vi) Watershed leakage—ground water movement from one basin to
another or into the sea.
• The various water losses are discussed below:

• Interception loss— The precipitation intercepted by foliage (plant leaves,

forests) and buildings and returned to atmosphere (by evaporation from
plant leaves) without reaching the ground surface is called interception loss.
• Interception loss is high in the beginning of storms and gradually decreases;
the loss is of the order of 0.5 to 2 mm per shower and it is greater in the
case of light showers than when rain is continuous.
• Fig. 3.1 shows the Horton’s mean curve of interception loss for different
• Effective rain = Rainfall – Interception loss
The movement of water (seepage of water) from
the soil surface into the soil is known as
Infiltration is defined as the entrance of water
into soil or porous material through the
interstices or pores of a soil or other porous
medium. (R.K.Sharma book)
This water first fulfils the soil moisture deficiency
and after this moves vertically downward, meets
groundwater table and becomes groundwater.
Infiltration Conti…

Water entering the soil at the ground surface is called infiltration. It

replenishes the soil moisture deficiency and the excess moves
downward by the force of gravity called deep seepage or
percolation and builds up the ground water table.
Rainwater that soaks into the ground and may reach the
groundwater table.
Infiltration occurs both prior to and during the occurrence of surface
runoff but decreases with the time until minimum rate of infiltration
is reached.
Processes of infiltration
• Entry through the soil surface (infiltration)
• Storage in the soil profile (soil moisture)
• Transmission through the soil profile-
✓ Infiltration:-

▪ Infiltration is the process by which water enters the soil from the ground surface.
▪ Infiltration is the flow of water through soil surface.

▪ When there is precipitation, it may not result in overland flow into a stream depending
upon its intensity and duration.
▪ The part of precipitation that is not available as surface runoff Is referred to as
precipitation loss or abstraction.
✓ The abstractions include:-

1. Interception :-
▪ it is that of precipitation, which is caught by the plant
leaves and evaporates later.

2. Depression storage :-
▪ when there is precipitation over a catchment and before
the river starts flowing, part of water is stored in depressions
Like ditches, small ponds etc.,

3. Evaporation :-
▪ from water surface i.e. reservoir, lakes, ponds, rivers,
channels, etc.

4. Infiltration :-
▪ into the soil at the ground surface.
Significance of infiltration:
1) It plays a very significant role in the runoff
process by affecting the timing, distribution
and magnitude of the surface runoff.
2) Further, infiltration is the primary step in the
natural groundwater recharge.
Rise in G.W. Table due to infiltered water is
called G.W. recharge, while withdrawal of
water from Ground water through wells is
called discharge.
• Infiltration is responsible for
1) Reducing the magnitude of floods and soil
2) Growth of vegetation
3) Furnishing stream flow during dry season
4) Recharging the groundwater reservoir.
• Infiltration
– Process of water entry into the soil through the soil surface
• Infiltration Capacity
– The Maximum rate at which a given soil ( in any given
condition) at a given time can absorb water is defined as the
infiltration capacity.
– It is designated as fp or fc and is expressed in the unit of cm/hr.
• Infiltration Rate / Infiltration velocity
– The actual rate at which infiltration takes place, is known as
“Infiltration rate”.
– OR
– The actual rate at which water is entering the soil at any given
time is termed the “infiltration velocity”.
– I t is designated as f and usually expressed in depth of water
per unit of time , i.e. mm/hr or cm/hr
– Infiltration occurring at less than capacity
• The actual rate of infiltration f can be expressed
• f = fc when i ≥ fc Surface Runoff will produce
• f = i when i < fc No Surface Runoff
• where i = intensity of rainfall
fc = infiltration capacity
f = actual rate of infiltration
➢ At any instant the actual infiltration rate can be equal to
infiltration capacity only when the rainfall intensity is greater
than fc
➢ During low intensity rainfall ,there is no surface runoff produced
due to precipitation
• i = Rainfall intensity mm/hr
infiltration infiltration

Percolation Percolation
G.W.T. infiltration

Ground water storage G.W.T.

Ground water storage

• i < fc • i > fc
• Infiltration rate = Rainfall intensity • Infiltration rate = fc
• Low intensity rainfall • High intensity rainfall
Infiltration nomenclature
• i = intensity of rainfall (rate) (length/time)
• f = infiltration rate- measure of hydraulic conductivity
• F = infiltrated volume (Length3) or depth (L)

If i < f what happens?

If i > f what happens?


