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April 28, 2023


Withdrawal Management for OUD in Acute Care: Lisa Heidt Opioid talk

EZ IO: Training sessions will be held on May 10th. This will be the initial training
session with subsequent training sessions will be offered later in the year to maintain
competency. Sign up in staff lunch room/ Education board. Three quick sessions.

MRI Education: Offered by ICU regarding MRI safety and Code Blue Response: May 3
1100-1200. Conference Room in ICU

AM Huddle : This month: Fire Safety and Organ Donation ( who to call and when)

Adult SIM: May 17th at 0900. A VAD patient who presents to ED

May 23rd at 1400. A Code Blue in the MRI

Emergency Education: There is a YouTube channel full of ED educational videos. You

must use this link to access, as it is a private channel: VJH YouTube

IH ED Network: ED Grand Rounds: Drugs for Drink: What to do with Alcohol Use
Disorder in the ED IH Emergency Educational Videos

CTAS: Next offered on June 9th. At VJH in computer Lab. Sign up on i-learn #25407
April 28, 2023

NEW Hazardous Drug Digital Reporting Record
 Digital application replaces the paper Hazardous Drug (HD) Group 1 Handling Record.
 Record keeping is not required for Group 2 Hazardous Drugs.
 must use Microsoft Edge to access the program will not work with Google Chrome

Administration of intact tablets or capsules by nursing does not require record keeping.
To access the online reporting document:
1. Application Portal – Employees – Hazardous Drug Record then document your administration
2. IH Webpage Hazardous Drugs Exposure Control Program document administration under
Hazardous Drugs Group 1 Handling record.

Pregnancy (BHCG screens): There is a IH Wide backorder of pregnancy tests. Please order a quantitative
BHCG if required. Back order until the end of the month.
Medi Tech: We are going to trial a standard format in our comment section. The first three lines will be
infection/ status (tele, certified, wander risk)/ MRP. Please see attached word document to copy and
paste in.
Pediatric Mental Health: The latest copy of the Least Restraint Guidelines for pediatrics are in a green
binder at the secure desk. Posted in this area as well is the algorithm for medication if required and what
medications work for which population.
CRT referral: who should call and when: The person calling CRT should be the person who receives the
clearest story. If not impossible to get an accurate story at triage, defer to MRN for the patient. If this is
required: please make sure it is clearly communicated that CRT has not yet been called. There is
an algorithm at triage for who to call for what patient concern.
April 28, 2023

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