Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS)

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Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

II. Conditions for coverage of specialized
➢ Policies, Guidelines, and Laws in Nursing services by suppliers
Informatics  Part of Medicare laws that govern
➢ Nursing Information System providers and require that all PHI be
➢ Nursing Information System Team kept confidential and protected
➢ Leadership Role of the Nurse in the against loss, destruction, or
Management of Nursing Information unauthorized use
System  requires the written approval of

the patient before it is used or
forwarded. Hospitals must protect
POLICIES, GUIDELINES, AND LAWS IN this information against
NURSING INFORMATICS unauthorized use and
➢ Patients have the right to privacy and current Electronic Health
information shared with healthcare providers.
Records allow for monitoring and
➢ It is essential to be aware of federal and state
laws so that Protected Health Information (PHI) securing data.
remains secure when stored and transmitted by  Patients always have a right to
electronic health record systems. access their records; an institution
is allowed to charge a usual and
Protected Health Information is health customary fee for paper copy
information (i.e., a diagnosis, a test costs. These laws extend to home
health agencies and long-term
result, an x-ray, etc.) that is maintained
care facilities.
in the same record set as individually III. Institutional Review Boards
identifiable information
➢ governed by state and federal laws and require
informed written consent and data security and
Privacy act of 1974 ➢ State laws vary and may include special
requirements with regard to drug and alcohol
➢ Regulates information collected by the federal treatment, special disease states, and mental illness
government and its agencies. The legislation
allows citizens to know what information is
collected about them, assure the veracity of that IV. JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation
data and obtain copies of the information. The of Healthcare Organizations)
Veterans Health Administration and Indian ➢ a private organization that has been used since
Health Services are subject to these regulations. 1965 to accredit hospitals and facilities, which
I. Alcohol and Drug abuse Patient allowed for their participation in Medicare.
Confidentiality ➢ In 2010, the process changed to provide for review
 The Confidentiality of Alcohol and by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Drug Abuse Patient Records rule (CMS) prior to facility participation. JCAHO has had
allows for additional privacy in any varying abilities to control and determine rules
federally-assisted drug or alcohol related to patient care, several of which pertain to
abuse program. Identity, diagnosis, PHI confidentiality. These rules are constantly under
and treatment are treated as review and have included a large number of recent
confidential information. Patient revisions coinciding with the increasing prevalence
impairment does not excuse the of EHRs.
release of confidential patient
HITECH ACT (Health Information Technology for Economic and
clinical Health) (Act of 2009)
Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

➢ empowers the Federal Department of Health and ➢ goals for all, though, are the same: to “help
Human Services (HHS) to oversee the promotion modernize and personalize health care, encourage
of Health IT – including quality, safety and security greater innovation, support research, and streamline
as well as the secure information exchange. the system,” according to the act’s mission
V. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and statement.
Accountability Act) (1996) 1. Intellectual Property Law
➢ enacted to allow for the continuance of health ➢ deals with laws to protect and
insurance coverage in situations involving job enforce the rights of the creators and
changes or loss. Major provisions of this law were owners of inventions, writing, music,
enacted to formulate and regulate federal guidelines designs, and other works, known as
and standards pertaining to electronic healthcare. "intellectual property."
Standards were developed to allow for identifications ➢ Includes copyright, trademark, patents,
of providers, health insurance plans, and employers, and trade secrets.
including the National Provider Identifier Standard ➢ IP is protected in law by, for example,
(NPIS), which provides every physician with a patents, copyright, and trademarks,
unique number used in all aspects of healthcare. which enable people to earn recognition
VI. Affordable Care Act of 2010 or financial benefit from what they invent
➢ was set up to fundamentally change the way people or create.
are insured; goals include lowering healthcare costs ➢ creations of the mind, such as
and making coverage accessible to previously inventions; literary and artistic works;
uninsured people. The law is undergoing major designs; and symbols, names and
changes as issues with its implementation are images used in commerce.
encountered. Final resolutions should be expected in
the coming years as interpretations of its standards PATENT (lasts generally 20 years from the filing
are developed and enacted. As revisions are date)
implemented, there may be many changes to the
way healthcare is delivered, including control of PHI. ➢ exclusive right granted for an
VII. FDASIA (Food and drug administration invention, which is a product or a
Safety and Innovation of 2012) process that provides, in general, a
➢ resulted in the collaboration of the HHS and FDA to new way of doing something, or
recommend a regulatory framework for Health IT to offers a new technical solution to a
improve mobile applications and other means to problem.
promote patient safety and innovation in healthcare
➢ patent owner has the exclusive right to
VIII. MACRA (Medicare Access & CHIP (Childrens
prevent or stop others from
Health Insurance Program) Reauthorization commercially exploiting the patented
Act of 2015) invention. In other words, patent
➢ intended to ensure that physicians are paid fairly, protection means that the invention
that Medicare Part B costs are controlled, and that cannot be commercially made, used,
healthcare is improved. distributed, imported or sold by others
➢ In August 2015 it signaled a move away from the without the patent owner's consent.
sustainable growth rate formula once used to ➢ Patents are territorial rights. In general,
determine physician reimbursement and toward a the exclusive rights are only applicable
model based on the quality, efficiency, value and in the country or region in which a patent
effectiveness of the medical care provided. has been filed and granted, in
➢ Also, will combine existing quality reporting accordance with the law of that country
programs into one new system. or region
IX. 21st Century Act
➢ Passed by both houses of Congress and signed into
law by President Obama in December 2016, covers TRADEMARK (protected by IP rights lasts for 10
many facets of healthcare. years)

Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

➢ sign capable of distinguishing the ➢ does not offer a copyright

goods or services of one enterprise registration system or a
from those of other enterprises searchable copyright
➢ it constitutes the ornamental aspect 1. R.A 8293 (An Act prescribing
of an article the Intellectual Property
➢ the owner has the right to prevent Code and establishing
third parties from making, selling or the Intellectual Property Office,
importing articles bearing or providing for its powers and
embodying a design which is a copy functions, and for other
or substantial copy of the protected purposes)
design 2. R.A 165 (An Act creating a patent
office, prescribing its powers
GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION and duties, regulating the
issuance of patents, and
appropriating funds therefore)
➢ Sign used on goods that have a
3. R.A 166 (An Act to provide for the
specific geographical origin and
registration and protection of
possess quality or reputation
trade-marks, trade-names, and
that are due to that origin
service marks, defining unfair
➢ “Geographical indication” is
competition and false marking
defined in the Agreement on
and providing remedies against
Trade-Related Aspects of
the same, and for other
Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) and in the Geneva Act
of the Lisbon Agreement on
(Decree on the protection of
Appellations of Origin and
intellectual property)
Geographical Indications.
➢ “Appellation of origin” is
defined in the Lisbon Agreement
➢ R.A. 8293: The Intellectual Property Code, as
for the Protection of
amended by R.A.s 9150, 9502, and 10372
Appellations of Origin and their
International Registration and in
the Geneva Act of the Lisbon
➢ The Revised Implementing Rules and
Agreement on Appellations of
Regulations (IRR) for Patents, Utility Models and
Origin and Geographical
Industrial Designs Recently amended
by Memorandum Circular No. 17-013
➢ “Protected Designation of
Origin (PDO)” and “Protected
Geographical Indication (PGI)”
are terms used within the
European Union. 2. Copyright Law
➢ form of intellectual property
law protects original works of
TRADE SECRETS authorship including literary,
dramatic, musical, and artistic works,
➢ Intellectual property rights on such as poetry, novels, movies, songs,
confidential information which computer software, and architecture
may be sold or licensed
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

➢ Collection of all rights enjoyed by the published. If the work was not published, it shall
owner of an artistic or literary work be protected for 50 years counted from the
➢ Derivative works are also protected as creation of the work.
new works provided that it does not
affect the existing copyright on original Can a copyright be transferred or assigned? Yes.
works. (Dramatizations, translations, Copyright can be transferred or assigned in whole or
adaptations, abridgements, in part.
arrangements, and other alterations of SPECIAL LAWS THAT ENSURE THE PROTECTION TO COPYRIGHT
literary music works) OWNERS OF AUDIO-VISUAL WORKS

2 types of rights under copyright: Optical Media Act of 2003

Economic rights (allow the rights owner to
derive financial reward from the use of their ➢ regulates the manufacture, mastering,
works by others) replication, importation and exportation
of optical media in which information,
Moral rights (protect the non-economic including sounds and/or images, or
interests of the author) software code, has been stored, either
by mastering and/or replication.
What works are not protected by copyright ➢ requires that Source Identification (SID)
under Philippine Law? Codes, prescribed by the OMB to, be
applied to each and every optical media
1. Idea, procedure, system method or mastered, manufactured or replicated
operation, concept, principle, discovery including glass masters, stampers or
or mere data as such, even if they are other parts used for the manufacture of
expressed, explained, illustrated or optical discs.
embodied in a work;
2. News of the day and other FAIR USE
miscellaneous facts having the
character of mere items of press
information; ➢ The fair use of a copyrighted work for
criticism, comment, news, reporting,
3. Official text of a legislative,
administrative or legal nature, as well as teaching including multiple copies for
classroom use, scholarship, research and
any official translation thereof;
4. Work of the Philippine Government, similar purposes is not an infringement of
unless there was a prior approval by the copyright.
appropriate government agency; and ➢ DE compilation, which is the reproduction of
the code and translation of the forms of the
5. Statutes, rules and regulations, and
speeches, lectures, sermons, computer programs to achieve the inter-
operability of an independently created
addresses, and dissertations,
pronounced, read or rendered in courts computer program with other programs, may
also constitute fair use.
of justice, before administrative
agencies, in deliberative assemblies and COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT
in meetings of public character. ➢ occurs when there is a violation of any of
Duration of Copyright Protection the exclusive economic or moral rights
granted to the copyright owner. It may
➢ In the Philippines it lasts during the lifetime also consist in aiding or abetting such
of the author plus 50 years after the authors
What are the penalties provided by
In case of anonymous or pseudonymous works, Philippine law for copyright
copyright protection shall last for 50 years from infringement?
the date on which the work was first lawfully

Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

Under Philippine law, copyright infringement is 1. REPRESENT YOURSELF WELL

punishable by the following: ➢ Self-presentation is crucial online,
because of the lack of visual cues. Your
1. Imprisonment of between 1 to 3 years and a fine word and punctuation choices matter, so
of between 50,000 to 150,000 pesos for the first make every stroke count.
offense. ➢ Use respectful language, be careful with
2. Imprisonment of 3 years and 1 day to six years sarcasm, check grammar
plus a fine of between 150,000 to 500,000 pesos 2. RESPECT OTHER PEOPLES PRIVACY
for the second offense. ➢ Digital privacy is just as important as
3.Imprisonment of 6 years and 1 day to 9 physical privacy. Confirm with the
years plus a fine ranging from 500,000 to sender before forwarding an email to
1,500,000 pesos for the third and someone else — they may have
subsequent offenses. intended it for your eyes only.
3. Privacy of Personal and Public Domains SAY IT ONLINE
➢ Whether you’re communicating with
➢ Privacy policy watchdog groups believe strangers or friends, don’t let your
that the biggest challenge may be that emotions do the talking online.
technology seems to develop at the Interacting behind a screen can make
speed of light, while the legal protection you feel invincible, and can remove your
of personal privacy moves at the speed social filter in the worst possible way.
of legislators. 4. FOLLOW THE RULES
➢ Government officials and privacy-rights ➢ If the rules are implicit, ask around or
defenders agree that today, at least at “lurk” (read without posting) for a while
government agency Web sites, care is to get the feel for the proper netiquette
being taken to ensure that citizen policy. If the rules are explicit, they’ll be
information is being kept confidential. posted somewhere clearly. Rules might
However, as technology use grows, include acceptable topics to discuss,
what may seem like paranoia today formatting procedures, link policies, or
could be a legitimate concern just a general code of behavior.
tomorrow. Consequently, agencies 5. FACT CHECK
have made privacy policy a priority, and ➢ Research thoroughly before making
some citizens groups are making factual claims online.
lawmakers aware that they are under 6. RESPECT PEOPLES TIME AND
surveillance on this issue. BOUNDARIES
4. Netiquette Rules and Guidelines ➢ Pick and choose your moments, or
➢ Netiquette is a portmanteau of net explain why you feel the other person
and etiquette might enjoy it. Don’t take it personally if
➢ refers to the socially acceptable rules the person doesn’t check it out or report
of online conduct. back — instead, consider they may have
➢ includes self-presentation standards, other preferences or might simply be too
behavior norms, and accepted forms busy.
of expression. ➢ Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) option hides
➢ Prevent identity theft and other types email addresses from recipients, so use
of cybercrime by safeguarding it in mass emails if you’re unsure of the
personal information and protecting group’s social dynamics
communications ➢ Doxxing (act of revealing someone’s
DIGITAL NATIVES (those immersed personal information online) someone is
in digital tech from birth) a serious offense.
❖ Proper netiquette helps you avoid offending friends, 8. KEEP INFORMATION UP TO DATE
employers, and other people in your social network. 9. SEND FILES PROPERLY
Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