• The maximum rate at which the soil in any given condition is

capable of absorbing water is called its infiltration capacity (fp).
• The infiltration capacity of a soil is high at the beginning of a
storm and has an exponential decay as the time elapses.
• Infiltration (f) often begins at a high rate (20 to 25 cm/hr) and
decreases to a fairly steady state rate (fc) as the rain continues,
called the ultimate fp (= 1.25 to 2.0 cm/hr) (Fig. 3.6).
✓ Factors affecting infiltration:-
The infiltration process is affected by a large number of factors and a few
important ones affecting infiltration capacity are described below.

Factors affecting infiltration

Water Rainfall
Soil Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics

Soil Characteristics Water Characteristics Rainfall Characteristics

1) Initial moisture content
1) Turbidity / quality of water 1) Drop size
2) Type of soils
2) Viscosity of water & Temp. of 2) Rainfall intensity
3) Soil porosity and Permeability
water 3) Duration of rainfall
4) Bulk density
5) Cultivation
6) Vegetal cover or surface
condition of soil
7) Presence of organic matter
8) Compaction of soil
9) In wash of fine particles
10) Entrapped air
11) Land slope
12) Micro structure of soil
13) Position of G.W.T.
14) Freezing of soil structure
15) Season
Factors affecting infiltration:-
1.Soil moisture
2.Intensity of rainfall
4.Duration of the rainfall
5.Texture of soil
6.Vegetal cover
7.Condition of soil surface
8.Compaction of soil
9.Human activities
10.Depth of surface detention
11.Other factors
Soil Characteristics
• 1. Initial Moisture Content
• In case of dry soil, wetting of top layer causes a
strong capillary head below which supplements
the gravitational force and as a result infiltration
is high
• In case of wet soil except sandy soil, colloids
present in the soil swell in presence of water to
reduce infiltration.
• Initial moisture content in the soil has great effect
on infiltration capacity
• The greater the soil moisture in the soil profile ,
lesser is the infiltration rate.
Soil Characteristics Conti…
• 2. Types of Soils
• Clayey or Silty soils are tightly packed.
• Such soils have very low permeability so
infiltration through such clayey & Silty soils is very
• as compared to Sandy soils , which are loosely
packed more permeable there by increasing
process of infiltration through them.
• Loose, permeable , sandy soils will have a larger
infiltration capacity then a tight, clayey soil.
• Different types of soils have different voids.
Soil Characteristics Conti
• Soil Texture
• Relative proportion of sand, silt and clay
determines the soil texture.
• soil texture ‐ the proportion of sand, silt and
clays in a soil
• Sand ‐ soil grains 0.05 ‐ 2 mm size
• Silt ‐ soil grains 0.002 ‐ 0.05 mm size
• Clay ‐ soil grains which are > 0.05 mm size
Loam ‐ a soil with a combination of sand, silt
and clay
• The relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in a
mass of soil.

Used by soil scientists

Soil Texture Triangle
Types of soils
Silty loam
Sandy loam etc

Infiltration rates are lower

in soils of heavy texture
than on soils of light
Soil properties
• Texture
– Variation in size and shape
of soil particles
• Gravel (NOT)
– >2mm

• Sand
– 0.05mm to 2mm
• Silt
– 0.002mm to
• Clay
– <0.002mm

Soil texture is percentage of sand, silt and clay.

(Texture chart)
• Soils containing large
amounts of sand exhibit
little plasticity and cannot
retain large amounts of
water or nutrients. They
have large voids between
the particles and can
readily transport water
and air.
Seabrook Series, Hyde Co, NC
• The properties of silt are
intermediate between sand
and clay. Silty soils can retain
large amounts of water but
tend to have moderately slow
to slow permeabilities. Soils
high in silt can present
problems for engineers since
they will shift under stress and
slide and flow when wet.

