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JurnalRisetPendidikanMatematika4(1), 2017, 120-127

A Case Study of Misconceptions Students in the Learning of Mathematics;

The Concept Limit Function in High School

Widodo Winarso1* , T. Toheri2

Department of Mathematics Education Faculty of Education and Teaching IAIN Shyekh Nurjati
Cirebon. Jalan Perjuangan Bypass, Sunyaragi, Kesambi, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45132, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author. Email:, Telp: (0231) 481264
Received: 14 December 2016; Revised: 5 May 2017; Accepted: 8 May 2017

This study aims to find out how high the level and trends of student misconceptions experienced
by high school students in Indonesia. The subject of research that is a class XI student of Natural
Science (IPA) SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan with the subject matter limit function. Forms of research used in
this study is a qualitative research, with a strategy that is descriptive qualitative research. The data
analysis focused on the results of the students' answers on the test essay subject matter limit function
with the number of students by 16 (sixteen). Data collection techniques used are shaped test methods
essay, interview method to students who have misconceptions, and methods of documentation of the
test answers. Examination of the validity of the data using a triangulation technique that compares the
data written test results with data from interviews. The results of this study can be described as
follows; (1) The level of misconceptions experienced by students belonging to the category of low,
amounting to 12.18%. However, students who do not understand the concept quite high at 40.38%,
and the others are students who understand the concept that is equal to 47.44%. (2) The misconception
most experienced students lie in subconcepts explain the meaning of limit function at one point
through the calculation of values around that point, that is equal to 20.51%. The tendency
misconceptions experienced by students is located on errors and operating concepts that
misconceptions students that there should be no limit in the completion of the writing of the emblem
and misconceptions about the limit students to conclude if the limit value of 0 is no limit to the value
of the function.
Keywords: misconception, limit function, mathematics learning

How to Cite: Winarso, W., & Toheri, T. (2017). A case study of misconceptions students in the learning of
mathematics; The concept limit function in high school. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4(1), 120-127.

INTRODUCTION Understanding math also primary purpose of

any material submitted by the teacher to
One of the important objectives of
Achieve desired concept (Isrotun, 2001).
mathematics in this first year of higher
But in fact, many student teachers
education students who learn mathematics to
consider an empty vessel to be filled and not be
understand and analyze the mathematical
aware that students are human beings who have
concepts and problems resolutions procedures
the potential to think and prejudice, as a result of
(Rittle-Johnson, 2001).The concept is one of the
the student mix prejudice occurred with a new
basic mathematical studies of objects and
concept. Students may be able to apply new
matter. In mathematics, the concept is presented
concepts to problems with cognitive levels are
using the definition, understanding of the
low, but when it is a matter of understanding the
important role definition holds in mastering
cognitive levels already or even applications,
mathematics completely. Through
and a higher level of the other, then Pre-concept
understanding the students to understand the
would be devastating and can lead to students
concept of the material being taught.
experiencing misconceptions (Inayah 2003 ).

ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)

Electronic copy available at:

Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 127
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

