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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment




Submitted to:
Narmada college of Management
Under The Guidance of

In Partial fulfilment of the Requirement of the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Offer by
Gujarat Technological University

Prepared by:
MBA (Semester – III)

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the Summer Internship Project

Report titled “ recruitment and selection process at tushar
trans equipment” is a result of my own work and my
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and showing as my original work, or extending plagiarism
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examination or any other punishment that university may
deem fit. Enrollment no. 197370592019
Place: Bharuch
Date: ……..

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment


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EQUIPMENT” is the bonafide work of , who has carried out his / her
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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment


Practical study is an important aspect of any study. It helps the student to observed, analyse the
situation in the practical life. Training is a part of the study in the curriculum to know the
practical aspect of management. It provide an opportunity to work with the people and interact
with them.

During the training student, get an opportunity to glance into the real business world. Here
students get a chance to observe to day to day working of the business. Thus, this is out of the
most valuable and important experience for any student. There is well known saying in japan.
“ it is better to walk on street for one mile to get an experience, than on reading hundred books
on experience”

During the academic year 2020-21, we have undergone for training program at Tushar trans
equipment, bholav industrial estate. i have sincerely tried my best to know the application of
our department study.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment


Effective recruitment, selection and retention are critical to organizational success. They
enable companies to have performing employees who are satisfied with their jobs, thus
contributing positively to the organization.

On the contrary, in-effective recruitment methodology, selection and retention would be

results in mismatches which can have negative consequences of an organization. A misfit
who is in tune with the organization philosophies and goals can reduce output, productivity,
customer satisfaction, relationships and overall quality of work. Training a wrong hire can
also be expensive. Effective recruitment is therefore not only the first step towards
organizational excellence, but it is important cost control mechanism as well.

The study researches the spectrum of recruitment methodologies followed in a IT company

towards developing an unique model, purpose suggestions that would reduce costs, time to
recruit, be effective and helpful overall organizational interests.

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I, joshi sriya dattatrey student of Narmada College of Management would like to thank
tushar trans equipment for to conduct the training Program at their premises and for
providing all the needful facilities required for completion of the entire program.

I sincerely thank my mentor rashmika makwana ( HR HEAD ) for their continuous support
and illuminating guidance.

I express my deep gratitude to those who have helped and encouraged me in various ways in
carrying out this project work.

I would like to extend my thanks and would want to acknowledge the TUSHAR TRANS
EQUIPMENT for sharing their knowledge and enlightening my throughout the work.

I take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our faculty members who have given us
the opportunity to present this project and continuously monitored us to perform well.

In this context we would like to express our gratitude and thankfulness to Dr.Trupti Almoula,
for providing us with her advice and support through our project session.

I sincerely thanks to dr. Chetna makwana for her continuous support and guidance during
training. I would like to extend my thank and would want to acknowledge the Narmada College
of Management, MBA programme personnel for giving me opportunity to be their student.

And finally to the almighty GOD who continues to look after me despite my flaws. Our cordial
thanks to our parents, friends for their unmatched support, guidance and love throughout the
project preparation.

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Sr No Particular Page No

1 Industry Overview

2 Company Overview

3 Departmental Study

4 About Research

5 Literature Review

6 Research
7 Data Analysis

8 Finding

9 Suggestion

10 Reference

11 Bibliography &
12 Annexure

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➢ This project is divided into the different chapters as below. All the chapter of
the project contributed to the study by adding value to research and body of the
report. A brief description of each chapter are following as below.

➢ The first chapter is all about introduction of tushar trans equipment industry. In
this chapter brief information about the industry related all information of tushar
trans equipment Ltd.

➢ The second chapter is about introduction of tushar trans equipment. In this

chapter details information about the company related as well as a company
facility, achievement, vision, mission, core values, goals etc.

➢ The third chapter is about departmental study the department like HR, Finance,
Sales and marketing, Production Department, and Others. In this chapter details
information about related of department aspect.

➢ The fourth chapter is about research study of recruitment procedure of an

employees. In this chapter brief information about the topic related as well as
given along with the theoretical concept, objective, types, process of the study.

➢ The fifth chapter is about Literature review related to all study. This chapter
contain comprehensive review of various research study in India and outside
country also. Research literature almost every aspect of recruitment process of
employees that involved different study required.

➢ The sixth chapter is about objective of the study and it is a very important for
research. Objective make to related of recruitment process of employees in
tushar trans equipment .

➢ The seventh chapter is about research methodology. In this chapter all the
methodology has been conducted through various method like research topic,
research area, research design, sample size, data collection, and source of data

➢ The eight chapter is about data analysis. In this chapter certain questioner has
been conducted a survey in different area and find the employees satisfaction or
dissatisfaction level with the context of recruitment process .

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Title of the study:-

Recruitment and Selection Policy & Practices – tushar trans equipment

Problem Statement:-

The success of organizations in this modern business environment depends on the caliber of
the manpower that steers the day to day affairs of the or ganizations the "process
of recruitment and selection”. all categories of employees has been a matter of
concern to many organizations and n e e d s a t t e n t i o n . ” e v e n t h o u g h i t i s t h e
w i s h o f e v e r y o r g a n i z a t i o n t o a t t r a c t t h e b e s t h u m a n resource in order
to channel their collection effort into excellent performances, uncotment and
selection practices and procedures of the Tushar Trans equipment pvt ltd.

