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cP seceenes DIALOGUES piatoque : A diatoque is a Hero y technique. In wnich wiles ennploy WO (Or) more Characters +o be engaged in conver catton Wleroture vit (S$ 0 aivected towards ConVEVa tto0 with one another: In ie qrouP (ov) between 400 peXLOOS a particulay subject 4. Giving divections: 4. turn left 'nto- gtsect a. @o down le ats on EME arner 4 @o straignt ahead yn tett » Turn rignt: 5: Tu Acetuity: conversatt'on between tO serangers preethi + Excuse me sis! Hellol Passevby * preethi : i'm Sorry to trouble You, me how Ian get to the yaht No problem, rtls that way - keep walking ceratgne and turn 1st 1éft and then ceratgne but Could You tell train Station? possevby * 2. Making tnereduct! on a. erick +0 the coment a. tak bout who you ove and wnat you 4d 'PRAGATI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM Bake it relevant 4 Talk about your contributton 5: Dress & the part 6 Body larguage acttvity: Conversation between +00 colleagues srivatti:- Hil preethni iv Hello! my nome {s pseethr. What's Yous Name ? grtvallt f= preethi: MY Tt's a pleagure- This 1S ove You from? ame 1s Srtvallr Nice to meet Yqou- a great party | ertvatli ia preetnis- yes. Ie where rivallf ie ren from Rajanmundry » preethi - ps ok, Lim for kaki nada exivaltih- ok aye! & wit atch you sorne. other time preethii- See You. Bye i3> providing tatormation and eatendiing an oxal tavitatton : When yor provide information About Sornething, don't Ido it all to one prece-do 't little by Wttie. providing information means’ Blt OY fact of informatning © sewice oy) employee whrase functton otton +o the public an office, stot) ig eo provide Iingorrn activity: conversation between) Parinnala and HR m anoges Pavtmala : Heo stv Manages : Hil aye You Pparimala? PRAGATI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM Sheet No_20 Panimalat yes,.sit: Thotls me Manager: I was ere about tewminutes ogo but didnt Hind you- ont tid just taken ao walk down th ao get to know the place. aim sorty stv at's good +0 get know your let You Know that etting together at Portrmala :- a. Cormvidor|}) Manager :~ ND problem, surroundings: + ame t° alt the state will be 5: 30pm~ postrala i AH Kind of & freshers poxty ? some thing tke that - 2 very formal attaly Six? 1s Aress Code, He» Shoes rlanager nes ge te going +o 6 Fornnal + te include a wont miss it Sit. Parinnala mManager® t- nice sit’ Parimala * eot | see You tomorrd Ws Manager i ens 4 Repusing an tnvitactfons: refusing an invitation & a Very delicate exercise. hove +0 be wery cautions about the tone ''n you ou make the CF Hwhich Y Choose actuiey i converSa: preetht .- Hl iahat!s UP! Hello] Nothing much, what!s going on? zim having a party this friday: , yeaily ? That's nike. usal and the words You +0 Use: Between Friends. shank u += preethi :— Shan ku i oF tL | PRAGATI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM preetht Shanku > preethl :- poing what? preethi ! Yeah, may be mest +lme shanku 1 hold you 46 that preethi :~ oc! W sounds Ike. a plan- Shank ! 56> saying ~ thank You’ ‘thank You", a very t- Hi @SNG DO You need hel preethi oat pree thi - yes: z think Asha i- What ave You dot ate: No tin Just clean gee, itis So messy qt think Y preetht preethi ache «t- | e (ou ses my pleasure . | proethi Ic. on the telephone: 1) Be Su¥ a Df you nave o urong number, but donde just disconnect. lL — = a tT wanted to see tf you wanted to come this Friday? Sony - + alveady have plans shankU:~ I'ro going +6 dinner with my family: T Aoally wanted you +0 Come, but 1 Understand caid When the appropiate time aan big» pocitive fropact on your pactultys— Conversation between 4xtends. help: ng? Are You going +o mave? n9 my oom - AS You Can OU'Ye. night: Let me help You. e that you are talking to ght person PRAGATI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) SURAMPALEM make iisener (5) « Re zr vealy meed Your gay YOu ave sory complaining : | Dentist <~ com Tee eeemaroaeneeeeres RCI 3 When You are at meeting make cue to place your J obile tn sent rode: 4. End your conversations with thank You: aceivity convercatton in telephone. I] preethl t- Preethf Speaning- How ant help You? phuvana Hello, this. fs Bhuvans -May I Speak with pujitha. please? Preethi :- one moment please - 1't! put You through Tm sorry. pujitina f In @ meething: would you We to message: could You ask hey +0 call me back as Bhuvorna :- yes. Soon as posstbie? T'S pretty urgent te pp course PoeS She have. your Number. = yesrthank Yyou- my pleasuve mam. preathl Bhuvare * preetht t- Tt 's When Yow nave complaints - 62 Cleas as you Ccan- wu owe doing tnis 19 person He So We ue HE you are dot Teurvote complaining to can qeta Cleay: Be patient information £0 that porimala i Excuse me- may I come in doctor? etn Hellol Have A& Seat now: what's the Problem. i SCN 3 DoctoY, +or the last two weeks I have been having & mild pain fin roy +eoth. Tsee...-.. Pat anyuohayre else? ND doctor: Lets take a tO0K--- Now open your MoUth wide. any pain here ? Yes doctor! ok! there (s a problem... your have developed a covity-t need to get that fied. will It be painfut doctor? ND-- Not at alt. rim going to Fill re temporary you @n Come back next week for permanent itl t= ok gdottoy, thank you very much! 8- Complaining +o the sales person? rt f very ‘mportant that we be aware of the kone In which We WAKE complaint: TY +o be polite without being submiccive- BB NOE speak In a unduly nigh volun e Maintain & serious demeanour vohilé making & complaint - Salesman :- Hello chy ,welcome to our store customer - Thank yo. How can t help Yor. sir customers :- Actually ¢ ram planning +o buy an aiy- condittoney: $0- could you please help™me with that- salesman t= cure. Hitech city PRAGATI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM. Sheet No. preethic- yes Tt +00K me. move than arn Nouy- Tratt{[e was terrible and tne voods were qutte bad- yes. T know preethi, the vain have damaged pujttha = the ‘voads- have Some U0! ir- yeah OK BYye- Lt Vater you after som me: puf(tha=- ok then y ee fa pk. wil! catch SSSSa enim ent | EGF (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM

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