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1. Historians call 19th century as the long nineteenth century because of First World War.
2. The biggest outcome of World War I was the Russian Revolution.
3. The term Cartel refers to an association of contractual agreement between enterprises.
4. The need to control the resources led to the imperialism.
5. By 1880 most of the Asian countries were colonised.
6. Japan forced a war on China in the year 1894.
7. Japan emerged as advanced Industrial power as it adopted Western education
,machinery and modern army and navy.
8. Japan entered the “Charmed circle of the great powers” after defeating Russia to obtain
Port Arthur.
9. Central powers comprised of Germany, Austria- Hungary and Italy under the guidance of
10. Triple Entente was formed by Britain, France and Russia
Militant forms Country
Jingoism England
Chauvinism France
Kultur Germany
12. In the first Balkan war of 1912-1913 , Treaty of London was signed .
13. Albania was created and Macedonia was divided among the Balkan League countries in
the end of First Balkan war.
14. The second Balkan League resulted in the signing of Bucharest Treaty.
15. The immediate cause of World war I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
of Austria by a Bosnian Serb.
16. The Allies consisted of
Russia, France, Britain, Italy, USA, Belgium, Serbia, Romania, and Greece.
17. Germany defeated Russia in the Battle of Tannenberg.
18. The Battle of Marne was memorable as the French succeeded in saving Paris by pushing
back the Germans through Trench warfare.
19. Battle of Verdun tilted the fortunes in favour of the Allies in July 1916.
20. The treaty of Brest Litovsk was signed between Russia and Germany signifying the
intention of Russia to have peace with Germany.
21. The British won the Battle of Jutland in the North Sea.
22. USA was forced to join the war as the German submarines torpedoed its ship named
23. Germany surrendered in November 1918.
24. Kemal Pasha was responsible for the rebirth of Turkey as a Nation.
25. Duma is the Russian parliament .
26. The two political parties in Russia were the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.
27. The Communist government took control of Russia on Nov 8, 1917.
28. The permanent members of the League of Nation were Britain, France, Italy, Japan, nad
the United States.
29. Sir Eric Drummond was the first Secretary General the League of Nations.
30. The International Court of Justice is established in The Hague.
31. Locarno Treaty was signed between Germany, France, Belgium, Britain and Italy to
guarantee peace in Western Europe.
32. In 1920 The United States took a policy of isolation.
33. Lenin was in Switzerland .
Lenin Austria- Hungary Russia
Kaiser Wilhelm II Russia Germany
Franz Ferdinand Turkey Austria- Hungary
Kemal Pasha France Turkey
Clemenceau Germany France
35. Cecil Rhodes was the imperialist Prime Minister of South Africa.
36. Japan annexed Liotung peninsula.
37. Britain, France and Russia established Spheres of Influence.
38. England’s great contribution was the navy and the sea power.
39. Serbia came under the rule of Germany.


1. The first US market crash occurred on 24 October 1929.
2. Bank of England and two large German banks were bankrupt because of economic
3. Fascist March was organized by Mussolini in October 1922.
4. Matteottiwas the socialist leader ho was murdered when he questioned the legitimacy of
the elections in Italy.
5. Mussolini assumed the title of II Duceto become the dictator of Italy in 1938.
6. Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in 1935.
7. Mein Kampf – My struggle is the autobiography of Adolf Hitler.
8. The Nazi party’s propaganda was led by Josef Goebbels.
9. Gestapo is the Secret State police formed and run by Himmler.
10. The genocide of 6 million Jews in Europe was named as the Final Solution by the Nazis.
11. Hitler became both the President and the Chancellor in 1934 when Hindenburg passed
12. Indo China comprises of Cambodia and Laos.
13. The Lateran Treaty was signed between Italy and the Pope.
14. Ho Chi Minh organized Viet Minh to organize the Freedom struggle against the French
15. Dyarchy refers to the provision of Indian ministers holding portfolios .
16. Bilateral trade treaties were signed between British empire and member states to give
preference to the Imperial goods.
17. The discovery of Gold in Transvaal led to large number of British miners settling in
18. South Africa had gained dominion status and thus had full control over the foreign policy.
19. There were guerrilla activities in Tongking.
20. Verwoerd was the brain behind the apartheid policy.
21. The descendents of original Dutch settlers of South Africa are known as Afrikaners.
22. Simon Bolivar is called as El Liberator was responsible for the process of liberation
Struggle in South America.
23. Cuba was under the US rule from 1898 to 1902.
24. Haiti got its independence from the French Colonialist by the struggle led by Toussaint
25. The Monroe Doctrine was summed up as “Speak Softly and carry a Big Stick”.
26. Franklin Roosevelt put forth the :Good Neighbour policy “.
27. United party was formed by the unification of South Africa Party and National Party in
28. By 1830 the whole of South America was free from European domination.
Fascist Party 1933 1919
Lateran Treaty 1887 1929
Hitler Chancellor 1919 1933
French Occupation 1927 1887
Vietnam Nationalist Party 1929 1927