Purpose of the Study:_

the Purpose of this study will be to assess the effectiv eness of the recruitment
and selection practices and procedures of the tushar trans equipment pvt ltd.

Objective of the Study:_

Board Objective:_

The board objective of this study is to analyse the recruitment and selection process of tushar
trans equipment pvt ltd.

Specific objective:-
• To examine how recruitment and selection practices effect on the development or
performance of the employees.
• To assess the challenges associated with the recruitment and selection practices.
• To identify the factors that will improve recruitment and selection practices.

Research questions:-

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1. since how many years have you been working with these organization?
A. 0-5 years. B .5-10years.
2. does your HR provides an adequate pool of quality applicants?
3. Does the HR department is efficient on selection policy of the employees?
4. Does your company go for campus recruitment?
5. Interview conducted is free from bias?
6. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?
7. Does your company ask for reference at the time of selection?
8. Which type of interview methods does your company usually follow?
A. direct B. other
9. Does your company disclose the job satisfaction at the time of selection of
10. Does your company recruit employees internally?
11. Medical test is done at your company?
12. Does manpower is based on previous production data?

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Importance of the study:-

By analysing the last five years data of recruitment and selection policy Tushar trans
equipment, it will be easier to find the human resource position, policy, process, and practices
of the organization.

Scope of the study:-

This study covers recruitment and selection practice area only which is a part of the human
resource division operates by the authority of Tushar trans equipments pvt ltd. The study has
been conducted with the help of data obtained from the records and annual reports of the last
five years provided by the HR HEAD of the Tushar trans equipments. The researcher tries to
measure the performances and development of the organization in terms of HR policy and

The sources of information:-

The study has been conducted through primary and secondary data analysis. Records and
annual reports of HR of Tushar trans equipment are used to prepare this report.

I would like to thank to the honourable professor and DR. Chetna makwana , lecturer of
master of business administration (MBA) At narmada college of management , bharuch , for
providing me valuable guidance and suggestion in preparing research paper. She gave me the
courage and liberty for choosing my topic, which gave me momentum to the work

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Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. Certain influences constraint managers in determining recruiting
sources such as image of the organization, internal policies attractiveness of the job, union
requirements and recruiting budgets.

Popular sources of recruiting employees include internal search, advertisements, employees

referrals, schools, colleges, and universities: professional organizations and casual or
unsolicited applicants. In practice, recruitment methods appear to vary according to job
level and skill.

Proper selection can minimize the cost of replacement and training, reduce legal challenges,
and result in more productive workforce. The primary purpose of selection activities is to
predict which job applicant will be successful if hired. During the selection process,
candidates are also informed about the job and the organization.

The discrete selection process would include the following; initial screening interview,
completion of the application form, o test, comprehensive interview, background
investigations, physical examinations, and final employment decisions. In the discrete
selection process, an unsuccessful performance at any stage results in the rejection of the

An alternative to the discrete selection process is the comprehensive approach, where all
applicants go through every step in the selection process and final decision is based on a
comprehensive evaluation of the results of each stage. To be an effective predictor, a
selection device should be reliable, valid and predict a relevant criterion.

Selection device provides managers with information that will help them predict whether an
applicant will prove to be a successful job performer. The application blank is effective for
acquiring hard biographical data, while the weighted application can provide information for
predicting job success.

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Traditional tests that assess intelligence, abilities and personality traits can predict job
proficiency but suffer from being non job related. On the other hand, interviews
consistently achieve low marks for reliability and validity. Background investigations are
valuable when they verify hard data from the application, although they offer little practical
value as selection devices.

Physical examinations are valid when certain physical characteristics are required to be able
to perform a job effectively.

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Recruitment and selection are the most important functions in an organization because with
the help of these functions, the management selects the best available candidate from a
batch of them. The organizations in these growing competitive world need to have the best
of manpower so as to have an edge over its competitive.

According to flippo; “recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organization.”

In the words of yoder; “recruitment is the process to discover the sources of manpower to
meet the requirement of the staffing and schedule and to employ effective measured for
attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate of an working force”.

The recruitment needs can be classified into:-

• Planned.
• Anticipated.
• Unexpected.
Planned needs arise from the changes in the organization and retirement policy. These
occur due to the expected changes in the organizations so the management can make a
proper policy for it.

Anticipated need refer to the movements in personal which an organization can predict by
studying the trends in the internal and external environments.

Resignations, deaths, accidents, and illness results in to the unexpected needs.

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• Recruitment is the process or a series of activities rather than a single event.

• It is a linking activity as it brings together the employers and employees.

• It is positive process because in this activity the employers want to have the
maximum number of job seekers so as to have wider concept scope for choice
ultimately leading in spotting right persons for job.
• It is an important function as it makes it possible to acquire the number and type of
persons required for the effective functioning of the organizations.
• It is an ongoing function in all the organizations, but the volume and nature if
recruitment varies with the size, nature and environment of the organizations.
• It is a complex process because a number of factors affect it – the nature of the job
offered, image of the organization, organizational policies, working conditions etc.

The various sources of recruitment are:-

Internal sources include:-

• Present employees who can be transferred or given promotions.

• The retired and retrenched employees who want to return to the company.
• Dependents and relatives of the disabled employees.

External sources include:-

• Press advertisements.
• Campus interview.
• Placement agencies.

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• Recommendations.
• Recruitment at factory gate.
• Employment exchanges.

