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JANUARY / 2021



NO. MATRIKULASI : 880511235142001

NO. KAD PENGNEALAN : 880511235142

Question 1 A) Nominal Group Technique with Delphi Technique

Decision -making techniques are needed to ensure that the decisions taken are
accurate. Nominal Group Technique and Delphi Technique are among the techniques adopted
when making decisions by an organization.
The Nominal Group Technique is a structured decision -making process in the form
of face -to -face group discussions. It is intended as a way to gather the views and
assessments of individuals in an atmosphere of uncertainty and disagreement about the
content of a problem, after which the group seeks the best solution. There are several steps
that involve this technique, namely:
Step 1: Each group member records their ideas individually for the decision or problem
Step 2: Each member will read his ideas to everyone in his group to share their views with
them. Such ideas are usually written above for review and reference by all group members.
Step 3: A discussion will be held to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each idea.
Step 4: Members will vote in secret and write it on a piece of paper. The idea that receives the
most votes will be adopted and implemented.
This decision-making method is very suitable to protect the interests of each employee,
especially when there are individuals who often dominate a discussion. This technique is used
to identify criteria and obstacles that group members will use to take advantage of the

The Delphi Technique approach is to collect and compare various considerations

through a series of questions that are accompanied by inferring information and providing
feedback based on the opinions of experts.

This technique does not require panel members to be face to face.

They may interact through correspondence, email and so on. Among the steps involved in
this technique are:
i. Experts in relevant sectors will be identified and selected by panel members.
ii. The problems will be treated in the form of a questionnaire consisting of open-ended

iii. The questionnaire will be given to the panel members along with a request for them to
recommend solutions
iv. Each expert will complete a questionnaire and return it to the head of the organization.
v. All answers will be summarized and combined in the form of a report. It was then returned
to the panel members along with a more specific and detailed questionnaire that was
vi. Panel members read the report to find out the opinions and suggestions of other members
on the issue. In addition, they also completed a second questionnaire

Delphi techniques are included into modern decision-making techniques that stimulate
creativity by using expert-based judgment to reach Consensus in group decision-making. This
technique is also one of the decision -making techniques in strategic decision making.
Technique Delphi is generally used to make decisions predicting the future that an
organization will face. This technique is particularly suitable for groups of decision makers
who are not in one place.


1 B) technique that can be used to overcome the said difficulties.
Issues in an organization stem from common problems that revolve around
engagement and execution. The root of every problem is a lack of self -awareness, either on
the leadership team or among staff. In the worst cases, this lack of self -awareness is present

Silo working culture

As employees, we may not be aware of how our work affects the duties of colleagues
in other departments. Employees cannot see the big picture of how an organization operates
as a whole to achieve its goals and objectives. As a result, a silo work culture was formed.
If we are in the sales department, why do we need to be aware of what is going on in
the Human Resources or Finance department? It has nothing to do with us, when such an
attitude is allowed to fester, it will produce various consequences that have the potential to
lead to accidents.
To address the issue, holding meetings involving all departments once or twice a
month is a great way to share about what is going on in their respective departments,
including successes and challenges faced.
Leaders can take this opportunity to come up with ideas on how these departments
can work together to solve a problem or take advantage of encouraging results. In this way,
they are able to literally take their men out of the team bubble and give a broader perspective
on their contribution to the organization as a whole.

No significant leaders
Leaders who manage micro or who disappear for long periods of time can be the
cause of big problems. Steve Jobs once said that he hired smart staff so they could tell him
what to do. But that doesn’t mean he’s just being a shadow at Apple and letting others do the

Wise employees also need to be told whether what they are doing is in line with the
company’s direction. It is impossible for an employee to know if the steps he is taking are
right or not if no leader is navigating the ark.
To overcome such problems, effective Leaders engage with the team at all times.
They are always there to provide the necessary support. It is important for a leader to be
easily accessible to his staff. They need to be proactive in identifying what staff need to
perform their duties better.
3 A) Effective communication

Effective communication is a process of effective information delivery and can create

a feeling of pleasure, satisfaction, and a sense of appreciation and encourage a desire to work
together between the two parties involved.
Communication in an organization can be defined as "a power that connects the leader
with the person being led in order to mobilize energy in an organized manner to achieve
common objectives." In organizations, communication is a means of communication between
leaders and the people they lead. Leaders must have clear goals and missions about what their
organization wants to achieve. Leaders need to ensure that those under them understand the
goals of the organization and then perform their respective responsibilities to achieve the
objectives of the organization. Thus, leaders need to first understand what the organization
they lead wants to convey.
Effective communication is very important in an organization. This is to ensure that
the mission and vision of an organization can be moved together. Looking at the importance
of communication effectiveness in organizations, then here are listed some ways to improve
communication effectiveness in organizations. First of all before presenting information, the
presenter must be clear about the information and the purpose to be conveyed. The material
to be presented must be organized, concise, concise and clear so that it is easily understood
by the listener.
In addition, to make the presentation always ‘fresh’ to the listener, the presenter can
add some interesting material such as statistics, words of wisdom, charts and the like. In
addition, the presenter can also use aids such as ‘overhead projector’, computer screen board
and various other audio -visual aids.

