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Talent Recruitment and Selection

Talent Recruitment and Selection Best Practices of a Competitive Organisation

Talent recruitment and selection is a process of searching for and obtaining potential job applicants in
sufficient quantity and quality so that employers can select the most suitable candidates to fill in their job
vacancies. In practice, there is no one best way or commonly agreed procedure on how to recruit and
select applicants because different employers have different recruitment and selection methods
depending on their operations, size and needs. It has been a common practice for many employers to
select applicants through face-to-face interviews and tests, but an increasing number of employers are
using other methods such as telephone interviews, assessment centres and online testing. Based on
above situation, you are required to identify and choose ONE (1) company practices on recruitment and
selection through internet searches, v and your discussion of the practices are based on below guidelines:

 Introduction
- company background
- staffing organisation challenges
 Talent Recruitment and Selection Practices
- staffing models/frameworks/theories
- human resource planning
- job analysis
- recruitment and selection methods and strategies (internal/external candidates)
- decision-making
- final match
 Suggestions for Improving Talent Recruitment and Selection Practices
- staffing flows
- staffing methods/strategies
- management and administrations
- or any related elements/components
 Conclusion
 References (2019-2022)
 Appendices (if any)

Presentation Guidelines:
 5/6 members of a group
 Record your presentation within 20 minutes
 Submit YouTube link on the uFuture before/on 15 January 2022/Sunday, before 5.00pm
 30 marks

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