Time Management of Work Scholars

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Anna C. Bocar
Mary Grace O. Daga-ang


Education helps people adjust to change and to increase their knowledge and
understanding of the world. A number of investigations on the time management were
done to discover person’s effectiveness and influence on their work; however, we can
find very limited literature regarding work scholars’ time management. In order for every
work scholar to have a better performance both in work and in academics, their time
management is indeed important to look into. While struggling for success, this is their
key to keep themselves in the scholarship program and to bring home the bacon. From
this vantage, this study is conceptualized to unveil the time management observed by
the work scholars and to utilize the result as a guide to the non-work scholars or full-time
students. The purposive random sampling was utilized in finding out their time
management. The respondents of this study consist of the forty three males and fifty eight
females giving the total of one hundred one work scholars. This study made use of
descriptive research design adapted from Wayne State University’s Time Management
Questionnaire. The time management of respondents was determined employing a twenty
five - item indicators. The findings of the study revealed that stressful time management
of male work scholars is somewhat higher than female work scholars, organized time
management is never declared by anyone of the male work scholars while some of their
counterpart declared that they have organized time management. In closing, it is declared
in this study that male and female are different in their time management.

I. Introduction

Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the
skills they need for such everyday activities. It also gives them the specialized training
they may need to prepare for a job or a career. People must meet certain educational
requirements before they may practice accounting, law, or medicine. Thus, education
helps people adjust to change and to increase their knowledge and understanding of the
Countries throughout the world consider education one of the most important
measurements of a person’s success. As a matter of fact, they invest large amounts of
time, money, efforts, and other resources in order to provide education for their citizens.
In the Philippines, education is a top priority. The government offers various scholarship
programs and supports the public schools so that every person could avail of education.
In the same manner, a certain university in the city offers work scholarships to those
who are less fortunate but deserving students. For so many years, many students’ lives
have changed because of the said scholarship program.
In order for every work scholar to have a better performance both in work and in
academics, their time management is indeed important to look into. While struggling for
success, this is their key to keep themselves in the scholarship program and to bring home
the bacon. From this vantage, this study is conceptualized to unveil the time
management observe by the work scholars and to utilize the result as a guide to the non-
work scholars or full-time students.

Related Literature and Studies

A number of investigations on the time management were done to discover
persons effectiveness and influence on their work; however, we can find very limited
literature regarding work scholars’ time management. Robbins and Coulter (2009),
discussed that, management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities
with others so that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively. It is a mere
fact that management ensures the work activities to be completed by the people
responsible for doing them. They also added that to be efficient in one’s work is to do
things right that is not wasting resources. To be effective, on the other hand is to do the
right things that is doing the those work activities that will help the organization reach its
Moreover, Lorenzana (2006) points out that management is a process which refers
to a systematic way of doing things. She also asserts that it utilizes resources efficiently,
gets things done through and with others, and achieves a stated goal.

In the study of Suryanarayana, Raju, Himabindu, and Alekhya (2010) they said
that “ women undertake most (two thirds) of the work but only receive one tenth of the
total income rather than men. They added that women constitute more than 50% of the
Though there are more women than men, the paper of Helfat, Harris, and
Wolfson ( 2006) suggests that there is a slow increase in the percentage of women Chief
Executive Officers (CEOs). Their assessment suggests that perhaps 6 percent of CEOs in
the place of their study will be women by 2016.

Statement of the Problem

This study desired to determine the time management of work scholars in one of
the universities in the city. This specifically sought answer to the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents?
2. Among the respondents, what is the percentage of those whose time management
is :
2.1 likely to be stressful?
2.2 organized?

Scope and Limitation

This study was confined only at determining the time management of the work
scholars enrolled during the second semester of the academic year 2013-2014.
2. Methodology

This section deals with the research design, participants, instrument, data
gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment. This study made use of descriptive
method. The work scholars of a known university in the city are the respondents. The
purposive random sampling was utilized in finding out their time management. The time
management of the work scholars was determined employing a 25 –item indicators
adapted from Wayne State University’s Time Management Questionnaire (2014).

Statistical Treatment and Scoring Procedure

To ensure the validity of the analysis of the study, Wayne State University’s Time
Management Questionnaire (2014) was utilized. The researchers assigned the numeric
value and employed Wayne State University’s statistical range, qualitative description
and verbal interpretation in a modified form. The participants were asked to rate each
indicator based on a four-point Likert Scale (0- Never, 1-Sometimes, 2- Frequently, 3-
Always). For purposes of interpretation, the researchers gave a statistical range with its
corresponding qualitative description as shown below.