During a short stint at TTE (Tushar trans equipment), it was observed that the recruitment
and TTE is diversified. It needs persons who have knowledge of use, processing of natural
ingredients of number of varied products, technical know-how of latest industrial technical
knowledge, and computer applications to manual workers.

The importance of the process could be understood that the present workforce of TTE is
approx. 100. Hence, the recruitment and selection procedure should match the complexities
of the need and the same should commensurate with the complex need of the organization.

Recruitment process:-
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a
pool of qualified job applications. The process comprises of five interrelated stages,.

1) Planning.
2) Strategy development.
3) Searching
4) Screening.
5) Evaluation and control.

Stage:-1 recruitment planning

The first stage in the process is planning. Planning involves the translation of likely
job vacancy and information about the nature of these jobs into set of objectives
targets that specify the 1) numbers & 2) types of applicants to be contacted.

Number of contact- organization, nearly alwys , plan to attract more applicants than
they will hire. Some of those contacted will be uninterested, unqualified or both.
Each time a recruitment programme is completed. One task is so estimate the
number of applicants necessary to fill vacancies with the qualified people.

Types of contacts- it is basically concerned with the types of people to be informed

about job openings. The type of people depends on the task and responsibilities

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involved and the qualifications and experience expected. These details are available
through job description and job specifications.

Stage 2:- strategy development

When it is estimated that what types of recruitment and how many are required
then one can concentrate 1) make or buy employees. 2) technological sophistication
of recruitment & selection device. 3) geographical distribution of labour markets
comprising job seekers.4)sources of recruitment. 5) sequencing the activities in the
recruitment process.

Make or buy:-
Organization must decide whether to hire skilled and invest on training and
educational program. Or they can hire skilled labour and professional. Essentially,
this is the “make or buy” decision. Organizations, which hire skilled and professional
shall have to pay more for these employees.

Technological sophistication:-
The second decision in strategy development relates to the method used in recruitment &
selection. This decision is mainly influenced by the available technology. The advent of
computers has made it possible for employers to scan national and international applicant
qualification. Although impersonal, computers have given employers and job seekers a wide
scope of options in the initial screening stage.

Stage 3:- searching

Once a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin.
Searching involves two types:
a) Source activation.
b) Selling.

Stage 4:- screening

Screening of applicants can be regarded as an integral part of the recruiting process,
through many view it as the first step in the selection process. Even the definition on
recruitment, i have quoted in the beginning of this chapter, excludes screening from its
scope. However, i have included screening in recruitment for valid reasons. The selection

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process will begin after the applications have been scrutinized and short-listed. Hiring of
professors in a university is a typical situation. Application received in response to
advertisements is screened and only eligible applications called for an interview. a selection
committee comprising the vice chancellor, registrar and subject experts conducts interview.
Here, the recruitment process extends up to screening the application. The selection
process commences only later.

Purpose of screening
The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage,
those applicants who are visible unqualified for the job. effective screening can save a great
deal offline and money.
In screening, clear job specifications are invaluable. It is both good practice and a lega;
necessity that applicant’s qualifications is judged on the basis of their knowledge, skills,
abilities and interest required to do the job.

Stage 5:- evaluation and control

Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the recruitment
process. The costs generally incurred are:
➢ Salaries for recruiters.
➢ Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job
specifications, advertisements, agency lianson and so forth.
➢ The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees.
➢ Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.
➢ Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled.
➢ Cost of recruiting unsuitable candidates for the selection process.

Need of recruitment
The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons:-
1) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, terminations, permanent,
disability, death and labour turnover.
2) Creation of new vacancies, due to the growth, expansion and diversification of an
enterprise. In addition, ne vacancies are possible due to job specification.

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Purpose and importance of recruitment:

❖ Determine the present and future requirement of the organization on conjunction
with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.
❖ Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
❖ Helps in increasing the success rate if the selection process by reducing the number
of visible under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
❖ Helps in reducing the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected,
will leave the organization only after the short period of time.
❖ Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
❖ Begins identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
❖ Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the long term and short term.
❖ Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all type of
job applicants.
❖ Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs available in
the organizations and interrelated candidates are encouraged to submit applications
for purpose of selection.

Inducements to recruitment
Organizational inducements are all the positive features and benefits offered by an
organization that serves to attract job applicants to the organization. Three inducements
need specific mention here, are;-

• Compensation: starting salaries, frequency of pay increases, incentives and

fringe benefits can all serve as inducements to the potential employees.
• Career opportunities: these helps the present employees to grow
personally and professionally and also attract good people to the organization. The
feeling that the company takes care of employees career aspirations serves as a
powerful inducements to potential employees.

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• Image or reputation: factors that affecting an organization’s reputation

include its general treatment of employees, the nature and quality of its products
and services and its participation in worthwhile social endeavours.

✓ Poor image: if the image of the firm is perceived to be low( due to factors like
operation in the declining industry, poor quality products, nepotism etc.) the
likelihood of attracting large number of qualified applicants is reduced.
✓ Unattractive jobs: if the job to be filled is not very attractive, most prospective
candidates may turn indifferent and may not even apply. This is specially true of job
that is boring, anxiety producing, devoid of career growth opportunities and
generally not reward performance in a power way.
✓ Government policy: government policies often come in the way of recruitment as
per the rules of the company or on the basis of merit and seniority. Policies like
reservations have to be observed.
✓ Conservative internal policies: firms which go for internal recruitments or where
labour unions are very active, face hindrances in recruitment and selection planning .