The presenter should also use good pronunciation techniques with an engaging style
such as controlling the speed of word pronunciation and intonation of the voice, choosing
appropriate language and terms, facial expressions, and eye contact between the presenter and
the listener. The best guide to show a face and facial expressions is with a cheerful and cheap
face with a smile, and sometimes a rather serious facial expression to describe something
serious and serious. While the way to control the situation when communicating or speaking
is to look at the audience in a "Z" shape that is from left to right, from front to back, and in all
In addition credibility is an important condition of communication. There are two
ways to gain credibility. The first is, the speaker must be confident and believe about what is
being conveyed based on authentic sources, accurate facts and correct information. Second,
the speaker must first do what is being said so that the person listening will be more
impressed in the heart.
Another way to increase the effectiveness of communication is that the presenter
should also consider the status of the listener. Among the aspects that need to be given
attention are the level of knowledge, understanding of the listener, social atmosphere, self -
perception and also the ‘mind setting’. The presenter should also always follow up once the
communication has taken place. Among the follow -up steps that can be taken are asking,
interacting or asking for reactions from the listener. This follow -up step is important to find
out the extent of the listener's understanding of what has been presented while avoiding the
listener making their own conclusions that may not coincide with the original intent.

3 B) Ways communication in organisations can be improved.

Using feedback, each speaker looks at the feedback given by the target, both verbally
and non-verbally, then gives an interpretation of the feedback in detail.
Understand individual differences or individual complexities well. Each individual has a
different personality both in terms of psychological, social, economic, cultural and
educational background. With the right understanding, one can use the right tactics in
Use direct communication (face to face), direct communication can overcome
communication barriers because it is more persuasive. Communicators can combine verbal

and non-verbal language. In addition to selective words can also be used eye contact, facial
expressions, other body language and also meta-language (gestures outside the language) that
makes communication more effective.
Use simple and easy language. The vocabulary used should be comprehensible and
not use terms that are difficult for the listener to understand. Use simple words because words
contain many implicit and explicit meanings that will make it difficult for the listener to
understand the message being conveyed.
Firm to the Facts. First of all, make sure you are clear with the intentions and desires
you want from the communication session to be conducted. Next, write down what has
happened and make sure it is a clear fact. Make sure you have identified and taken
responsibility for your part in the situation. This is to prevent the same thing from happening
again. Respectfully, put your feet in their place. Think about what it would be like if you
yourself wanted respect from others. How you want it from others, that's the best way you
can do it to others.
Make Sure Your Communication Has The Values Of Generosity, Respect, Integrity
And Truth. No one likes to be confronted with the intent to be hostile. All you need to do is,
create that communication relationship to help, and that communication will create a better
atmosphere. The situation will avoid an atmosphere of hostility and become a natural
communication to help each other. Ideally at the beginning of a communication, you give a
statement of your intentions in advance that this ongoing discussion to help and reach a
mutual understanding is the best way to initiate a communication.


Kinesics orders are orders that use the movements of the limbs. It is a technical term
for the study of body movements used in communication. These movements use muscle
movements in the human body so that the movements are more active. Nonverbal
communication, kinesics or body movements include eye contact, facial expressions, gestures
and body posture. The first is eye contact. Eye contact as a gaze or gaze. While the
interviewer was asking a question, I focused eye contact entirely on him until the end of the
question being asked and then distracted and formed eye contact with the other interviewer
by focusing on the interviewer asking. When I interview for a job or participate in an
interview, my nonverbal communication is almost as important as my verbal response.
Employers evaluate what I do as well as what I say, and I can use my nonverbal
communication skills to make the best impact. If my skills aren’t well -known, I can practice
them until I make a positive impact on everyone I meet at work and beyond.
However, knowing what I am going to say is only part of the picture. Equally
important is understanding how to convey my message through my body language. The
success of my interviews and networking was determined by the impact people received on
me, and how they responded to what I said.
My tone of voice and other aspects of Paralinguistic is voice communication that is
separate from the actual words used and includes factors such as inflection, pitch, pacing,
pause, and voice. It is a form of nonverbal communication that can be useful for telephone
and person interaction.


