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- ae soi ECE Board March 1996 Fre equation of whose roots are the reciprocal of the roots of 2x? 3x-5=0 A 8S 43x-2=0 Bg 2¢+3x-5=0 c. 3¢-3x+2=0 Dp. 2x°+5x-3=0 1021 EE Board October 1993 In the equation x* + x = 0, one root is x equal to At BOS C14 D.” none of these 1031 ECE Board April 1990 Solve for the value of “a” in.the equation a 17a‘ + 16 = 0. A 42 B. +3 Cc. #4 D. £5 104: ME Board October 1996 Solve for x that satisfies the equation 6x* =7x-5=0. A Zod 8 Sor 3 c. bore D. Sore 105: EE Board October 1997 Find the values of x in the equation 24x? + 5x-1=0, ‘Scanned with CamScanner 50_1001 Solved roo 106: EE Board October 1990 Determine k so that the equation 4x + kx will have just one real solution. A’3 B 4 C.5 ard 107: ME Board April 1996 Solve for x: 10x" + 10x+1=0 A 0.887 8 - 0.788 c. -0.788 D. 0.887 108: If 1/3 and ~3/2 are the roots of a ‘quadratic equation, then the equation is A 6x247x-3=0 B 6¢-7%+3=0 ©. 62-7x-3=0 D. 674120 ‘299 Which of the following is a root of Op Watt equation, 30x" + 48% + 20 = A 06 8 -06 c 48 5. 075 2101 Whatis the ecuaion ae dsciinant of the ~5? 8 18 16 4 (o9@> ven the equation 3x° + Bx + san Cie tne value of B 30 thatthe Gite equation are equal? ra "ool 4 8 10 12 A 8. c. D. the .121 Find the term involving y* int Bbansion of (2x + y) ‘ fe Cc. 8046 x! ao D, 4680 x° 11131 Find the 5® term of the expansion; Ge weet x A. 260%8, B. 5040 x’ Cc. 210x* D. 420% 114: ECE Board April 1998 In the expression of (x + 4y )*, the numerical coefficient of the 5" term is, A> 63,360 B. 126,720 C. 506,880 D. 253,440 245: What is the fourth term of the ‘expansion of (x + x?) A 1650 x 8. 161700 x" ©. 167100 x" 0. 167100 x" 1461 What is the numerical coefficient? the term next to 495° y"9 A 680 | B 702 ©. 990 D. 4100 ‘Scanned with CamScanner, CE Beard November 1996 Find the 6° term of the expansion of ‘say as 66939 A p68” 5 8338 * 9288" 3308 " ” 256a' 39996 > 7260 138: What is the coefficient of the term {ree of x of the expansion of (2x ~ 5y)*7 A 286 B 526 c. 265 0. 625 1191 Find the 6" term of (3x -4y)". A. 148,288 xy* B W548 ©, ~184,288 xy", D. - 1,548,288 1211 ECE Board April 3995 What isthe sum of the coefficients in he ss i e388 1231 CE Board November 1997 Evaluate the logs 645 = x 1241 ME Board April 1997 What is the value of log to base 10 of 000°? A 109 B 999 c 98 DB. 95 125: ECE Board April 1998 ‘What is the value of (log 5 to the base 2) + (log 5 to the base 3)? A 739 B 379 c. 397 B. 937 1261 Find the value of logs (1ogs 8). 1.460 0.275 4.273 0.165 pomp 4127 Given: og47 =n. Find loge un a =n on 11281 CE Board November 1993 ‘CE Board May 1994 {og « 10 0.25, what is the value of fog 108? A 2 ia B 4 “ E a anned with CamScanner pop> c. 6 0 8 129: ECE Board November 1995 Given: log » y = 2x + lag » x: Which of the following is true? 1301 ME Board October 1996 ‘Which value is equa to log tothe base of eto the 7x power? A Wx B 10to the -7x power C7 E. ~Tlogto the base 10 {311M near Ape 996 ‘Log of the n” root of x equals log of x to Voowerand as coed ra & nbox ¢, B00 be Hnpove D. tetas ISM ECE Board ‘Log (MIN) is equal to A LogM—N 8 LogM +N, C Niog Mt D. Log M+ Log n 3331 ME Board Apett 1997 ‘What expression is equivalent to mlog (yer 0109 (x) A 09+ logy +109 . Wax! (y+z)] 160109 “ly D. kepy rp (xed? 134: ECE Board oe 2, Given: loge 1024 = 2 Find b, ‘A. 2560 B 16 C4 D. 2 135: Given: logs (x ~ 8x) = 2. Finds A +t B, 9 Cc. -tand9 D. tand-9 1361 ECE Board April 1993 Solve for the value of x in the fy equation: x™"** = 100x A 2 B 8 c. 30 Dd. 10 137: EE Board. October 1992 6 + xlog 4 = log 4# logs 4), Find x, mat tag 1381 ECE November'i998 1298 9f2to the base 2 plus log of: fee 2s equal to 2, then the value oft A 4 Bug C2 oS ME Board October Frdttevateoten te oe A 144 ar oe 8. aes ‘Scanned with CamScanner 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. DOPFPPWOUrFPOY ANSWER KEY 111. 