1. The total number of deaths in World war I is estimated to be 20 million.
2. The National Socialist Party founded by Hitler is known as the Nazi party.
3. The fundamental idea behind the party was the racial superiority of the Aryan race and the
deep hatred of the Jews.
4. Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis comprised of Italy, Germany, and Japan.
5. In 1938 Germany invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia.
6. Italy invaded Ethiopia and Albania in 1939.
7. Haile Selassie was the emperor of Ethiopia and he appealed to the League of Nation for
help when Italy invaded.
8. Munich pact was signed between Britain and Germany to stop the invasion into the
neighbouring territories.
9. Winston Churchill became the prime minister of England in 1940 replacing Chamberlain.
10. World war II was fought at two fronts Europe and Asia Pacific.
11. Blitzkrieg is known as the “lightning strike” followed by the German army.
12. The Royal Air Force of Britain termed as “Spitfires and Hurricanes“ inflicted severe losses
to German bombers.
13. President Roosevelt started “ Lend Lease “ in March 1941 to support the allied forces with
arms , supplies and food as a loan.
14. Operation Blue was aimed at capturing and controlling Stalingrad
15. The allied forces aunder the Leadership of General Montgomery defeated German and
Italian forces at El Alamein in North Africa.
16. Mussolini was thrown out of power in 1943 when Italy surrendered to the Allies.
17. Japan attacked American naval installations in Pearl Harbour , Hawaii on 6 December
18. The US navy defeated the Japanese navy in the Battle of Midway.
19. Japan was defeated in the Battle of Guadalcanal in Solomon Islands by the allied army
and navy.
20. The World war II came to an end formally on 2 september 1945.
21. The world was polarized into Communist and non communist blocs.
22. The newly developed device which could detect the aircraft was the RADAR.
23. The nucleus of the Free French army was under General De Gaulle.
24. Stalin was regarded as the Prodigy of patience , tenacity and vigilance.
25. WHO deals with health.
26. The permanent members of the United Nations are The USA, Britain, France, Russian and
27. WHO –World Health Organization
28. UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
29. UNICEF –United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
30. UNDP – United Nations Development Programme.
31. Bretton Woods Twin refers to the The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
32. The two main organs of the World Bank are the International Bank for Reconstruction and
development (IBRD) and the International Development Agency(IDA)
Treaty of Versailles 1929 1919
Great Depression 1942 1929
The Atlantic charter 1944 1941
Beveridge report 1919 1942
Bretton Woods Conference 1941 1944


