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Step 1: Create your basic profile

Log on to and click the “My Profile” link at the top of the page to get your
account setup started.
On the first screen, add your affiliation information and UST email address, so Google Scholar
can confirm your account. Add keywords that are relevant to your research interests, so others
can find you when browsing a subject area
Click “Next,” and – that’s it! Your basic profile is done. Now, let’s add some publications to it.

Step 2: Add publications

Google has likely already been indexing your work for some time now as part of their mission as
a scholarly search engine, so this step is pretty easy.
Google Scholar will provide you with groups of articles they believe belong to you. Select any
group that is your work. If you don’t see your articles in a group, click "Search articles" to do a
search, and add your articles one at a time. Click the blue arrow at the top left of the page to
move on to the next step.
There may be publications in the article groups that you do not want included on your profile.
These may include newsletter items or articles that do not reflect your current research interest.
They may also include articles from researchers other than yourself. You can manually delete
those after you have created your account.

Step 3: Make your profile public

Your profile is private if you’ve just created it. You can change your profile visibility by clicking
the pencil icon next to your name and checking “Make my profile public” in the window that
appears. If, at any time, you want to revert your profile to private again, you can do so by
clicking the pencil icon next to your name.

Bonus: Add co-authors

While your profile is technically complete, you’ll want to take advantage of Google Scholar’s
built-in co-authorship network. Adding co-authors is a good way to let others know you’re now
on Google Scholar.
To add a suggested co-author, find the “Co-authors” section on the right-hand section of your
profile just underneath the “Cited bar” bar graph. Click “EDIT” to the right of “Co-authors.” In the
window that appears, you can search for your co-authors. If they have a Google scholar profile,
you can select the plus sign next to their name to add them to your co-author list. After you’ve
selected the plus sign, you will need to then click on the blue check mark at the top of the

That’s it! Now you’ve got a Google Scholar profile that helps you track when your work has been
cited both in the peer-reviewed literature and is another scholarly landing page that will connect
others with your publications. The best part? Google Scholar’s pretty good at automatically
adding new stuff to your profile, meaning you won’t have to do a lot of work to keep it up.
Bonus: Add missing articles

You might have an article or two that Google Scholar didn’t automatically add to your profile. If
that’s the case, you’ll need to add it manually.

1. Click the “+” button in the grey toolbar above your listed articles.

2. Select “Add articles manually” from the dropdown menu. Then you should see this

3. It’s here where you can add new papers to your profile. Include as much descriptive
information as possible – it makes it easier for Google Scholar to find citations to your
work. Click “Save (the blue check mark at the top right of the window)” after you’ve
finished adding your article metadata, and repeat as necessary until all of your
publications are on Google Scholar.

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