Callison Series, Anson Co, NC

• Clays exert a great influence
on soil chemical and physical
properties. Clay particles are
chemically active and the
proportion of clay-sized
particles greatly influences soil
physical properties, including
aggregation, porosity, water
movement and storage,
aeration and workability of the
Vance Series, Granville Co, NC
Soil Structure
• The arrangement of
primary / individual soil
particles with respect to
each other into a pattern
is called structure.
• The type and grade of
structure plays an
important role in the
movement of water
within soils.
• There are eight structural
types commonly recognized in
soil profiles:
• Granular,
• single grain,
• blocky,
• prismatic,
• columnar,
• platy,
• wedge, and
• massive.
• Granular - Rounded
aggregates usually less than
1/4 inch in diameter. These
rounded complexes lie loosely
on the surface and are readily
shaken apart. The aggregates
are called granules and the
pattern is called granular. This
is the most common type of
structure found in topsoil.
• Single grain – Each
individual soil particle is
separate and there is
essentially no structure.
This is only found in very
sandy soils and is the type
of structure commonly
seen in sand dunes at the
• Blocky - The original
aggregates have been reduced
to blocks, irregularly faced,
and basically equal in height,
width, and depth. Blocky
structure is the most common
type of structure seen in the
subsoil (B horizon) in North
• Prismatic – Characterized by
vertical oriented aggregates or
pillars with flat tops. These
elongated columns vary in
length with different soils.
Prismatic structure is
commonly seen in soils with
high clay content and in
horizons dominated by high
shrink-swell clays.
• Columnar–Characterized
by vertical oriented
aggregates or pillars with
rounded tops. These
elongated columns with
flat tops vary in length
with different soils. Most
commonly seen in soils
that have a high sodium
content in a dry climate.
• Platy – The aggregates are
arranged in thin horizontal
plates or sheets. This
structure is commonly
found in soil layers that
have been compacted.
Platy structure inhibits the
downward movement of
• Wedge – The aggregates
resemble wedges, thinner
at one end and thicker on
the other. This structure is
seen in soils with a high
clay content that is
dominated by expansive
clays such as
montmorillonite. (2:1
• Affects permeability by
influencing the path by
which water can flow
through the soil. The type
of structure determines
the number of
macropores, which readily
permit downward
movement of water.
Soil Characteristics Conti…

• 3. Soil Porosity & Permeability

• Porosity: Pores in the soil provides storage of water in
the soil.
• Porosity = Volume of voids or pores
Total volume of soil
• The porosity of the soil depends upon the
• i) Grain size distribution of particles
• ii) Shapes of the particles
• iii) Particle arrangement
• In general large size provides more and large pores
• Porosity ()

volume of pores
 =
volume of soil

 b 
 = 1 − 100%
 p 

• Typical values: 30 - 60%

Porosity is the percentage of open space (pores and
cracks) in a material compared to its total volume
Generally: the greater the porosity, the greater
the amount of infiltration that can occur
---Direct Relationship

Dependent upon shape

 If all the particles in a material are about the same size, they
are said to be sorted

 If the particles are of mixed sizes, they are said to be unsorted

Sorted = higher porosity or

pore space

Unsorted = lower porosity because

the smaller particles fill in the pore
➢ Well rounded particles have a greater porosity.

 Round particles = more pore

space, higher porosity, and more

 Angular particles = less pore

space, less porosity, and less
Soil Characteristics Conti…
• Porosity of the soil determines the storage available for
infiltrated water and also affected resistance to flow.
• Infiltration increases with porosity.
• Larger the pore size greater is the infiltration
• Finer the soil texture lower is the rate of infiltration due
to small pores.
• E.g. Infiltration rate is greater in sandy soil than in clay
• Soil porosity determines the water holding capacity and
resistance to flow
• Infiltration is directly proportional to porosity
• Pore size is large -- more Infiltration e.g. Sand
• Pore size is small -- less infiltration e.g. Clay
Soil Characteristics Conti…
• Permeability : It is the ability of the soil to allow the water to percolate
through the soil. (cm/hr)
• The soil layer with the lowest permeability, either at the surface or below it,
• usually determines the infiltration rate. ( Ref Figure 0
• Infiltration rate controlled by B strata having least value of coefficient of
• E.g. Soils like clay have lesser permeability and hence less rate of infiltration
• where as soils having higher permeability have higher rate of infiltration e.g.
sandy soils

A, B, C Soil strata
A 5 cm/ hr having different value
of permeability.
B 3 cm / hr

C 7 cm/ hr

The ability of a material to allow fluids such as

water to pass through it. Larger particles will
increase permeability, because pore space is

**Impermeability may be due to tight packing or

cementing of particles, which seals off the pores
from one another.
ex: ice in the winter
• Permeability refers to the • Hydraulic conductivity is a
movement of air and water measurement of the
within the soil. amount of water that can
• Permeability rate is the rate move downward through a
at which a saturated soil unit area of unsaturated soil
transmits water, usually in a unit of time.
expressed in inches per • Saturated hydraulic
hour. Texture, structure, conductivity (ksat) is a
bulk density, and the type measurement of the
and connectivity of amount of water that can
macropores influence move downward through a
permeability. unit area of saturated soil in
a unit of time.
4. Bulk Density
• The Dry Bulk density of soil
is defined as the ratio of the
mass of dried particles to
the total volume of soil,
(including particles &
pores/air space).
• Bulk density has a major
effect on the movement of
air and water in soils.
• Soils with high bulk densities
are often compacted.
Ms Ms
• Bulk Density (b) b = b =
Vt Vsoil + Vair + Vwater
– b = soil bulk density, g/cm3
– Ms = mass of dry soil, g
– Vt = volume of soil sample, cm3
• Typical values: 1.1 - 1.6 g/cm3