1. The Marshall plan of the USA was to help the reconstruction of the war ravage Europe.
2. The Manchu dynasty ruled China since 1650.
3. The communist party in China was under Mao Tse Tung.
4. The unity in China lasted for four years
5. There were eight European countries in the WARSAW pact.
6. Yassar Arafat became the chairman of the PLO in 1969.
7. Strasbourg was the headquarters of the Council of Europe.
8. Maastricht is in Netherlands
9. The cold war came to an end in.December 1991
10. The Taiping rebellion lasted for fourteen years
11. Yuan Shi Kai served as the minister in the Manchu administration.
12. Sun YatSen was a doctor of Medicine
13. In 1965 marines landed at Danang naval base.
14. Cold war term was coined by George Orwell in 1945.
15. Truman pursued a policy of containment of communism.
16. Marshall plan was conceived to bring development in western European countries .
17. NATO was formed to resist Soviet aggression in Europe.
18. In 2017 NATO had 29 members.
19. Baghdad Pact also known as the CENTO Pact was formed by Turkey, Iraq, Great Britain,
Pakistan and Iran.
20. CENTO was dissolved in 1979.
21. The Non Aligned movement emerged in the wake of decolonization following world war II.
22. NAM pledged to fight all forms of colonialism and imperialism.
23. The first conference of NAM was held under the leadership of Tito Yugoslovia, Nasser –
Egypt and Nehru- INDIA, Nkurmah –Ghana, Sukarno – Indonesia
24. Diaspora refers to the millions of jews who were scattered around Europe and North
25. Colonel Nasser became the president of Egypt in 1952 through a military coup.
26. PLO was formed in 1964 and it represented the descendants of the Arabs in Palestines.
27. Nakbah implies catastrophe in the Arab world when a large numbers of the became
refugees when Israel occupied its territory.
28. The American troops were defeated and ousted from Vietnam on 30 April 1975.
29. EEC ( European Economic Community) eliminated barriers to the movement of goods,
services ,capital and labour
30. The Masstricht Treaty led to the formation of The European Union.
31. Britain exited from the European Union in 2017.
32. Helmut Kohl – Chancellor of West Germany played a crucial role in unification of West and
East Germany.
33. Perestroika and Galsnost were used by Gorbachev in restructuring the Russian economy.
34. Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Yom Kippur religious holiday.
35. Mao enrolled in the Teachers Training College in Changsha
36. The US troops used bacteriological weapon and Incendiary bombs in the Vietnam war.
37. The Berlin wall was a symbolic boundary between Communism and Capitalism.
38. The Whampoa military academy was founded in Canton with the assistance of the
Death of Dowager 1925 1908
Russian revolution 1945 1917
The Long March 1908 1937
Ares League formation 1937 1945
Death of Sun YatSen 1917 1925


Sl Reformer Organization Worked for/Responsible for

1 Raja Ram Mohan Roy Brahmo Samaj Abolition of Sati in 1829

2 Keshab Chandra Sen Sadhran Samaj Anti Christian tendencies

3 Ishwar Chandra Widows Remarriage Reform Act 1856

1 Dr Atma Ram Pandurang Prarthana Samaj Inter Caste dining, inter caste marrige

2 M G Ranade Widow Marriage

Sarvajanik Sabha
, Deccan
Education society
3 JyothibaPhule Satyashodak “Gulamgiri”, Opened schools for untouchable in
Samaj Poona in 1852
Worked for Women and depressed classes

4 Narayana Guru Sri Narayana Worked towards the upliftment of “depressed

Dharma classes” in Kerala.
5 Ayyankali Sadhu Jana Campaigned and raised funds to educate the
Paripalana Pulaya People.
6 Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan “Aligarh Aligarh Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College to
Movement” educate the Muslims

7 Muhammad “Deoband Moral and religious regeneration of the Muslim

QasimWanotavi and Movement” Community
Rashid Ahmad Gangotri
8 Furdunji Naoroji Parsi Reform “RastGoftar”. They opposed Infant marriage and
Movement use of astrology

9 Baba Dayal Das Nirankari Rejection of rituals associated with idolatry.

Movement Prohibition of meat eating and liquor consumption

10 Baba Ram Singh Namdhari Insisted on wearing the symbols of Sikhism

Movement – the Kirpan

11 RamalingaSwamigal Samarasa Vedha Established free feeding house at Vadalur

Sanmarga Satya
13 IyotheeThassar “Dravida Sakya Buddhist Society at Madras.
Kazhagam” He called the “untouchables” as
movement Sathi Petham Atra Dravidar

