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Program set of instructions given to CPU

Language tool used to write a program

Software set of programs to perform a task

Types of software System Software Application Software

Operating System System Software - The Operating System acts as an interface between the User, Application Programs, Hardware, and the System Peripherals.

All Computers need basic software known as an Operating System to function.

The Operating System is the first software to be loaded when computer boots up.

Application Programs are loaded after the Operating System.

Users interact with computer and software through the Operating System.

The Operating System interpret the input given by a user through a Keyboard, Mouse or other input device and takes appropriate action.

Users interact with computer and software through Operating System

So OS is the P.R.O for the system

Compiler - System Software - Reads whole program and translates it. - Transforms Source code into binary code. - High level to low level language - Low level to High level is called decompiler

Operations performed by compiler Lexical Analyzer Preprocessing parsing semantic analysis (syntax-directed translation) code generation. code optimization.

Interpreter - System software - Same as compiler - Reads each line and executes it - Ignores statement with errors Ex: Browsers

Programming Language - Tool for writing programs - Classification: High level, middle and low level

Evolution of Languages BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, - Embedded Languages (Java) - Desktop Applications (C) - Complex Applications (C++) - Web and Network based applications (HTML, Java, Scripting Lang.) - Social networking applications (AJAX, PhP) - Artificial Intelligence applications (PROLOG, LISP)

WHY C? - Drawbacks of Non structural languages

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