Listening Test Answer Sheet - Bert Chen - PI5

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Listening Test Answer Sheet

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Question 1.
1. Decrease Cost and increase profit
2. experience is vital
3. Technical process poor productive
4. managing people
5. Working over time is hard to be accepted, and old people is sick
6. Good team work

Question 2.
1. pay was not very good, looking for better
2. no more challenge, job is same every day, nothing more to learn
3. something new, learn something new, improve skill
4. service
5. career process experience, bigger company more opportunity

Question 3.
1. send special information
2. how many co? who are they? What did they want?
4. as buyer, find out best product with best price
5. no

Question 4.
1. 4542
2. 1.5
3. 2.7
4. 2430
5. 1395
6. 57
7. 31
Listening Test Answer Sheet

Question 5.
1. structure
2. ca
3. categories
4. files
5. access
6. front
7. up to date
8. delete
9. review

Question 6.
1. life style
2. car mobile
3. strong dynamic men
5. men
6. advertise, song I am free

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