1. The area of India is 32,87,263
2. India accounts for 2.4% of total area of the world.
3. India shares 15200 km of land frontier with Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan,
Bangladesh and Myanmar.
4. The longest border India shares is with Bangladesh which is 4156Km.
5. India is separated from Sri Lanka by Palk Strait.
6. The latitude of India is 8⁰4’ N to 37⁰6’N
7. The longitude of India is 68⁰7’E to 92⁰25’E.
8. India is located in the North Eastern hemisphere.
9. The southernmost tip of the country is Indira point located in Nicobar Islands
10. The Southernmost tip of Mainland India is Cape Comarin in Kanniyakumari.
11. The North-south extent of India is 3214 Km extending from Jammu Kashmir to
12. The East West extension is 2933 km and stretches from Rann of Kutch to Arunachal
13. India is politically divided into 28 states and 9 Union Territories.
14. The capital of Andhra Pradesh is Amravati
15. The capital of Telanganais Hyderabad.
16. The time of Central meridian of India is 82⁰30’.
17. Pamir Knot is known as the “Roof of the World”
18. The term “Himalaya” in Sanskrit means “The Abode of Snow”
19. The oldest fold mountain is Aravalli.
20. The major passes of Himalayas are Karakoram pass, Shipkila pass, Nathala pass,
Jhelepla pass.
21. The Khyber pass connects Pakistan and Afghanistan
22. The Northern plains cover 7 lakh
23. Bhangar is the older alluvium.
24. Khadar is the new alluvium .
25. The deltaic plains consists of Chars(uplands) and Bils (marshy areas).
26. Anaimudi is the highest point in the Peninsular plateau.
27. The highest peak of Central Highland is Gurushikar .
28. The rivers that drain Malwa plateau are Chambal, Betwa and Ken.
29. The central highlands which extends to Malwa plateau are called as Bundelkhand and
30. Western Ghats are called as Sahaydri .
31. Eastern Ghats are called as Poorvadri.
32. Anaimudi is at the tri junction of Anaimalai range, cardamom hills and palani hills.
33. The eastern ghats join western ghats at the Nilgiri hills.
34. The shallow lagoons in the Western coastal plains are called as Kayals and Teris.
35. Marina Beach is the second longest beach in the world.
36. Chilka is the largest salt lake in India.
37. Andaman Island are made up of 572 islands
38. India’s only active volcano is found on the Barren Islands in Andaman Nicobar islands.
39. The Ten degree Channel separates Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
40. The Pitt island of Lakshdweep Islands has a bird sanctuary.
41. Lakshadweep Islands are made up of Laccadive, Minicoy, and Amindivi.
42. It was renamed as Lakshadweep in 1973.
43. The perennial rivers are Ganga, Indus and Brahmaputra.
44. Ganga originates from Gangotri glacier.
45. River Ganga is known as river Padma in Bangladesh.
46. The major tributaries of Ganga are Gomti, Gandak, Kosi, Ghagra, Chambal and Son.
47. River Brahmaputra originates from Chemayungdung glacier ofKailashrange .
48. River Brahmaputra is called as Tsangpo in Tibet and Dihang in Arunachal Pradesh.
49. After Brahmaputra joins with river Ganga in Bangladesh, it is called as Meghna.
50. The major tributaries of Brahmaputra are Tista, Manas, Barak and Subansiri.
51. Godavari is the longest peninsular river and it is also called as Vridha Ganga.
52. Kolleru is a fresh water lake located in the deltaic region of Godavari.
53. River Krishna originates from Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra.