Facial expressions
Facial expressions are said to be an important part of nonverbal communication
because we can give a lot of information to the other person through expressions. For
example, when we feel excited with the other person, a smiling facial expression will appear.
Meanwhile, when you are bored, the frowning facial expression will come out by itself. That
is why facial expressions are so important to pay attention to when we are talking at work.
Facial expressions will also be the first thing seen even before we start talking. The reason is,
when we show a jute facial expression, it will definitely make others feel disturbed. That is
why maintaining facial expressions is just as important as maintaining words when speaking.

Body gestures are also one example of nonverbal communication that you must
understand. This one thing is quite diverse and usually happens intentionally or
unintentionally. In the world of work, body gestures will be a concern when you are talking
to a boss or client. For example, if you show uncomfortable body gestures when speaking, the
other person will know if you are disturbed. In addition, gestures such as waving your hand
when asking a question in a meeting will also show that you are a polite person because you
do not want to interrupt other people's conversations.

Body language
Body language is a person's way of positioning their body naturally depending on the
situation, the environment, and how they feel. That is why from the body language of the
other person we can get information such as about his mood. For example, when someone is
talking with their arms crossed and their foreheads furrowed, it is possible that they are
feeling upset and angry about something. Therefore when talking to a respected person not
only speech needs to be maintained, but body language also needs to be considered.

Touch is also one example of nonverbal communication. However, the touch will be
more suitable to be done on people you already know more intimately. If we come into
contact with people we do not know, there will be confusion or even misunderstanding.

Touch is indeed commonly used to communicate support or provide comfort to others. For
example, there is a co -worker who is sad, so you can show your empathy by holding his
hand or rubbing his back.

The appearance shown from the model and the color of the clothes, the hairstyle, to
the makeup style is also very worth noting. For example, when you take a job interview test,
of course your appearance will also be judged by the recruiters. That's why when going to do
an interview test you must always choose the right clothes. In addition, hairstyles and makeup
styles will also be assessed. Don't let you give a bad first impression on a recruiter just
because of a poor appearance.

Prepare appropriate questions for the various evaluation criteria to obtain the club
members’ feedback
The delivery of a clear and engaging speech will evoke a sense of enthusiasm and a
desire in the listener to hear what a speaker is saying. In other words, it has a profound effect
on the listener on a topic presented by the speaker. Good speaking skills can entice the
listener to continue listening from beginning to end. The more interesting the speech from the
speaker, the more cheerful the atmosphere in the hall where the public speaking takes place.
If the speaker just speaks by telling uninteresting things it will make the listener bored and
not pay attention. Therefore, as a speaker should present the speech with an attractive style
and style to ensure that what is delivered achieves its goals and objectives.

Come forward with confidence

Self -confidence combined with good facial expressions and body movements will display
the authority and credibility of a speaker. This will allow the message to be conveyed

Neat personal appearance

Dressing neatly while speaking will have a positive effect on the listener. In fact, the speaker
will feel more respected and confident to deliver the speech and share a positive aura with the

Physical and mental preparation

Physical preparation includes speech material and self -skills before speaking while mental
preparation is like preparing for obstacles or challenges that will occur during the speech.

Prepare a speech framework

It is easier to frame your speech in the form of short details (point forms) to help the speaker
remember what is to be conveyed. This technique is to ensure that the speaker can speak
comfortably and confidently.

Oral supporting body language

Body, face and hand movements can grab the listener’s attention by giving a quicker
understanding of what the speaker is conveying. This movement also has a dramatic impact
on the listener and can calm the feeling of the speaker who is nervous.
Complete beginning and end
Each speech must begin with an introduction followed by a clear description and an
interesting closing. Use creative and engaging introductions, well -established descriptions
and content as well as closing words that can leave a deep impression on the listener.

Create a friendly relationship with the listener

Use `eye contact 'or eye contact that is friendly to the listener. If possible look at all the
available listeners from each section in front, middle, back, right and left. Avoid looking at
one object or looking up only.

Control the voice well

The use of voice when speaking according to the situation of the message being conveyed.
The voice is stressed when something is said that needs to be expressed enthusiastically.
Speaking out loud is intended to strengthen the argument and give confidence to the listener
what is to be conveyed.

Overcome nervousness and stage noise
Stage rumble is normal. Use rumbling control methods well psychologically, physically and
spiritually and spiritually. The rumbling will start to disappear little by little after a while the
speaker is speaking and then will continue to disappear.

Do not hold items in your hands while speaking

Most speakers will hold pencils, notes, books and the like to get rid of nervousness. This can
cause the listener to focus on the speaker’s actions instead of focusing on the message being

Don’t speak too fast

An effective speaker will speak using an appropriate rate of speed so that it is easily
understood by the listener. Speaking fast gives a negative impression that the speaker seems
to want to finish the speech quickly rather than give understanding to the listener.


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