➢ Peer-to-peer services
- the newest of these three
1. Internet Applications Internet applications, and
also the most controversial,
➢ a client/server application that uses because its uses have
standard Internet protocols for created problems related to
connecting the client to the server the access and use of
3 most important internet services: copyrighted materials
➢ E-mail (Electronic Mail)
- Most widely used and - fastest growing, most
successful internet controversial, and
applications potentially most important
- Principal Internet application areas of Internet
E-mail is fueled by 2 factors applications
1. Increasing numbers - based on the sharing of
of INTERNET physical resources, such as
SERVICE hard drives, processing
PROVIDERS (ISPs) cycles, and individual files
2. number of physical among computers and other
devices capable of intelligent devices.
supporting e-mail
has grown to TWO BASIC P2P MODELS
include highly
portable devices 1. based on a central host
such as personal computer that
digital assistants coordinates the
(PDAs) and cellular exchange of files by
telephones. indexing the files
available across a
The formulation of Multipurpose Internet Mail network of peer
Extensions (MIME) and its adoption by software computers. highly
developers has made it much easier to send and controversial because it
receive attachments, including word-processed has been employed
documents, spreadsheets, and graphics. widely to support the
unlicensed exchange of
➢ Web browsing commercial sound
- application that had the recordings, software,
greatest influence on the and other copyrighted
dramatic expansion of the materials.
Internet and its use during 2. Under the second
the 1990s. model, which may prove
- developed in a highly ultimately to be far more
commercialized important, peer-to-peer
environment dominated by applications aggregate
such corporations as and use otherwise idle
Microsoft and Netscape, resources residing on
and heavily influenced by low-end devices to
the World Wide support high-demand
computations. For
Web Consortium (W3C). example, a specially
W3C- founded 1994 by Tim designed screensaver
Berners-Lee (original running on a networked
computer may be
architect of the web)
Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

employed to process ➢ Combines audio and video to

astronomical or medical provide voice communications and
data. video images
2. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and wireless 6. Facetime
➢ a term for a small, mobile, handheld ➢ A proprietary videotelephony
device that provides computing and product developed by Apple Inc.
information storage and retrieval 7. Text messaging
capabilities for personal or business ➢ or texting is the act of composing
use, often for keeping schedules, and sending electronic messages,
calendars and address book typically consisting of alphabetic and
information handy. numeric characters
8. Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook, Web 2.0,
➢ Wireless devices such as cell blogs, wikis
phones, PDAs, and most recently the ➢ Web 2.0 (participative or participatory
iPod touch are becoming more web and social web)
common among nursing students ➢ Websites that emphasize user-
and nurses. generated content, ease of use,
participatory culture, and
interoperability (i.e. compatibility
➢ They can be used in the clinical
with other products, systems,
setting and also for theory and
and devices) for end users.
Ways to address “DOWNTIME”
➢ They can provide faster and easier
access to patient records, charting, ➢ Internet connection is unstable, especially
etc. during times of natural disasters
➢ The term now commonly refers to • Invest in a backup connection
software that recognizes a user's • Have offline copies of work
voice and uses artificial intelligence • Make necessary preparations
to respond to queries.
➢ EXAMPLES: Apple Siri, Microsoft’s
Cortona, and amazons Alexa
➢ Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a
A. Health Care Team
method of exchanging messages
➢ Members are doctor physician
("mail") between people using
Assistants, Nurses, Pharmacists,
electronic devices.
Dentists, Technologists and
➢ Bookmarks are used to save
technicians, Therapists and
shortcuts to your favorite web pages
rehabilitation specialists, Emotional,
and navigate to them in seconds
social, and spiritual support
from anywhere
providers, Administrative and
4. Wireless Phones
support staff, Community health
➢ A telephone in which the handset is workers, and patient navigators
portable and communicates with the B. IT team
body of the phone by radio, instead ➢ the stewards of the company's
of being attached to a cord portfolio of technology investments.
5. Two-way Video Teleconferencing Not only are they responsible that
systems are operating properly to
keep the business running, but also
manage the total cost of ownership

Nursing Informatics (MIDTERMS) 03/13/2023

of IT systems and make technology- ➢ Nursing informatics a specialty

lifecycle decisions. that incorporates nursing care with
the use of computers and
Responsibilities of IT teams information science to provide
information about nursing care
(maintaining and upgrading systems
that are being used by the company
and its employees)
appropriate technology to automate ➢ A term used by Health Canada to describe the
various business operations) information and communication
➢ SYSTEM INTEGRATION (integrating the technologies used in health care, which
various systems a company uses.) includes a range of services such as electronic
➢ MANAGING DATA (takes care of storing, patient administration systems, lab and
protecting, validating, and diagnostic tests, information services, and
processing data) telehealth and tele homecare monitoring devices
(including remote vital sign monitoring).
➢ SYSTEM SECURITY (Develops and
implements procedures to make the m-Health
operating systems work effectively)
➢ includes many different types of medical- and
➢ TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT (Assist users health-related apps, currently available either
when they need help with free of charge or for a fee.
technology and they fix operating
systems when they malfunction)
C. Listserv And Newsgroup
➢ For personal/professional support and
➢ Constant
➢ A mailing list that is automated to
distribute mail electronically
D. Newsgroups’ messages
➢ Keeping an ear to the ground on a topic
or beat
➢ Transient
➢ Need to access to a news server and


➢ The goal of nursing management is
to actualize leadership functions, including
informatics research, over nurses in practice.
Health Informatics

➢ Health information systems specialize in storing,

managing, capturing, and transmitting
information about the health of individuals along
with all activities within the health care


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