54. River Kaveri originates from Thalakaveri in Kodagu hills of Karnataka.
55. River Kveri is also called as Dhakshin Ganga .
56. River Kavery bifurcates twice to form Srirangam and Sivasamudram islands.
57. River Narmada originates from AmarkantakPlateau in Madhya Pradesh.
58. The rivers that drain into the Bay of Bengal are Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and
59. Equable climate is also called as British Climate.
60. The pre monsoon showers are called as “Mango showers”
61. Norwestrs are the local severe storms . They are also called as “Kalbaisakhis”
62. Mawsynram of Meghalaya is the wettest place in the world receiving 1141 cm of rainfall.
63. Tidel forest are called as littoral forest.
64. India has 102 National Parks and 515 Wildlife sanctuaries.
65. There are 18 Biosphere reserves in India.
66. Project Tiger was launched in Aril 1973 to conserve the Tiger population.
67. The state with maximum percentage of well irrigation is Uttar Pradesh.
68. 79% of Haemetite deposits are found in Assam, Bihar and Chattisgarh
69. India is the 7th largest producer of coffee in the world.
70. The two main varieties of coffee are robusta and Arabica.
71. The state leading in the livestock sector in India is Uttarpradesh.
72. The Livestock census is conducted once in5 years.
73. The leading producers in Dairy, meat is Uttarpradesh.
74. The leading producer of wool is Rajasthan.
75. 93% of Magnetite deposits occur inAndhrapradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and
76. Jharkhand is the leading producer of Iron ore in India with 25% contribution.
77. The largest deposit of Manganese if found in Odisha (44%)
78. India is the 5thlargest producer of Manganese in the world.
79. Jharkhand is the largest producer of Copper with 64%
80. Abhrak is the name of ore containing good quality Mica.
81. The major deposits of Mica in India are found in Andhrapradesh.
82. Coal is called as Black gold.
83. Based on the carbon content Coal is classified as anthracite, bituminous, lignite and
84. CNG –Compressed Natural Gas methane stored under high pressure.
85. The first Nuclear power plant was established in Tarapur, Mumbai in 1969.
86. Muppandal Perungudi area in Tamilnadu has wind farm with largest concentration in a
single location in the world.
87. India has the fourth largest installed wind power capacity in the world.
88. The first hydro electric power station in India was established in Darjeeling.
89. The first Cotton textile mill in India was established at Fort Gloster in Calcutta.
90. Byssinosis also called as “brown lung disease or Monday fever” affects people working
in textile industry.
91. Mumbai is called as “Manchester of India”
92. Coimbatore is called as “Manchester of South India”
93. The first Paper mill of India was started in 1812 at Serampore in West Bengal.
94. Chennai is nick named as “the Detroit of Asia”.
95. Iron and Steel industry is called as the metallurgy industry.
96. Benagaluru is called as the “Electronic Capital of India” basic metallurgical industry
97. The Make in India program launched in 2014 puts India in the world map in the area of
global designing and manufacturing.
98. The first attempt to produce iron and steel unit was set up in Port Nova in Tamilnadu.
99. Karnataka is the largest producer of Silk in India.
100. Uttarpradesh is the largest producer of Sugar in India.


