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Tema 7

1. Realizați un proiect, în echipe cu colegii dumneavoastră din comisia metodică, în care să

valorificați principiile predării – învățării integrate

SCHOOL: “Matei Basarab” Pedagogic High school, Slobozia

TEACHER: Mirica Giorgiana Cristina
LEVEL: Intermediate
DATE: 25th of May 2021
LESSON: Headaches
TYPE OF LESSON: revision - project

 Upstream -Intermediate, Express Publishing, 2009-the text book
 The overhead projector
 Visuals
 Computers with Internet access
 Print resources about headaches
 Supplemental materials such as poster board and markers
 Power Point Presentation
 Smart Board

VENUE: ProLang lab

SEATING ARRANGEMENT: 5 teams of 6 persons each
CLASS PROFILE: This is a classroom made up of 29 students. They generally pursue their
learning goals enthusiastically and respond well to material which is relevant and involving. The
teacher must constantly encourage them to respond to texts or situations with their own thoughts
and experiences and, most importantly, give them tasks which they are able to do, otherwise
they’ll get de-motivated. They usually react positively to activities prompted by pictures or cues
and they appreciate a supportive classroom atmosphere.

 to raise SS’ interest on the topic of health and healthy lifestyle;
 review what they've learned about different types of headaches, their causes, and
 to use vocabulary connected with health, health ailments and treatments;
 to work in groups to create a commercial for a headache treatment;
 to consolidate comparison for adjectives through their presentations;
 to reflect upon own learning and performance.
 to develop the students’ competitive spirit


The teacher shows the class a clip from YouTube which represents “The preposition dance”.
After watching it they are asked to do as shown in the clip. The Preposition Dance LIVE! - 5’

As a class, the teacher reviews the definition of a headache. (Definition: Headache is a pain that
comes from nerves surrounding the brain. When irritated, the nerves fire off pain signals.)
The teacher asks the students to name situations or experiences that have caused them to have
headaches. (Their suggestions may include allergies, noise, fatigue, stress and exercise.)
The students list the different types of headaches covered in the classroom. (Examples included
tension headaches, exercise headaches, sinus headaches, migraines and cluster headaches.)
The teacher poses some questions like: Which of these headaches is most common? Which are
most severe? Briefly discuss the cause, symptoms and treatments for each type of headache.
The teacher keeps a running list of headache treatments on the board.
The students work in groups of five or six to create a commercial for one type of headache
Before working on the commercials the teacher shows the class some clips from You Tube about
some medicine for headaches.
a) Annoying headache commercial: Head-on
b) Tylenol extra strength for headaches 1997 commercial
c) headache commercial Ayayai
They may focus on an over-the-counter medicine; a prescription drug; or a service such as
acupuncture, massage therapy, or yoga. Their commercials should address the following
 What type of headache does this treatment claim to remedy?
 Who gets this type of headache? (How many Romanians does it affect?)
 What does it feel like (i.e. what are the symptoms)?
 What are other symptoms, if any?
 What are some external causes of this type of headache?
 What are the internal causes?
 Why does this treatment work?

Each group should write a script for their commercial. The Teacher encourages the students to
use facts and statistics from the internet, as well as from their own research. The Web sites below
from Discovery Health Online provide helpful information:
Cluster Headache
Tension Headache
Pain Medications
The groups present their commercials to the class. (Depending on your time and resources,
groups could perform their commercials as skits and possibly videotape them to be shown in
The lesson concludes with a discussion about severe headaches.
What are the signs of a serious migraine or cluster headache? What are some symptoms that
should cause you to seek help? (Answers include severe or frequent headaches, "stabbing"
feeling in head, pain in eye, loss of vision, or numbness.)

Multimedia Presentation Rubric

Name: _______________________________
Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Satisfactory - 2 Needs
Improvement - 1
Subject Knowledge Subject Subject Some subject Subject
knowledge is knowledge is knowledge is knowledge is not
evident throughout evident in much evident. Some evident.
the project. All of the project. Information is Information is
information is Most confusing, confusing,
clear, appropriate, information is incorrect, or incorrect, or
and correct. clear, flawed. flawed.
appropriate, and
Organization The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of
information is information is information is information is not
logical and logical. Menus somewhat logical. logical. Menus
intuitive. Menus and paths to Menus and paths and paths to
and paths to all most information are confusing and information are
information are are clear and flawed. not evident.
clear and direct. direct.
Originality The project shows The project The work is an The work is a
significant shows some extensive minimal
evidence of evidence of collection and collection or
originality and originality and rehash of other rehash of other
inventiveness. The inventiveness. people's ideas, people's ideas,
majority of the products, and products, and
content and many images. There is images. There is
of the ideas are little evidence of no evidence of
fresh, original, and new thought or new thought.
inventive. inventiveness.
Technical Project runs Project runs Project runs Project does not
perfectly with no adequately with minimally. There run satisfactorily.
technical minor technical are many There are too
problems. For problems. technical many technical
example, there are problems when problems to view
no error messages, viewing the the project.
all sound, video, project.
or other files are
Citing Sources All sources are Most sources are Few sources are No sources are
properly cited. properly cited. properly cited. properly cited.

cluster headache
Definition: Sudden, severe headaches that occur in groups; may feel like a stabbing sensation on
one side of the head
Context: Cluster headaches often occur one to two times a day for several weeks.
Definition: Painful sensation in the muscles, the skin, or one of the organs in the head or near the
Context: Common over-the-counter pain medicines for headaches include aspirin,
acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.
Definition: A moderate to severe headache affecting one or both sides of the head; may be
caused by changes in the blood flow in the vessels of the head
Context: Common symptoms of a migraine include a headache that can last for hours or days,
nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and sensitivity to sound, light, or smell.
tension headache
Definition: A painful sensation in the head or near the brain caused by stress or abnormalities in
the neck, muscles, or bones
Context: Episodic tension headaches occur when a person experiences a stressful event; chronic
tension headaches are associated with contraction of the muscles in the head and neck.


Joy Brewster, freelance education writer, editor, and consultant

2. Elaborați un instrument de evaluare a unei lecții în contextual instruirii integrat

The children come from holiday and instead of just describing their holiday using Paste tenses
and the specific vocabulary for holiday, the teacher asks the class to use the method Human
The objective of the lesson is to use past tenses and another objective is to use the holiday
The students are asked to think about their summer holiday and to think about a story/ something
funny/ sad /worth sharing or something they have learned during the summer holiday.
The teacher draws a list with the “Books” and another one with the students who want to “access
the Books “

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