Assignment 3 Level 4

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Name: _____________ Date: __________

Programm: _______ English level: _______

1.WRITING : You haven't felt very well since last night and you went to the doctor this
morning. The doctor gave you a sick leave for three days. Write an email to your teacher
explaining your symptoms, your doctor’s diagnosis, and letting them know about the sick leave.
Use past simple and present perfect.

Example. Hi [Name of your manager or supervisor], I won't be able to report to work today
because of [illness] and I had [symptoms]. I went to the hospital and the doctor confirmed
that I have got a virus. I have had headacke, I have felt fever, etcc….. The doctor
prescribed 5 days of sick leave, because I need to rest.

2. Fill in the gaps using the correct word. Llene los espacios con la palabra


1. They have visited the Empire State Building.

2. Charlotte has been a doctor twenty years.

3. I have seen Timothy

4. Have you been to Canada?

5. William hasn't finished his homework

6. We have lived in Australia 2000.

7. My brother has bought a car.

8. New York is the best city I have been to.

9. We have known Emily last spring.

10. They haven't arrived

IMPORTANTE: Recuerda que el medio de envío de todas las actividades es por la

plataforma SICVIC y debe enviar la actividad en este mismo documento de Word.


- Si tiene que escribir un dialogo u otro escrito que se le solicita en la
actividad evite copiar y pegar informacion de internet o evite traducir todo
en los traductores en linea, pues el objetivo es la produccion escrita con lo
aprendido en la unidad.
- Si tienes que hacer un video evita leer durante el mismo, deber ser a
manera de presentación oral, debe oírse tu voz claramente sin ruidos en el
entorno y debe tener buena iluminación para que se vea claramente tu
cara, usa vestimenta adecuada, recuerda que es un trabajo formal.

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