1. Prime Ministers who have secured two consecutive terms are Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Narendra
2. The Prime Minister who was in office for a very short period of time in India Atal Bihari Vajpaye
3. Article 71– Mention the duties of Prime Minister
4. Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha are termed as bicameral legislature.
5. Rajya Sabha consists of 250 members; 238 members are selected by indirect elections.
6. Parliament consists of 18 members from Tamil Nadu in Rajya Sabha.
7. Parliament consists of 39 members from Tamil Nadu in Lok Sabha.
8. The speaker presides over both the houses of Parliament.
9. The Speaker has the power to decide whether the member of the Lok Sabha is disqualified.
10. Parliament has 3 sessions in a year
a. Budget session from Feb to May
b. Monsoon session from July to September
c. Winter session from Nov to December
11. The Supreme Court was inaugurated on Jan 28, 1950.
12. The Supreme Court consisted of 8 judges including Chief Justice in 1950.
13. At present, there are 28 judges including Chief Justice.
14. The Governor of the State is appointed by the President.
15. The Speaker of the State is not the Head of the State or Government or the President’s agent.
16. The Governor can nominate one representative of the Anglo-Indian community to the State Legislative
17. The Governor does not appoint the Judges of High Court.
18. The Chief Minister of the State is appointed by the Governor.
19. the State Council of Ministers is headed by the Chief Minister
20. The Legislative Council is a permanent house.
21. The minimum age for the membership of the Legislative Council is 30 years.
22. The members of the Legislative Council are elected by local bodies, graduates, teachers, Legislative
23. Tamil Nadu does not possess a bicameral legislature.
24. The High Courts in India were first started at Calcutta, Madras, Bombay.
25. Punjab and Haryana have a common High Court.
26. Governor of the state government surrenders is resignation to The President.
27. Members of the Legislative Assembly are elected by the people.
28. Fatima Beevi is the first woman Governor of Tamil Nadu.
29. The Governor acts as the chancellor of universities in the state.
30. The Seventh Amendment Act of 1956 authorised the Parliament to establish a common high court for 2 or
more states.
31. The Chairman and the members of the State Public Service Commission can be removed only by The
32. The Constitutional Head of the State is the Governor.
33. Administration of the State is carried on in the name of the Governor
34. The ordinances of the Governor should be approved by the legislature within 6 months.
35. The real executive authority of the state is The Chief Minister.
36. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Legislature.
37. The term of office of the Legislature Assembly is 5 years.
38. Each member of the Legislative Council serves for 6 years.
39. The Presiding officer of the Legislative Council is the Chairman.
40. In Tamil Nadu, the Legislative Council was abolished in 1986.
41. At present, there are 26 High Courts for 28 states in India.
42. India consists of 28 states and 8 union territories.
43. The ordinances are issued by the Governor.
44. Money bills can be introduced in the legislature only with the Governor’s recommendation.
45. When the President’s rule is imposed the administration of the state is taken over by the Governor.
46. The judges of the district courts are appointed by the Governor.
47. Annual Financial statement is called the budget.
48. Service sector is the largest sector in India.
49. GDP is the indicator of the health of economy.
50. Secondary sector is otherwise called as the Industrial sector.
51. Service sector is called as the growth engine of the Indian economy.
52. India is the sixth largest economy of the world.
53. India is the fifth fastest growing nation of the World.
54. GNP equals GDP plus net property income from abroad.
55. National Income is a measure of Total Value of goods and services.
56. Primary sector consist of agriculture.
57. Value added approach is the value added by each intermediate good is summed to estimate the value of the
final good.
58. Service Sector is the highest employment in GDP.
59. Gross value added to current prices for services sector is estimated at 92.26 lakh crore in 2018-19.
60. India is the 2nd largest producer in agricultural product.
61. India’s life expectancy at birth is 65 years.
62. Wage policy is a trade policy.
63. Indian economy is a Developing Economy.
64. Services Sector is the largest sector in India.
65. GDP is the indicator of Economic Health of an economy.
66. Secondary sector is otherwise called as Industrial sector.
67. India is the 6th largest economy and the 5th fastest growing nation in the world.
68. Industrial policy envisages rapid industrialization with modernisation for attaining rapid economic growth of
69. Gross Added Value is the measure of goods and services produced in an area, industry of an area.
70. Human Development Index was proposed by Mahbub ul Haq in 1990.
71. Gross National Happiness if the philosophy which governs the government of Bhutan.
72. The four pillars of GNH are
a. Sustainable and equitable socio economic development
b. Environmental conservation
c. Preservation and promotion of culture
d. Good governance
73. India’s life expectancy has increased by 11 years from 1990 to 2017.
74. India’s GNI (Gross National Income ) has increased by 266.6% between 1990 and 2017.
75. The new economic policy is called as the LPG- Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
76. The GNP deflator refers to change in the GNP with the change in price levels.
77. The term Globalization was introduced by Prof. Theodore Levitt.
78. Archaic globalization refers to the trade via the land route.
79. Proto Globalization is characterized by the rise of Maritime European empires.
80. The Britishers were granted “Golden Firemen” which allowed them to trade freely in their Kingdom ports in
1632 by Sultan of Golconda.
81. The Danish settlements were established in Tranguebar in Tamilnadu.
82. India’s New economic policy was strengthened after India signed the Dunkel Draft 1994.
83. Multi National Corporation are also called as Transnational Corporation and Multi National Enterprise.
84. GATT was signed by 23 countries in 1947
85. The Dunkel Draft was signed on April 15, 1994.
86. The First round of GATT was held in Geneva in 1947.
87. The WTO agreement came into force from Jan 1, 1995.
88. TRIPS – Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
89. TRIMS- Trade Related to Investment Measures
90. WTO comprises of 104 countries.

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