The misconception stems from the student understanding the most complex concept
(preconceptions) which is already one will be (Lestari, 2012).
continued and sustained. The success of each According to MulyonoAbdurahman stated
level of education influenced the success of that the concept refers to a basic understanding
students to master the competencies in previous (Jordaan, 2009). Students develop a concept
levels. A good understanding will serve as a when they were able to classify or categorize
good base or foundation for the next level(Earl, objects - objects or when they can associate a
2012). Some information states that the low name with a certain group of objects, for
mastery of concepts and misconceptions on example, between the concept of a triangle and
students affect the low value of Minimum the non-triangular.
Criteria exhaustiveness (KKM) on concepts and Various studies have been conducted to
fields of study. identify the understanding of concepts with
Similarly, the concept of limit function, reference to the criteria established. Abraham et.
the concept of limit function is new knowledge al. has developed criteria for classifying
for students. The concept of limit function is an understanding of concepts such as in Table 1
abstract concept and provides only a symbol (Jordaan, 2009),
lim"lim𝑥→𝑎 𝑓(𝑥)", so it can not be seen directly Misconceptions based grouping is done
how the shape and purpose of the concept of by Abraham on one level of understanding
limit function. Formal definitions limit function of the concept of the show has not fulfilled all
is taught in calculus lecture activities commonly the components concept mastery (Jordaan,
known as the ɛ definition (read: epsilon) and δ 2009),. Therefore, the analysis from
(pronounced: delta) (Bahar et al, 2012). misconceptions that occur in students can be
One of the teachers in the high school- done through an analysis of the concept
Indonesia stated that for students in the school, components that have not been mastered by
the math is still considered difficult subjects students.
when national exams. He said this is because The misconception is a concept that is
there are some materials that are less well incompatible with the concept of which is
understood by learners. One less mastered the recognized by experts (Suprapto, 2013). If a
subject matter is the limit function student is experiencing an error when receiving
Therefore, the solution of student an understanding of learning concepts first, will
difficulties in understanding the concept of the have an impact not only at the time that students
limit function must be found so as not to impact learn the concept. But it would also result in
on the understanding of matter further. Based on further learning is the development of the
this background, researchers interested in concept.
knowing how high the level of misconceptions According to Soedjadi mathematical
experienced by students and student misconceptions can occur from several sources
misconceptions tendency in the material limit (Farida, 2016), (1) the meaning of the word,
function. such as misconceptions about the term "high",
(2) the practical aspects, such as the value then
Literature Review
assume the same importance 2x5 and 5x2, (3)
Direct objects in mathematics are facts, simplification, for example, understanding
skills, concepts, and rules (Jordaan, 2009). The lineup that does not connect with the function or
concept - a concept in mathematics is arranged mapping, (4) singularity structure of
in a hierarchical, structured, logical and mathematics, for example, there is a
systematic starts from the concept simple to presumption in mathematics should be no
complex concepts. Learning mathematics is like contradiction without seeing a review of
a chain of mutually sustainable and make it into different systems, (5) images, for example by
a whole chain. The interrelated concepts in drawing the set of natural numbers as a subset of
mathematics even simple concept has a role as a the set of integers that concluded integer more
prerequisite for the concept toward than the original number.

ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)

Electronic copy available at:

Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 126
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

Table 1. Grouping Degrees Concept Training

The degree of
Criteria Category
 No answer / empty, replied "I do not know" No response
 Repeating the statement, but the answer is not related to Nounderstand
Do not understand
any questions or are unclear
 Answered with an explanation illogical Misconceptions
 Answer showed no concept of controlled but no statement Understandpartly Misconceptions
in reply which showed misconceptions withmisconceptions
 Answer showed only partially mastered concepts without
any misconceptions
 Answer demonstrated the concept understood by all true
Understanding the concept

Based on the description and the time and what is the relationship between the
understanding of the above misconceptions in value of the function at that time with the
mathematics is defined as the use of the concept of limit, then from some learners will
mathematical concepts that are inconsistent with respond that it should be defined function in c
the scientific understanding or definition and definitely value function is equal to 3 _
accepted by scientists. contrary with the definition of
While the percentage of misconceptions limit(Larson,2009).
level can be grouped into several categories as
shown in the following table.
The target in this study is a class XI
Table 2 Category Misconception (Suwarna,
student of Natural Sciences (IPA) SMA Negeri
1 Anjatan in Indonesia who have
Percentage (%) Category misconceptions based on the analysis of the test
0 – 30 Low results on the subject of mathematics learning
31 – 60 Moderate limit function. Selection of this class is based on
61 – 100 High several considerations. The consideration was
Common mistakes done by children in partly because a class XI student of Natural
doing the math, that is the lack of knowledge Science (IPA) SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan in
about the symbol, the lack of understanding of Indonesia experienced enough problems as it is
the value of the place, the use of the process in the study of less mastering concepts
wrong, miscalculations, and writing that can not particularly well in mathematics (limit function).
be read so that the learner made a mistake The design used in this research is
because no longer able to read his own writing. descriptive qualitative research that describes an
The condition is caused by several factors. The event in the present. This descriptive qualitative
factors that cause errors in the math homework study aimed to describe, summarize a variety of
covers the causes of fault location, cause this conditions, different situations or phenomena
type of error factors, factors causing this type of that exist in the community that the object of
error concept, factors causing this type of error- research (Bowen, 2009).
owned operations, factors causing this type of According to Miles and Huberman
error principle (Lerner, 2003) suggests that activity in the qualitative data
Misconceptions about the subject matter analysis performed interactively and runs
in some way limit function, namely continuously until complete, so that the data is
misconceptions regarding the existence of the already saturated (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
limit function and relation to limit the left and Activities in the analysis of the data, that is data
right limit, limit function misconceptions reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing
various forms, and misconceptions about the / verification.
limit theorem (Jordaan, 2009).
Examples of misconceptions made by RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
learners is when students were asked to give Result Test Description
their perceptions of symbols lim𝑥⟶𝑐𝑓(𝑥) = 3, by
giving them the question _ whether a function Based on the results of the research shows
should be defined at that point to have a limit on that the students who have misconceptions far

ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 127
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

less when compared with students who students who do not understand the concept of
understand and do not understand the concept, 23.08 %. Fifth, the sub-concept determines the
meaning that misconceptions that occur in limit value of the root shape function based on
XIclasses in Natural Sciences(IPA) by category the limit properties, the students experiencing
misconceptions (Suwarna, 2013) in Table 2 are misconception on average - 7.69%, the students
low. As shown in Table 3. who understand the concept of 12.82%, and the
Based on the results of data analysis, the students who do not understand the concept of
average students who experience misconception 79.49%. While the latter, the sub-concept
is lower when compared with the categories of determines the limit value of the trigonometric
students who understand the concept and function based on the limit properties, the
students who do not understand the concept of students experiencing misconception average of
limit. The distribution of values from the Six 8.98%, the students who understand the concept
sub-concepts is as follows. of 51.28%, and students who do not understand
First, it can be seen on the sub-concept the concept of 39.74 %.
describes the function limit function at one point Subconcepts with the highest percentage
through the calculation of value around the misconception are subconcepts explain the
point, the students who experienced meaning of limit function at one point through
misconception average of 20.51%, students who the calculation of value - value around that
understand the concept of 56.41%, and do not point, that is equal to 20.51%. This error occurs
understand the concept of 23.08%. Secondly, because the majority of students believe that if
the sub-concept predicts the value of f(x) if x the results obtained lim𝑥→𝑐 𝑓(𝑥)= 0 means that
goes through the graph and calculation, the the value f(x) does not exist. This is because of
students experiencing misconception on average misconceptions students understand the concept
are 12.82%, the students who understand the of the presence or absence of a function when
concept of 66.67%, and the students who do not the limit load factor of zero makers.
understand the concept of 20.51%. Thirdly, the In general, misconception experienced by
sub-concept determines the limit value of students the high school in Indonesia there on
algebraic functions based on the nature of the subconcepts explain the meaning of limit
limit, the students experiencing misconception function at one point through the calculation of
average of 12.82%, students who understand the value around the point, namely 1)
concept of 30.77%, and students who do not misconceptions concluded if the limit value of 0
understand the concept of 56.41%. Fourth, the is no limit value for the function. 2)
sub-concept determines the limit value of the misconception that there should be no limit in
indefinite function based on the limit properties, the completion of writing the symbol of matter
the students who have a misconception on limit.
average are 10.25%, the students who
understand the concept of 66.67%, and the
Table 3 Percentage of Students Understand Concepts, Misconceptions and Not Understand Concepts
Category Answers Students
SubConcept Question
Explaining the meaning of limit function at one point by calculating 1 51,28% 23,08% 25,64%
values around the point 2 61,54% 17,95% 20,51%
𝑥 56,41% 20,51% 23,08%
Predicting the value of f(x) if x towards infinity through graphs and 3 66,67% 12,82% 20,51%
Determining the value of the limit functional algebra based on the 4 30,77% 12,82% 56,41%
nature of limit
Determining the value of the limit function indeterminate forms 5 66,67% 10,25% 23,08%
based on nature - the nature of limit
Determining the value of the limit function of the root by nature - 6 12,82% 7,69% 79,49%
the nature of limit
Determining the value of the limit of trigonometric functions by 7 38,46% 7,69% 53,85%
nature - the nature of limit 8 64,10% 10,26% 25,64%
𝑥 51,28% 8,98% 39,74%
Total average 47,44% 12,18% 40,38%

ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 126
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

Figure 1. Answer Subject 18 Problem No. 1

Figure 2 Answer Subject 3 Problem Number 2

Figure 3 Answer Subject 6 Problem Number 3

Figure 4 Answers Subjects 6 Problem Number 4

Figure 5. Answer Subject 1 Question Number 5

ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 127
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

