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1.14. Use of legitimate Software.

Employees are not permitted to install or use any additional computer software in any of the
company’s computers other than the ones that are certified and cleared by the company’s system
administrator than backup is not permitted unless authorized by management. Even backups should
be noted in a departmental register and kept safely. Any loss of copied data / backup media must be
notified to company’s system administrator immediately upon noticing the loss.

1.15. Email Usage

The Company is providing communication facilities, such as email services, as a means for
conducting business correspondence. Employees should not misuse the facilities to perform
inappropriate activities such as:

• Refrain from sending email messages in excess of 5mb as these can block and cause a slow
functioning of the email servers. It is best to break these messages into 2 or more email to
restrict the size of each email.
• Delivering chain letters or messages that is obscene, harassing, defamatory or threatening in
• Transferring unauthorized or unlicensed software or computer files; or
• Knowingly transferring viruses or virus-bearing files.

All emails should be kept brief, attachments should be compressed and where appropriate sent by
alternate cheaper media.

All business communications will be on company approved formats, fonts and media such that a
balance between cost and brand identity requirements is achieved.

Unless otherwise authorized, all messages transmitted via email or public forums on the network
(including newsgroups or similar nature) shall incorporate an appropriate disclaimer to avoid
misrepresentation of the Company as well as any possibility of third-party claims because of false or
inaccurate information. The disclaimer should be written as follows:-

This email message (including attachments if any) may contain privileged, proprietary, confidential,
and exempt from disclosure confidential information and is intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified
that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.

If you have erroneously received this message, please delete it immediately and notify this sender.
The opinions expressed in this mail are those of the sender, and not necessarily reflect those of

1.1. Out Of Office Assistants

If employees are traveling and do not have facilities to respond to email within 24 hours, they should
activate the “OUT OF OFFICE ASSISTANT” function in the web mail application.

A) To activate Auto-reply in Microsoft Outlook please follow the steps outlined below:

a. From the main menu bar select the “Tools” option.

b. From the “Tools” option menu select the “Out of Office Assistant”.
c. Please follow steps C & D outlined below.

B) To activate Auto-reply in Web Outlook please follow the steps outlined below:

a. Type the following URL in the internet explorer:”

b. You will be prompted to enter your username <username@kirtilals>
(Please do not enter “.com”) and password.
c. Select “Options” from the list of menu items specified in the left column.
d. Please follow steps C & D outlined below.

C) Select the “I am currently out of Office” option. Type the message. Your out of office message will
be sent once to each user that sends you mail and is limited to 1000 characters. The message should
be written as follows:

“I will be out of office from <Date> till the <Date>.

I will have limited access to emails, therefore for any immediate operational assistance, please
contact my colleague, <Name of the contact person> on <contact details>,
For an urgent matter, I can also be reached on my GSM.”

D) Once you report back to office, follow steps A / B, select the “I am currently in the Office” option
and remove the message.

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