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Name: Affan Khaja Syed Date: 10/5/2023

step-by-step explanation of how you created a histogram in R:

1. Define your data: First, you define your data as a vector of rainfall values

using the “c()” function.


2. Use the hist() function: To create a histogram of your data, you used the hist()

function. This function takes several arguments that allow you to customize

the appearance of your histogram.

hist(Rainfall_Data,main="Histogram of Rainfall",xlab="Rainfall range",


3. View your histogram: After running the hist() function, R will create a

histogram of your data using the arguments you specified. You should see a

window with your histogram displayed.

Step-by-step explanation of how I created my boxplot in R:

1. Define your data: First, you created a matrix” rainfall_data” that contains

your data. Each column represents a month and each row represents a

different year. You also created a vector” month_name” that contains the

names of each month.

month_name <- c("Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct")

rainfall_data <- matrix(c(30, 35, 25, 20, 14, 40, 45, 20, 15, 13, 25, 25, 23,

19, 11), nrow=3, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)

2. Use the boxplot() function: To create a boxplot of your data, you used the

boxplot() function. This function takes several arguments that allow you to

customize the appearance of your boxplot.

boxplot(rainfall_data, main="Monthly Rainfall Variations",

names=month_name, xlab="Month", ylab="Rainfall", col="green")

3. View your boxplot: After running the boxplot() function, R will create a
boxplot of your data using the arguments you specified. You should see a
window with your boxplot displayed.

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