Centralised v/s decentralised recruitment

Recruitment practices vary from one organization to another. Some
organizations like commercial banks resort to centralised recruitment. While
some organizations like the Indian railway resort to decentralised recruitment
practices. Personnel departments at unit level perform all the functions of
recruitment concerning to the jobs of the respective unit or zone.

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1) Objective theory:-
(a) Assumes applicants use a very rational method for making decisions.
(b)Thus, the more information you can give them the better applicants weight these
factors to arrive at a relative “desirability” index.
2) Subjective theory:-
(a) Assumes applicants are not rational, but respond to social or psychological
(b)Thus, play to these needs by highlighting job security or opportunities for
promotion of work group etc.

3) critical contact theory:-

(a) Assumes key attractor is quality of contact with recruiter or recruiter behaviour.
(b) research indicates that more recruiter contact enhances acceptance of offer, also
experienced recruiter – may be specially important when recruiting ethnic
minorities, women, etc.

Recruitment policy of any organization is derived from the personnel policy of the same
organization. However, recruitment policy by itself should take into consideration the
government’s reservation policy. Policy regarding sons of soil, etc . Personnel policies of
other organizations regarding merit, internal sources, social responsibilities in absorbing
minority sections, women etc.

Specific issues which may be addressed in recruitment policy:

1) Statement:- non discrimination or particular protected class members that may be

sought for different positions ( affirmative action guidelines).

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2) Position description: adherence to job description & qualifications in recruitment &

selection – bonafide occupational qualifications.

3) How to handle special personnel in recruitment/selection:- special

advancement towards retirement or military, rehires, part time or temporary personnel

4) Recruitment budget/expenses: - travel, lodging/meals, staff travel to recruit,

relocation, expenses, etc.

5) others

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Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate out of thr all the applicants. In this
process, relevant information about the applicanys is collected through a series of steps so
as to evaluate thier suitability for the job to be filled.

It is the process of matching the qulifications with those required for the job so that the
candidate can be entrusted with the task that matches with his credibility.

It is a process of weeding out unsuitable candidates the most and finally identifying the
most suitable cabdidates. The suitable people prove to be the asset for the
organization.selection is a negetive process because

its process the managment tries to minimize the people at each step so that the final
decision can be in the light of all the factors and at the end of it best candidate is selected.
Selected candidate has to pass through the various examinations taken by the

• Application form.
• Selection tset.
• Selection interview.
• Physial examinations.
• Reference check.
• Final approval.
• Employement.

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Preliminary interview is the initial screening done to weed out the undesitable canadidates.
This is mainly a sorting process in which the prospective candidates are given the necessary
information about the candidates also taken. If the candidate is found suitable then he is
selected for the further screening else is dropped. This stage saves te time and effort of
both the company and the candidate. It avoids unnecessary waiting for the candidate and
the waste of money for further processing of an unsuitable candidates.

Application form is a traditional and widely used device for colletiong information from
candidates . this form asks the candidates to fill up the necessary information regarding
thier basic information like name, address, references, date of the birth, marital status
educational qualifications, experience, salaries structure in previous organization and other
such nformation. This form is of great help because the scrutiny of this form helps in
formulation of questions, which will be ask in the ionterview. These forms can also be
stored for future references thus maintaining a databank of the applicants.

Selection tests are being increasigly used in employee selection. Tsets are sample of some
aspect of an individuals attitudes., behaviour and perforances. It also rpovides a systematic
basis for comparing teo or more persons. The tests help to reduce bias in selection by
serving as a supplementary screening device. These reveal the qualifications, which remain
covered in the application form and interview.

Selection interview involves the interaction of the employer and the employee. Selecyion
involves a personal, observational and face-to-face appraial of candidates for employement.
It is an essential element of te selection procedure. The information obtained through
application form and test can be croosedcheck in the interview.

The applicants who have crossed stages have to go through physical examinations either by
the companys phisicaian or the medical officer approved for the purpoe. The main aim is to
ensure that the candidate ois physically fit to perform th job. Those who are foundphysically
unfit are rejected.

The next satge marks of checking the references. The applicants is asked to mention in his
application form the names and addresses of two or more or three persons who know him
well. The organization contcts them by mail or telephone. They are requested to provide
thier frank opinion of the references can be useful in judging the future behaviour and
performance of a candidate.

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The executives of the concerned departments then finally approve the candidates short
listed by the human resource department. Employement is offered in the form of an
appointmenr letter mentioning the post, the rank, the salary grade, the date by which the
candidate should join and other terms and conditions in brief. Appointment is generally
made on probation of one or two years . after satisfactory perfoemance during this period
the candidate is finally confirmed in the job on permanent basis or regularized.

Selection is an important function as no organiozation can achieve it goals without selecting

right persons for te required job. Faulty selection leads to wastage of time and money and
spoils the envirnment of n organization. Scientific selecyion and placement of personal
cango a long way in building up a stable workforce. It helps to reduce absentiesm and labour
turnover. Proper selection is helpful in increasing the efficiency and productive of the

Types of interviews conducted in selection

Several types of interviews are commonly used depending upon the nature and importance
of the position to be filled within an organizations.

In a non directive interview the recruiter asks questions as thwy come to mind. There is no
specific format to be followed.

In a patterned interview, the employer follows the pre-determined sequence of questions.

