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Introduction 1.

0 Overview

One Malaysia is an idea which has been inspired by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. He introduced the One Malaysia concept since he became the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia. Actually, one Malaysia It is not a new concept. In fact, he states that it is the goal of national unity envisioned by past prime minister but with a different approach and method according to the current condition of the world. He only update the concept which is brought by the previous Malaysian leaders. This idea is about uniting and integrating all citizen of all races and religion into one track towards peaceful and harmony Malaysia. It is to grow unity among various races in Malaysia based on particular important values that should become habit of every Malaysia citizens. According to the Prime Minister Najib said the scope and the projects should address three criteria- focus on nurturing unity in Malaysia, have a multiplier effect on the general community, and by led by young people. The objective is encourage youths to use their imagination to the fullest. We want them to be creative and innovative. Maybe their ability may exceed our expectations and maybe they can do something which has not been thought of by us. This is a special grant to assist and support the implementation of programs related to the One Malaysia concept organized by the youth. Prime Minister Najib have very high expectation to youth involve in this One Malaysia concept. For him youth would be in the best position to realize the One Malaysia concept. But the question is after a year the concept's introduction and after many activity government organize to promote the One Malaysia concept did the youth really understand what the meaning of One Malaysia and what they know about One Malaysia concept. This is very important question. Because it is very basic elements for youth especially to student or undergraduate student to know before they want to realize the concept of One Malaysia.


Problem Statement

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak introduced the One Malaysia concept since he became the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia. But after a year the concept's introduction and after many activity government organize to promote the One Malaysia concept did the undergraduate student or youth really understand what the meaning of One Malaysia and what they know about One Malaysia concept. This is very important because it is very basic elements for youth to know before they want to realize the concept of One Malaysia. Undergraduate student or youth was the new generation that will determine the freedom of living among Malaysian. Nevertheless, how far understanding of 1 Malaysia concept and does the level of integration achieves the higher level among the undergraduate students. 1.2 Scope and Ojective This study is specifically aimed to measure the level of national integration among undergraduate student, to identify the nature and intensity of relation between ethnic group during the learning activities, co-curriculum, and life in campus and to identify understanding of 1 Malaysia concept among undergraduate student.


Rational and Significant of the Study We try to investigate about the integration among undergraduate students to achieve 1Malaysia and this research for identify ways to improve higher level understanding among the undergraduate students about 1 Malaysia concept. Through this research we can found and Measure the level of national integration among undergraduate student. After we solve and improve understanding of 1 Malaysia concept among the undergraduate student, indirectly we can improve the integration among them. Second rationale and significant about our researches is we want to examine the factors effecting the integration among undergraduates student. Our research can give information about the factors effecting can give the maximum level of customer satisfaction. Integration, total of ethnic and perception have a relationship between understanding in 1 Malaysia concept so our researchers also can determine and can establish the relationship between the level of achievement in 1 Malaysia concept with our independent variable such as integration, total of ethnic and perception. And the last benefit from our researchers











undergraduate student. 1.4 Definition of Terms Used From our researchers we have three terms of use first is integration, second ethnic, and the third 1 Malaysia Concept. Integration: - Integration means the incorporation as equal into society or an organization of individuals of different group or race. Ethnic: - Ethnic relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background. 1 Malaysia concept: - A concept that lead us to stand, think, and act as Malaysians. Other thing that important about this concept is we take actions based on the needs of all ethnic groups in our country.

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