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I B.

Tech I-Semester (2022-23)

Applied chemistry

Assignment – I

Course Bloom’s
Sl.No. Question
Outcome Taxonomy Level

Level-1 Remember
a)Derive Nernst equation of single electrode potential and write its applications. (Level-I)
1. CO1 Understand
b)Explain the construction and working of ion selective electrode.
c) Explain the Construction and working of Zinc- air battery.
Level -2:
a) What are batteries and write their characters and explain Li-MnO2 battery and
write its applications
2. CO1 b) Explain construction and working of H2-O2 fuel cell.
(Level – II)
C) Explain construction and working of Dry/ Lechlanchecell.
(Level – II)
Level -3: Understand
a)Explain the construction and working of standard hydrogen electrode. (Level – II)
3. CO1 b)Write the construction and working of Calomel Electrode.
c) Differences between electrolytic cell and galvanic cell.
(Level – II)
Assignment – II
Level -1:
a) How do you convert solar energy into electricity using photovoltaic cell? Remember
Illustrate principle and method with a neat diagram. (Level-I)
1. CO2 b) Explain how electrical energy is produced by using tidal energy. Apply
(Level – III)
c)Write the differences between conventional and non conventional energy Remember
sources. Write the advantages of Non conventional energies. (Level-I)
Level -2:
a) Discuss the design and working of a hydro power plant and give any two
(Level – II)
2 CO2 b) What is meant by geo thermal energy? Plot a schematic diagram of a Remember
geothermal plant and label the portions (Level-I)
c)Discuss the design and working of open ocean thermal energy conversion Understand
(OTEC) and give any two applications. (Level-II)
Level – 3:
a) Discuss the design and working of a closed ocean thermal energy
(Level – III)
conversion(OTEC) and give any two applications.
3. CO2 b) Explain the working principle and applications of photovoltaic cell. Remember
c)Write a note on Electrochemical sensors. Apply
(Level – III)
a) Illustrate the chemical vapor deposition method for preparation of CNTs with a Understand
neat diagram. (Level – II)
b) Describe fullerenes.Write their preparation,properties and applications. Apply
1. CO3
c)Define green chemistry.Explain the twelve principles of green chemistry. Remember
a) Write the applications of green chemistry. Apply
b) Write the properties and applications of Super conductors. Understand
2. CO3 (Level-II)
c) Explain Arc discharge method for the synthesis of CNT. Understand
(Level – II)
a)Write the applications of nano materials in waste water treatment. Remember
b)Write a note on Sol-Gel method for the preparation of nano materials. Understand
3. CO3
c) Write a note on Band theory. Remember
(Level – I)
Assignment – IV
1. Level-1: Remember
a) Explain the mechanism of free radical addition polymerization. (Level – I)
CO4 Understand
b) Distinguish between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics. (Level – II)
c) Write the preparation and properties of Urea-farmaldehyde and Nylon – 6,6. (Level – III)
2. Level-2: Understand
a) Write the preparation and properties ofBakelite. (Level – II)
CO4 Apply
b)Explain the mechanism of Co-ordination polymerization.
(Level – III)
c) Write the preparation, properties of Buna-S and Buna-N.
(Level – II)
Level -3: Understand
3. a) Explain the mechanism of conduction in poly acetylene. (Level – II)
b)Write the mechanism of Cationic addition polymerization.
(Level – I)
CO4 Understand
c)Explain the mechanism of Anionic addition polymerization.
(Level – II)
Assignment – V
Level -1:
Understand(Level – II)
a) Write a note on Electromagnetic Spectrum.
1. CO5 b) Discuss the basic principles of UV – visible spectroscopy and write its Apply(Level – III)
c) Explain about Rotaxanes as artificial molecular machines. Remember(Level-I)
Level -2:
Understand(Level – II)
a) Explain the Instrumentation of UV -Visible spectroscopy.
CO5 b) Explain the applications of Catenanes as artificial molecular machines. Remember(Level-I)
c) Discuss the basic principle of IR spectroscopy and write its applications. Understand(Level-II)
Level -3:
Apply(Level – III)
a) Write the applications of Cyclodextrin based switches.
3. b) Explain the Instrumentation of IR Spectroscopy. Remember(Level-I)
c) Write the applications of Electromagnetic spectrum. Apply(Level – III)

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