• Particle Density (p) p =
– P = soil particle density, g/cm3
– Ms = mass of dry soil, g
– Vs = volume of solids, cm3
• Typical values: 2.6 - 2.7 g/cm3
Bulk Density Conti….

• The material having higher

bulk density is more closely
packed i.e. porosity is low ,
hence infiltration rate is less
and vice-versa

• Soil compaction restricts

No Compaction
Compaction (plow pan)
rooting depth, which reduces
the uptake of water and
nutrients by plants.
Bulk Density
• Compaction also
decreases infiltration,
thereby increasing runoff
and the hazard of water
Soil Characteristics Conti…
5. Cultivation

➢Infiltration rates are also affected by the porosity of

soil which is changed by cultivation.

➢Cultivation influences the infiltration rate by

increasing the porosity of the surface soil and breaking
up the surface seals.

➢The effect of tillage on infiltration usually lasts only

until the soil settles back to its former condition of bulk
density because of subsequent irrigations or rainfalls.
Soil Characteristics Conti…
6. Vegetal cover
➢Vegetal cover and surface conditions greatly influence infiltration rate than the
soil type and texture.
➢Vegetation such as grass, trees etc increase infiltration compared to barren
➢Vegetation greatly promotes infiltration by
i. Vegetal cover obstructs or retards the surface flow there by giving water
more time to infiltrate the soil.
ii. The vegetal cover provides protection against rain drop impact andprotect
the soil from compaction, hence helps to increase infiltration. i.e. No
compaction by rain drop
iii. Through root system which makes the soil more pervious. Transpiration by
plants removes moisture thus provides high infiltration rate during initial
period of rain.
Grasses, trees and other plant types capture falling
precipitation on leaves and branches, keeping that
water from being absorbed into the Earth

If any water gets through the vegetation, the velocity of

the water will be reduced and this will give the
ground more time to absorb the water

Ground without vegetation usually has high runoff and

low infiltration rates
Soil Characteristics Conti…
7. Presence of Organic Matter or Land Use

Soils having organic matter have higher porosity, this

is because, decay of organic matter cause gas
formation which increases voids in soil there by
raising porosity and hence infiltration rate
Addition of organic matter increase infiltration rate
For example, a forest soil rich in organic matter will
have a much higher value of infiltration capacity
(fc) under identical conditions than the same soil in
an urban area where it is subjected to compaction.
Land Use
Roads, parking lots, and buildings create
surfaces that are not longer permeable.

These impermeable surfaces often channel


Farming, cutting down trees and grazing animals

will reduce vegetation and therefore decrease
Soil Characteristics Conti…
8. Compaction of Soil

The rate of infiltration is less in compacted soils owing

to less voids.
a) Compaction due to men and animals :
Play ground and soil or dirt roads have little
infiltration capacity due to compaction of surface
under the feet of men and animals.
b) Compaction due to rain
At the soil surface, the impact of rain drops causes
the fines in the soils to be displaced and these in
turn can clog / choke up the pore spaces in the
upper layers and reducing infiltration,
but there is no effect in sandy soils.
Soil Characteristics Conti…
9. In wash of fine particles
Fines at the top surface move with flowing surface
water to fill the pores in the strata below there by
forming a relatively impervious seal resulting in low
10.Entrapped Air
The air available in the soil pores is trapped temporary and
is compressed by the downward advancing sheet of
water, when infiltration occurs at nearly uniform rates over
a large area, tending to retard infiltration, there by causing
reduction in infiltration capacity.
The effect is more pronounced where the ground is nearly
horizontal. This entrapped air prevent the further entry of
water at the top soil.
Soil Characteristics Conti…
11. Land Slope
Land slope between 1 to 16 % is observed to have
little effect on the infiltration rate.
With zero slope the infiltration increases due to
increased pressure head built upon soil surface.