Here the interviewee is given a special form containing questions regarding his technical
competence, personality traits, attitudes, motivation, etc.

In a structured or situational interview, there are fixed job related questions that are
persented to each applicant.

In a panel interview, several interviewers question and seek answers fromone applicant.
The panel members can ask new and incisive questions based on thier expertise and
experience and elicit deeper and more meaningful expertise from candidates.

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Interviews can also be designed to create a difficult environment where the applicant’s
confidence level and the ability to stand erect in difficult situations are put to test. These are
referred to as the stress interview. This is basically an interview in which the applicant is
made uncomfortable bya series of, often, rude, annoying or embarrasing questions.


1) Ethnocentric selection:-
In this approach , staffing decisons are made at the organizations headquarters.
Subsidiaries have limited autonomy, and the employees from the headquarters at
home and abroad fill key jobs. Nationals from the parent country dominate the
organizations at home and abroad.

2) Polycentric selection:-
In a polycentric selection, each subsidiary is treated as a distinct national entity with
local contrl key financial targets and investments ecisions. Local citizwns manage
subsidiaries. But the key jobs remain with the staff from the home country.

3) Regiocentric selection:-
Here, control within the group the movement of staff are managed on a regional
basis, reflecting the particular deposition of business and operations within the
group. Regional managers have discrete decisions. Movement of staff is largely
restricted to specific geographical regions and promotions to the jobs continue to be
dominated by managers from the parent company.

4) Geocentric staffing:-
In this case, business strategy is integrated throughly on global basis. Staff
development and promotion are based on ability, not nationality. The broad and
other parts of the top management structure are throughly international in
composition. Needless to say, sich organization are uncommon.

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The mai objective od selection is to hire people having competence and commitment. This
objective often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check
effectiveness of selection, are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure.
➢ Perception:- our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most
fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate.
➢ Selection demands an individual or a group of people to assess and compare the
respective competencies of other, withthe aim of choosing the right persons for the
jobs. But our view are highly persoalised.
➢ Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be discriminated aginst on
the basis of religeon, region, rece or gender,. But the low number of women and
other less previlaged sections of the society in middle and senior management
position and open discrimination opn the basis of age in job advertisements and in
the selection process would suggest that all the efforts to minimise inequity have not
been effective.
➢ Validity, as explained earlier, is atest that helps predict job performance of an
incumbent. A test that has been validated can diffrentiated between the employees
who perform well and thise who will not. However, a validates test does not predict
job success accurately. It can only increase possibility of success.
➢ Reliability:- a reliable method is one, which will produce consistent results when
repeated in similar situations. Like validated test, areliable test may fail to predict job
performance wit precision.
➢ Pressure:- pressureis bought on the selectors by politicians, beurocrates, relatives,
friends, and peers to select partcular candidates. Candidates selected because of
compulsion are obviuosly not the right ones. Appointments to public sectors
undertakings generally take place under such pressures.

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Difference between recruitment and selection

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective candidates and motivating

them to apply for job in the organization. Whereas, selection is a process of choosing
most suitable candidates out of those, who are interested and also qualified for job.
In the recruitment the process, vacancies available and finalized, publicity is given to
them and application are collected from interested candidates. In the selection
process, availabl applicants are scrutinized. Tests, interview and medical
examinationare conducted in order to select most suitable candidate.
In recruitment the purpose is to attract maximum numbers of suitable and interested
candidates through application. In selection process the purpose is that the best
candidate out of these qualified and interested in the appointment.
Recruitment is the prior to selection. It creates a proper base for actual selection.
Slectionist next to recruitment. It is out of candidates available/interest.
Recruitment is the positive function in which interested candidates are encouraged to
submit application. Selection is a negative function in which unsuitable candidates are
eliminated and the best one is selected.
Recruitment is the short process. In recruitment publicity is given to a vacancies and
applications are collected from diffrent sources. Selection is a lengthy process. It
involves scrutiny of applications, giving tests, arranging interviews and medical
In recruitment service of expert is not required whwereas in selection, services of
expert is required.
Recruitment is not costly. Expenditure is required mainly for advertising the posts.
Selection is a costly activity, as expenditure is needed for testing candidates and
conducte of interviews.

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TUSHAR TRANS EQUIPMENT PVT LTD. Was founded by shri S.P.PATEL. Established in 1992
m/s. Tushar trans equipment pvt ltd. Has time and agin proved to be an one of the best
manufactures and suppliers of various types of transformers, insulators & bushing in the
country. It is also an ISO 9001:2008 company efficiently equipped by the latewst
technological facilities and a highly professinal approach , it have continually performed
with par execllence to offersuperior products. We prove that we have always put quality
over quantity of all that designed, manufacture, or supply.

Owing to the more than three decades of experience in the designing, manufacturing, and
supply of current & volatge transformers & epoxy cast insulators and bushing , they have
gained expertise in the field of operation. It has constantly upgraded and improved R&D
department hs benn instrumental to the progrss over the years. A wide range of products
includes current transformers , potential transformers , contrl transformers , epoxy resin
cast insulators & bushing.

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TTE has a clear vision and is concious about it.
“ to be a highly respected manufacturer in field of instrument ransformer, epoxy resin cast
component, parts of quality & quantity with the persistence and timely response to
customers and providing emerging environment to achieve average annual growth ratio of
more than 50%.”
“ to develop entire range of instrument transformer by 2020”.