Figure 6. Answer Subject 2 Problem Number 6

Figure 7 Answers Subjects 37 Problem No. 7

Figure 8.Answers Subjek 37 Problem No. 7

misconceptions by writing “lim = 𝑥 = 1"when
Data Analysis 𝑥→1
using the procedure count limit (Abidin, 2012).
The following analysis is presented This condition can occur due to teacher
misconception of the study subjects with the factor in teaching mathematics. Not a few
possible causes of these misconceptions. teachers give less attention to the achievement
Figure 1 shows that according to of students' understanding of the mastery of the
ZulfaAmrina errors made by the subjects 18 is a concept of limit. So students can experience
misconception that students' mistakes because misconceptions. The possible causes of
they do not write emblem limit function misconceptions are the lack of teachers'
“lim "when using the procedure count limit emphasis on limit function theorems and the
(Abidin, 2012). Students also make mistakes in lack of understanding of the concept of
understanding the concept of the presence or existence of function limits and their relation to
absence of a limit of a function when the result the left and right limits.(Jordaan, 2009).
is 0. Figure 3 shows that according to
Possible cause of the misconception is the ZulfaAmrina errors made by the subject 6 is a
lack of understanding of the definition of the misconception that students do not write
concept of limit function and a lack of emblem limit “lim ”when using the procedure
understanding of the value and place (Lerner, count limit, and operation errors that students
2003). make mistakes arithmetic operation division of
Figure 2 shows that according to the highest rank (Abidin, 2012).
ZulfaAmrina errors made by the subject 3 is Possible causes are a weak factor
operating errors that students make mistakes misconception practical aspects that students
count at the time of filling the table, and only pay attention to the practical aspect without
regard to the concept (Irawan, 2012).

ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 126
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

Miscalculation, as well as the lack of arithmetic operations division trigonometric

understanding of the value and place (Lerner, functions, and misconceptions that students
2003). misunderstood the concept of limit theorem
Figure 4 shows that according to 2𝑥.sin 𝑥
function by writing “lim𝑥→0 sin 𝑥 = 2.1.1 =
ZulfaAmrina errors made by the subject 6 is a
2"when determining the value of the limit of a
misconception that students do not write
function (Abidin, 2012).
emblem limit “lim ”when using the procedure
𝑥→2 Possible cause of the misconception is the
count limit, and operation errors that students lack of understanding of the value and place, as
make mistakes factoring arithmetic algebraic well as calculation errors (Lerner, 2003).
function in order to obtain these results (Abidin,
Possible causes are a factor Based on the research result, it can be
misconception practical aspects that students concluded that; (1) Based on the analysis written
only pay attention to the practical aspect without tests and interviews were conducted to class XI
regard to the concept (Irawan, 2012). student of Natural Sciences (IPA) 5SMA Negeri
Miscalculation, as well as the lack of 1 Anjatan in Indonesia. Level experienced
understanding of the value and place (Lerner, misconceptions belong to the category of low,
2003). amounting to 12.18%. However, students who
Figure 5 shows that according to do not understand the concept quite high at
ZulfaAmrina errors made by the subject 1 is a 40.38% and the rest are students who understand
misconception that students misunderstood the the concept that is equal to 47.44%. (2) Based
concept of limit theorem function by writing on the analysis written tests and interviews were
“lim = 𝑥 − 2 = 3 − 2 = 1"when using the conducted to 16 students of class XI Natural
procedure count limit, and miscalculation that Sciences (IPA) 5 SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan in
students perform arithmetic operation error Indonesia who have misconceptions. The
factoring algebraic function in order to obtain misconception of the most widely experienced
these results (Abidin, 2012). by students lies in subconcepts explain the
Possible causes of misconception are the meaning of limit function at one point through
lack of understanding about value And points, as the calculation of value - value around that
well as calculation errors (Lerner, 2003). point, that is equal to 20.51%. It can be seen
Figure 6 shows that according to from the results of the answers to a written test
ZulfaAmrina errors made by the subject 2 is the limit function, most of them do not write
systematic errors that students make mistakes in emblem limit “lim ” when using the procedure
taking steps to resolve problems in order to count limit, it is due to ignorance of the
obtain such a result and the misconceptions that definition of the concept of limit function
students misunderstood the concept of limit intuitively.
theorem function by writing “lim = 4 − 1 =
2 − 1 = 1"when using the procedure count limit
(Abidin, 2012).
The possible cause ofthe misconceptionis REFERENCES
the use ofthe wrongprocess, as wellas a lack of
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Figure 7 shows that according to Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Ar-Ranirydalam
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Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4 (1), 2017 - 127
WidodoWinarso, T. Toheri

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ISSN 2356-2684 (print), ISSN 2477-1503 (online)

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