112. 113. 114, 415. 116. 117. 118. * 119. 120. PoOCUMMAWVONFrYS 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. POBDODDOPHYOD 434.8 132. D 133..B 134. B 135.C | 136. D 137..B 138. C 139. 4 140. ¢ ‘Scanned with CamScanner BP oesse0 (2x+2)(x-28)=0 x=25 xe-t "us, the roots ofthe second equation we 1 eek =04 n=357° saving for the second eqution: (x-04)(x+1)=0 x 4x=04x-04=0 (¢+06x-04=0) 5 5x1 +3x-2=0 x(Qx+1)=0 x=0 x Hd a -tza+18-0 Let x= af and x? = 3° ATK +1 Using the quadratic formula; eo EMIT —4ON08) 2 4 xe fT215 Thus, 3 and x, Day? +5x-1=0 Using the quadratic formula: * 6+ (6) - 4124-1) 2(24) Ee consiamians ts ‘equation (4x? + kx-+ 1 = 0), ifthe discriminant (B® - 4AC) is equal to zero. where: A=4;B=k&C=1 B-4ac=0 W~4(4)(1)=0, = 16 kasd 107. 10x? + 10x+1=0 ’ Using the quadratic formuta: seu 1 (107 = 41000) j ato, fs 107.748, Scanned with CamScanner cing 561001 Solved Probless - ate ad 2 subsite othe general quadratic avalon pb +Bxre-0 Tal o( ct 2+(Za)x+(ta}=0 we (Ea)ee(4) Bea [wea 2 6¢ +7x-3=0 30x? + 49x + 20=0 Using the quacati oma p= 192 (407 — AS07205) 2(30) toss 60 4984 Bt 08 ana = 21 2 oo HD ero. Where: Discriminant 0.833 iB>-Bacs Blane “oF CaF 4¢4ys) Note: The roots of 8 ofthe equation (332 + By +120) are a qual, if the diser 480)" equalto zerg = “Setminant (8? esce5 | where: A= 4 ‘substitute: pr-4ac=0 pt -4(3)(12)=0 p= 144 g-212 ie te The tor nclying x8 he 6 Nae Trearsion tx 1" eM term = 4C,.4(2"*" where: n= 10; r= 6 EP term = 40s (2x°)* y* = 101 : * p-ensiO")) term = 8064 x") wre (ff ever() = 10l ie SP term S term = 210° Ges ayy Stem = 46... (x ayy"! where: n'= 12; r= 5 Storm = 6, (x)%ayyt Cotas tem ea Storm = 126.720 ‘Scanned with CamScanner ’ SYS = Ltadratic Equation, Binomial Theorem, Logarithm 57 op (xe aP term = gCyis (AY Toe? where: n= 100;r= 4 AP term © 49303 (8)"%02)? = 10 (100-3131 4 term = 161,700 x xt pefcient of next term (ceeficint of PT) (Exponent of x (Exponent ofy)+1 stiem=,c.4(f) 3" were: n= 16,726 (2) car 18 (ad © Te-s)isi (2088 a’ _ £968(-248) 16 2048 a “16 {198 The tera in the expansion (2x — i which is free of xis the last term he $¥ term, SP term =,C,. (24-59) where: n=4:r=5 BM term = Cy (230959) 4 ‘ esq 102599 SP term = 625 y" Ey" 6M term = 4C,.4'(3)""" "(49)" where: =8;r=6 6 term = gC, (3x)"(-4y) 8! ps = 8 ane y-1028 wea HOM 6M term = - 1,548,288 xy" Note: To solve the sum ofthe coefficients of (2x ~1)®, substitute one (1) t0 x cealouiate, then subtract a value of (-1)°° fom the result ‘Sum of coefficients = [(2)(1) =0 Note: To solve the sum of the coefficients of (x+y 2), substitute one(1) to all the variables and calculate, ‘Sum of coefficients = (1+ 1—1)°= 1 FEED scot» logy 8 019 845 960 845 3.76 T0106 log, 845 = 109491000" = 3.3 log, 1000 HED ex.s, ‘Scanned with CamScanner, to logy b= PAs oe toga = 1.204 b=16 Note: Logarta to any base is equal ifetrereiag log, (x2 8x) =2 0g, 4=0-10g,7=-n 7 Ng 9 FEE 0,10-025 log 10 : +Hogy9(x? - 8X) = 2 log,,3 <5 Togga O78 logo(x? ~ 8x) = log9 oe 10 bona 0972 a loa y=2esion x toa yo, x= 2 ibe 2°" = 100% Take logarithm on both sie fogx°*** = Jog 1001 ‘Hlogx}(logx) = logit! SMlogx}* ~logx-2=0 (og) + 2)(lo9x —1) = 0 109, €7* = (-7)log, @ =(-Txyt) =p Fis] : Equating factors to zero: 9 fet! = Hata) 3logx+2=0 {32 Slogx =-2 fog ni = cuca bope= 2 123.) 3 X= 0.215 (absurd) 125 0) —og ys footy 2) torino Wogx=t x=10 Scanned with CamScanner = 1098 + xlog4 = 1094 +109(32 + 4") log4 + log(32+.4") log(4)(32+4") (@)(4*) = (4)(32 +4") ) Take logarithm on both sides: log4* = log64 xlog4 = log64 x = 0964 tog4 x23 138. log, 2 + og, x= 2 Yodo? RE 1og2x" +1092 = 6.278 og2x* + log6 —logx = 6.278 1og2x° ~logx = 6.278 -log6 log" = 5.49964 log2x? = 5.49984 2x2 = antilog5.4998 x? = 188055.6425 x= £397.56 Scanned with CamScanner

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