• To achieve the best and fastest possible result for the company in development of
various range of instrument transformers and epoxy resin cast components.
• To discover, develop, design, manufacture, market safe and innovative instrument
transformer for better safety and performance.
• To be customer trusted partner, providing cost-effective , timely solutions and
helping them meet thier goals.
• Instil greater team spirit and generate motivation and pride.

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Apart from management information services, theie in-house automated systems enable
them to design highly modernized equipment with accurate costing. As a result, they are
effeciently capable of guranteeing thier clients economically optimal and technically flawless

• OIL COOLED current transformers & potential transformers upto66KV.

• Oil cooled outdoor type instrument transformers (CTPT METERING UNIT ) UPTO
• Epoxy resin cast current transformer & potential transformer upto 33 KV.
• Portable precision cast current transformers for laboratory use
• LT current transformers ( tape insulated/resin cast)
• Neutral land WITI current transformers for transfprmers manudactures.
• Current transformers for use in furnace contrl panels for ratio upto 25000/5AMP
with detachable limbs
• Encapsulation of coils.
• LT bus bar support from 30MM to 76MM size.
• Epoxy resin cast insulator and bushing upto 33KV.
• Epoxy resin cast components as per client requirement & specifications.

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➢ TYPE:-RING, BPL, WPL ( single phase & three phase block)
➢ SECONDARY CURRENT:- 1 amp&5amp.
➢ PURPOSE:- metering, protection & special purpose applications.
➢ INSULATION;- resin cast or as p[er customer design.
➢ STANDARD:- customer requirement.


➢ TYPE;- ring, wpl.
➢ INSULATION:- PVC tape insulated, varnioshed or as per customer requirement.
➢ STANDARD:- as per the customer requirement.


➢ APPLICATION:- cotton tape varnished or as per customer requirement.
➢ STANDARD:-as per customer requirement.


➢ TYPE:-indoor&outdoor
➢ SYSTEM VOLTAGE:-switch gear, switch boards and metering.
➢ PURPOSE:-protection & metering.

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➢ INSULATION:-epoxy resin cast.

➢ TYPE:-single phase/three phase
➢ RANGE:-10VA to 100KVA shield.
➢ APPLICATION:-switchesboard panels & short time rated for starter.


➢ TYPE:-paper insulation/dead tank type.
➢ APPLICATION:-metering & protection.
➢ INSULATION:-oil cooled.


➢ SYSTEM VOLTAGE:- up to 33KV.
➢ TYPE:- oil cooled outdoor type.
➢ APPLICATION:-switvhgear & metering.
➢ PURPOSE:- metering & protection.
➢ INSULATION:- oil cooled.


➢ TYPE:-outdoor oil cooled paper insulated.
➢ APPLICATION;-metering&protection.
➢ INSULATION:- oil cooled.


➢ TYPE:-imdoor & outdoor type.
➢ APPLICATION;- switvhger, switchboard 7 metering.
➢ INSULATION:- epoxy resin cast.

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➢ APPLICATION:- switchgears, panels , transformers & other electrical equipments
➢ RATING:-upto 33 KV.


➢ APPLICATION:- power transformer, distribution transformer, instrument
transformers & switchgears.

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TTE selects the future employees keeping everything in mind right from the qualifications of
the employees to the future prospects-both of the organization and the employees.

The first step towards involves the filling up to manpower indent form. This form is filled up
by the department which is having the vacancy. The form consists of various questions
which are to be answered like if the current vacancy is a replacement vacancy, its reason is
to be specified – the factors which resulyed it like death, retirement etc.

The department is required to gve the qualifications that the future candidate should

In the next step, this form is given to the human resource (HR) department; this department
sees if the position can be filled through internal sources. The internal sources can be
transfers, promotions, etc,. In the case of internal sources, the recommendations of the
employees are not take into the consideration. If the HR department does not find suitable
candidate within the organization then this department has to give some reasons for it. The
form then goes to the corporate HR for its approval.

When the suitable candidate is not available within the organization , the organization then
moves to the outside world for filling up the vacancies.

If the number of empoyees required is large then the company has in its consideration three

• The data bank of the organization

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• Advertisements.
• Contacting thelarge consultants.

The company maintains a databank of th candidates, which is used when the number of
vacancies to be filed up is large. The source of databank can be the qualified candidates who
had applied in the organization earlier but due to some reasins could not join the

Advertisements are the second big source to attract the candidates. These are having much
larger scope and reach to a number of people. The qualifications required by the
otganozations and the critiria could be described un detail.

Large number of consultants also constitutes a big source. Many people reguster
themselves with these consultants and they act as a bridge betweenthe organization and
the candidates. The consultants provide the company required details about all criteria.
These consultants are fixed for the organization, which are choosen on the basis of thier
performance. In case of overseas recruitmen , it is checked wheather thier indian
counterparts can perform the job efficiency or not. If need arises then they are also taken
through consulatnts.

But if the number of vacanies is very small then the organization take the help of the local

The candidates are then required to fill up the application form . this form requires the
candidate to fill the details regarding the previous employmentt, if any and his personal
data. The form is having details regarding like marital status, organization structure, the
position held by the candidate , his salary structure, the top three deleveris to the
organization that proved to be beneficial to the organization, carrer goals, his strength and
weakness etc.