Numeric Statistical Qualitative

Value range Description Verbal Interpretation

0 0-38 Never means that the respondents’ life is one long

roller coaster ride, out of control

1 39-51 Sometimes means that the respondents’ college career

is likely to be stressful and less than
satisfying unless they take steps to begin to
manage their time more effectively

2 52-63 Frequently means that the respondents are managing

their time fairly well, but sometimes feel

3 64-75 Always means that the respondents are organized

and they are on their way to becoming
CEO of a major corporation

Data Gathering Procedure

To make sure that the questionnaire would be administered to the respondent-

work scholars, the researchers asked the help of the president of Work Scholars
Association (WSA) in administering the questionnaire during their monthly meeting.
The work scholars were asked to cooperate by answering the questions. They were given
an assurance that their answers would be held with utmost confidentiality. It took them
about 30 minutes to answer the questionnaire. After all the questionnaires were
administered, they were retrieved as soon as they were done answering. The answers
then were tallied, analyzed, and interpreted.

3. Results and Discussion

This part deals with the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the gathered
data. The data found are arranged according to the problem focused in this study.

Respondents’ Profile

The table below highlights the profile of the participants of this study.

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

Frequency of Work Scholars
Gender Percent

Male 43 42.57

Female 58 57.43
Total 101

The data showed that there are more females than males work scholars. This
signifies that females are more likely to engage in work than males. This result supports
the study of Suryanarayana et al., (2010) when they said that “ women undertake most
(two thirds) of the work . . . rather than men”. This outcome further favors when
Suryanarayana et al., (2010) added that “women constitute more than 50% of the
population” since in the present study the number of female work scholar participants
are greater than the males.

Respondents’ Time Management

The table below enunciates the range of participants’ time management. The
result clearly shows some ( 19%) of the male work scholars appraised that they have
stressful management of their time and no one from the male respondents assessed that
they are organized. This implies that they are far from their way to become a CEO.

Table 2.Percentage of Time Management as Rated by the Respondents

Male Female
Statistical Range Qualitative Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Less than 38 Never 8 0.19 9 0.16
39-51 Sometimes 22 0.51 28 0.48
52-63 Frequently 13 0.30 18 0.31
64-75 Always - - 3 0.05
Total No. of Respondents 43 100 58 100

Similarly, some(16%) of the female participants said that they have stressful
time management. However, few( 5%) of them pronounced that they are organized and
as such can be well-thought-out that they are on their way of becoming Chief Executive
Officer in the future. The result is more likely to agree with the study of Helfat et al.,
(2006), since the outcome of their study suggests that women occupying the position
of CEO in 2016 are relatively low.

4. Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This section establishes the finale of the study. The findings, conclusion and
recommendations are conferred below.


1. Female work scholars are greater in number than the male scholars
2. Stressful time management of male work scholars is somewhat higher than
female work scholars
3. Organized time management is never declared by anyone of the male work
4. Some of the female work scholars declared that they have organized time

It is of public knowledge that male and female are different in many aspects.
Once more, this study confirmed some differences, specifically in their time
management. Though there is only a slight difference as regards their assessment on
stressful time management but it can be observed that few female work scholars assert
that they have organized time management in which no single male work scholar claimed
as such.

In the light of the findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers
recommend that:
1. students, regardless of status, ( work scholar or not ) would exercise
management of their time wisely to attain their goals in life
2. apportionment of time by the parents are necessary so that they could
monitor their children’s way of managing their time
3. more kindheartedness on the part of the faculty members, to instill in
the minds of the students that proper time management would lead to
success in attaining their goals, are necessary
4. formulation of some programs which would promote more valuable
understanding by the work scholars on time management could be
5. La Salle University being the academic institution that embraces and
cares for these work scholars could extend support on the programs that
the administrators formulated to inspire them allocate their time wisely
to make their lives more meaningful

5. References

Helfat, C.E., Harris,D., and Wolfson, P.J. ( 2006). The Pipeline to the Top:: Women
and Men in the Top Executive Ranks of U.S. Corporations. ACAD MANAGE
PERSPECT. doi:10.5465/AMP.2006.23270306. Retrieved April 16, 2014 from
http://amp.aom.org/content/ 20/4/42.abstract?sid=ce564b 5f-0411-42ce-b0b2-

Lorenzana, C.(2006).Management Theory and Practice.Rex


Robbins, P. and Coulter, M. (2009).Management.Pearson Education, Inc.

Suryanarayana, N.V.S., Raju, T.J.M.S., Himabindu, G., Alekhya, CH.. (2010).

Women Empowerment-Types and Ways. Retrieved January 20, 2013 from
http://www.articlesbase.com/education-articles/women- enpowerment-types-
and- ways-1761808.html

Time Management Questionnaire. (2014). Wayne State University. Retrieved

February 21, 2014 from http://advising.wayne.edu/hndbk/time.php


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