The steeper the slope (gradient), the less the infiltration or

--- inverse or indirect relationship
Soil Characteristics Conti…
• 12. Microstructure of soil
• The activities of burrowing animals, micro and macro
organisms and the macro pores left by decayed roots of
vegetation, dissolution of minerals, increase overall infiltration
capacity of an area.
• 13. Position of G.W.T.
• For high G.W.T. --- infiltration low
• For low G.W.T. --- infiltration high
Soil Characteristics Conti…
• 14.Freezing of soil structure
• Freezing of soil surface, called frost penetration forms
an impermeable layer of ice in soil pore . This greatly
reduce infiltration capacity of soil
• 15. Season
• For different seasons the temperature , evaporation,
vegetation cover and farming practices are different
hence amount of infiltration is also different.
• During dry season the soil will under go a swelling and
shrinkage (mostly in clay) which lead to formation of
cracks and fishers in soil mass, which ultimately results
into high infiltration rate.
Water Characteristics
• 1. Turbidity of Water
• Water infiltrating into the soil will have many
impurities, both in solution and in suspension.
• The turbidity of water especially the clay and
colloid content is an important factor as such
suspended particles block the fine pores in the
soil and reduces its infiltration capacity.
Water Characteristics Conti….
• Quality of water
• Water containing silt, salts and other
impurities affect the infiltration.
• Salts present in water changes viscosity
• Salts may react chemically with soil and form
complex substance which obstruct the
porosity of soil and reduce infiltration rate.
• Silt may clog the pore space and reduce
infiltration rate.
Water Characteristics Conti…
• 2. Viscosity of Water & Temperature of Water
• The temperature of the water is a factor in the sense that it
affects the viscosity of the water which in turn affects the
infiltration rate.
• If the viscosity of water is less, the down ward flow of water is
faster and so infiltration is high
• In general __1___ α Temperature
• Viscosity
• Infiltration α __1__
Thus, Infiltration α Temperature
So when temperature is high, viscosity is less and infiltration through soil is high
and vise-versa.
In summer , temperature of water is high and viscosity of water is less which
causes more infiltration than in winter.
Rainfall Characteristics
• 1. Drop Size
• The rain drop size influences infiltration capacity
through its effect on the rate of rain, packing and
breaking down of soil structure ( by inwash of
upper layer of soil),
• Thus extremely large drops tends to reduce the
infiltration during first few minutes of rainfall until
such time as water sheet collects over the soil
• Large size rain drop create more impact over soil .
This reduce infiltration capacity of soil.
• Small size rain drop does not cause any effect on
Rainfall Characteristics Conti…..
• 2. Rainfall Intensity
• When the rainfall intensity (i) is less than
infiltration capacity ( fc) , the infiltration rate (f)
varies directly with rainfall intensity.
• f α i when i < fc No surface runoff will
produce up to i = fc
• when i ≥ fc little effect when the rain intensity
exceeds capacity rate
Rainfall Characteristics Conti…..
• 3. Duration of Rainfall
• Duration of continuous heavy rain reduces steadily the infiltration
capacity till infiltration rate attains more or less a constant value.
• The volume of water infiltrated is more in case of isolated storm
of short duration as compared to the single storm of long
• For an initially dry soil subjected to rain, the infiltration capacity
curve shows an exponentially decaying trend as shown in Figure
10. The observed trend is due to the fact that when the soil is
initially dry, the rate of infiltration is high but soon decreases, as
most of the soil gets moist. The rate of infiltration reaches a
uniform rate after some time.
✓ Introduction:-

▪ Process of Saturation Zone

Transition Zone
from ground
into soil

Wetting Zone

Wetting Front

• General
– Process of water 
Saturation Zone
penetrating from 
Transition Zone
ground into soil
– Factors affecting
• Condition of soil Transmission
surface, vegetative Zone
cover, soil properties,
hydraulic conductivity,
antecedent soil Wetting Zone
– Four zones Wetting Front
• Saturated,
transmission, wetting,
and wetting front
✓ Infiltration:-
▪ The rate at which water infiltrates into
a ground is called the infiltration

Saturation Zone
▪ When a soil is dry, the infiltration rate 
Transition Zone
is usually high compared to when the
soil is moist. For an initially dry soil
subjected to rain, the infiltration
capacity curve shows an exponentially Transmission
decaying trend as shown in figure. Zone
▪ The observed trend is due to the fact
that when the soil is initially dry, the
rate of infiltration is high but soon Wetting Zone
decreases, as most of the soil gets
Wetting Front
▪ The rate of infiltration reaches a
uniform rate after some time. depth
Interestingly, if the supply of continuous
water from the surface is cutoff, then the
infiltration capacity starts rising from the
point of discontinuity

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