After the application form has been duly filled and submitted, the selection process starts
wherein the candidates has to pass tgrough varoius stages and interview. The interview
panel consicts of the persons from corporate , and the other persons including the
executives from the departmenr for which they the vacancy is to be filed.

The selected candidates are then short-listed. The short listed candidates are then fiven
proiritiy numbers; this is due to the reasins that sometimes the candidate who is having first
priority is unable to join the organizationdue to some reason then in the candidate next in

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priority list is given preference. The candidate is then undergo to medical examination and
his credentials are verified.

After qualifying these stages, the candidates is then absorbed in the organization and
explained his/her duties. This phase marks the end of the selection procedure
TUSHAR TRANS EQUIPMENT PVT LTD. Also performs campus interview as and when the
need arises. The esteemed also provides apprenice training-wherein the organozation trains
the people in the working of the orgnization and gives then stipend. If these trainees are
found useful to the organozation then they are absorbed in the organization else they are
given certifcate so that they can show this as an experience and get a job elsewhere.



Jan carlzon has defind MOT as an intention between a customer ans an organization,
which leads to an judgement by the customer and the front about the quality of
service recieved by her or him. In tourism industry , 95% of the MOT take place
between the customer and the front line staff and the most of the time they are not
visible to the management. For eg., how a hotel receptionist is handling the
customers or how an escort is conducting the tour is not visible to the management.
Yet, the tourists experience of the holiday is dependent on how the staff manning
such services has treated him or her. It has been poiunted outthat in case of negative
experience , only less than 5% cases get repoerted to the management by the
customers and hence according to him the crucil questions are human beings
capable of doing thier job correctly, Willing and with a smile, when they know that
thier management is most unlikely to be able to see or hear them, let alone bear of
thier failure to do so? This puts additinal on the human resources managment factor
in the tourism industry. Certain organization, copanies and even destinations are
known for thier hospitality and are even more termed as service leaders in thier
areas of operations. Researches conducted by various scholars in these area show
that they have achieved this status through effective human resources managemnet
in thier organizations. According to gail cook johnson these companies have aplied
the principal of empowerment to all employees. This empowerment is manifested in
the way that companies:-

• Are highly focused and consistent in everything they do and stay in relation to

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• Have manager who communicate in everything with employees.

• Facilitate rather that regulate, thier employees response to customers.
• Solicit employee feedback about how they can do things better.
• Stress the importance of team work at each level of the organization
• Plan carefully the organization recruitment and training needs.

These companies give less emphasis on hierarchy and formal relationship rather; they adopt
flat organizational structure in terms of span of contrl.

johnson further states that these service leaders can be recognized for:

• their unfailing commitment to serve principles.

• A management philosophy which stress communication a proactive orientation and
employee feedback and,
• A dedication to teamwork.
In fact, human resource management and customer care/expectation management are
inter related area in the area of tourism. Sarah mansfield has satisfied four key principles in
the development of customer care withincompanies. These according to her are:
1) Customer care starts at the top was meaning that commitment to the principle of
customer care must emante from senior management levels within an organization.
Successful management is not only about the right management style but also an
attitude, ethos or culture of the organization which oversides the management
techniques used, such that in the absence of other the instructions these values will
dictate how an employee will behave.
2) Customer cares involves evryone within the organozation. It is not just about front
line staff. They contrary view only service to reinforce the electricians ir
administrators opinion that the standard of service they give in support of the front
line staff is not important. How can cleaners do the right job unless they fully
appropriate thier customer needs and to the many customers.
3) Care for your staff and they will care for your customers . too often organizations look
first to the customers, whereas the the emphasis should be placed on the staff.
Improving the experience of the staff encourages a better service and a better
expereince for customers. More customers are obtained thereby improving the
climate in which management and staff work. Investment and greater profesionalism
follow success and the cycle of achievement is renforced.
4) It is a continuous meaning that customercare is not a quick fix research but it long
term plan.

According to V S MAHESH “ the nature, determinates and problem arear of service

quality within tourism points clearly to the central role of personnel, at all the levels,
of excellence in this respect. Development the service culture, within a company and
within tourism industry, can be seen as crucial to the success of tourism”. Hence, the
activities of an HRD manager in tourism can be categorized as:

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• Human resource planning .

• Human resource development.

Aspects like forecasting, recruiting and induction in a human resource areas are taken care
of through human resource planning. The identification of specific development needs for
the manpower aimed at developing and exploring the competencies of the human resource
are taken care of through human resource development.

Human resource planning

In this section, we will deal with certain aspects which are relevant for manager or
enterpreneurs at an organizations level in the area of human resource planning. Human
resource planning can be termed as a process of preparing the plan for the future personnel
needs of an organization. It takes into account the internal activities for the organization
and the external environmental factors. In a service industry like tourism, such plnnung also
aims at improving the quality of manpower resources. Human resource planning involves:-

• Analysis of existing manpower resources.

• Planning for futureneeds taking into account how many people with what skills and
at what levels the organizations will need and
• Planning for the development of the employees by adopting in house training and
continuing education metgods to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the employess.

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TTE upgrades from within only for managerial positions. But only to some extent.
Because upgrading from within is considered better as the employees is already
familiar with the organization, reduces training cost, helps in building morale and
promotes loyalty.
If no one is capable for managerial position is found in its internal source, it looks for
external sources. It selects only the best employee for the organization.
Former employees:
They ask the retired employees who are willling to work on a part-time basis,
individuals who left work and are willing to come back for higher compensation.
Even retrenched employees are taken up once agin.

