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Write the physical state of matter that shows the property given below :
i) Rigid and compressible.
ii) Most compressible form of matter.
iii) Have definite volume but fixed shape.
iv) Has largest inter particle space but weakest form of attraction.

Name the process –

i) A solid that melts at 0⁰C.
ii) A gas that can be liquefied under pressure at ordinary temperature.
iii) A substance that exists as a solid at ordinary temperature but changes to vapour on

Answer the following: on heating solids—

i) do the particles gain or lose energy
ii) does the intermolecular attraction between particles increase or decrease.

Fill in the blanks :

i) Temperature ___________ while a solid substance is___________ or a liquid
substance is___________
ii) A vapour on cooling changes into ___________and further cooling changes into
iii) Matter changes from one state to another either by raising the___________ or
lowering the ___________
iv) A change in which a solid, on heating, directly changes into ___________ state is
called ___________
v) The intermolecular spaces are ___________ in gaseous and___________ in solids.

Match the following :

Column A Column B
A. Constituent of matter 1) Gas
B. No compressibility 2) Solid
C. Maximum expansion 3) Molecules
D. Conversion of a gas 4) Condensation into liquid

Sponge is considered as solid yet we are able to compress it. Why ?

1. What are fluids? Which have more inter-particle space- fluid or rigid material?
2. What are the two factors responsible for interconversion of matter?
3. Explain the following on the basis of kinetic model of matter :
4. Correct the following statement.
i) Water boils at 100⁰C under 2 atmosphere pressure.
ii) At high altitude water boils at above 100⁰C.
iii) A liquid evaporates above its boiling point.
iv) When a substance is heated the kinetic energy of the particle decreases.
v) Solids have the largest inter-particle space.
vi) Gases have the strongest inter-particle forces.

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