If its not able to find suitable candidates on the place of one who had retired, after
meritorious service. Under the circumstances, management decides to call retired
managers with new extension.

Internal notification( advertisements):

Most employees know from thier own experience about the requirement of the job
and what sort of person the company is looking for. often employees have friends or
acquinstances who meet these requirements. Suitable persons are appointed at the
vacant posts.

For the posts of technicians, engineers, floor managers, etc. It looks out for external
sources which iclude:-

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Agencies: TAPL
Institution: like B schools, colleges, management institution etc.

of the above there web sites given most widely used by the tushar trans equipment
is the with the success rate of 80% followed by
at 60% and at the success rate of 50%.

External recruitment enables the company toget the best candidate.

TTE is the company of choice for campus recruitment and mailnly takes the help
from agencies and institutions as its internal recruitment proves to be inadequate as
its targets are high.

Campus recruitment is so much sought after that each college university department
or institute will have a placement officer to handle recruitment functions. However,
it is often an expensive process, even if recruiting process produces job offers and
acceptance eventually. A majority leave the organization within the five years of
their employement. Yet, it is a major sources of recruitment for prestigeous

TTE is the company of choice for campus recruitment programs in most major
engineering and medical institutes institutes such as svm, narmada college of
management (NCM).

Engineering institutes:-
Campus hiring at enginnering institutes typically starts in may and continuos through
september . senior managers and offers from TTE actively participate in this hiring,
to bring on board the next generation of bright, young and talented leaders for the
company. We encourage current students at the campuses we visit to use this
opportunity to interact with the TTE recruitment teams during the hiring process to
understand the company and our people philosophy. We hire engineering graduates
and post-graduates from all disciplines, and MCA students at the campuses.

Management institute:
Camous hiring at management institutes typically starts in december and continues
through march. We hire management graduates from all deciplines , with or without
prior work experience in software or ther fields.

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It is the event for those candidates who do not get selected during campus
recruitment. The rpocess remanis the same; it just aims at giving those candidates a
chance that were not able to go through the process before. These candidates also
go through te same two rounds, here only the scale and basis on which they are
evaluated changes.

Job fairs:-

Job fair is where several companies come under one roof for seeking eligible
candidates, who can join thier company, after going through certain recruitment
processes followed by them.

Process followed by tushar trans equipment:-

Initially they advertise about the job fair in the local newspapers of all the areas
specifying the venue and date of the job fair.
On the specified date, TTE banners are put up at the venue. They have around 3-4
counters. Initially, these counters are used for registration. Once the number of
registrations is equal to the total capacity of all the counters., the registrationare
stopped and the registered candidates fill the application forms at the counters.
Next a logic test of 45 minutes is conducted and an english test of 15 minutes is
conducted wherein one is suppose to write an essay, to chech their handwriring.
Vocabulary and sentence framing ability.
Once the test is over, registration for the next group starts. At the same time the
prevision papers are evaluated and the candidates are selected for interview based
on the cut-off marks.
The candidates who are selected in the interview are informed then and there by
displaying of thier wide reach.

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Walk-ins are the most common and least expensive approach for
the candidates is direct application, in which the job seekers submit unsolicited application
letters or resumes. Direct application provide a pool of potential employess to meet future

Write-ins are those who send written enquiries. These job seekers are asked to complete
application forms for further processing.

Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter ( on an appropriated date ) for
detailed talks. No application is required to submitted to the recruiter.

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Recruitment nd selection procedure is a vital role in an orgnization. If it is not done

properly, the procedure of production will be hampered. Hence productivity will fall
down. So the organization will be in trouble and it will affect the employer-
employee relationship. So recruitment and selection
Procedure should be done in proper and correct manner. The new candidates should
replace the vacant posts so that the production of the company does not hamper. By
this the productivity will increase and the organization wil gain profit. So the
employer will be happy and will not hesitate to distribute bonus and increments to
the workers . the worlers will also be more motivated to work. Hence there will be
harmonous relationship in the organization . it will also stabilize the orgnization in
the long run.

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Organization structure:-

The whole organization behaves as a parivar, with one legal guardian. All directors
nd shareholdera are from among workers and the entire have taken an oath through
affidavit. In the court of law that neither thier family members shall have claim or
share in the assets or profits of the company. All owners of the organization are the
proud of the organizations. The workers believe in the concept of that “ manpower
is superior to money power”.

Recruitment and selection:-

Recruitment is the process of seeking out and attempting to attact individuals in

external labour markets . who are capable of and intrested in filling available
vacancies. Recruitment is an intermediate activity whose primary function is to
server as a linked between human resource planning in the one hand and selection
on the other. Sources of recruitent through intrnal and external channels. TTE
recruits its employees both externally as well as internally. Recruitment for the
organization is done through interviews of selected applicats and people who pass
the interview are required to undergo a medical test befor he/she is finally palced in

Employees are also recruited through internal mobility. This is done on the
basis of merit and seniority. After passing the examination the candidates are
called for an interview along with the employees who have become eligible for promotion
on the basis of seniority.

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The purpose of the methodology is to describe the research procedure. This includes overall
research design, the sampling procedure, the data collection method, and analysis

Out of the total , 15 respondents from the TTE have been taken for convenience. The
sample procedure chosen for this are statistical sampling method. Here randomly
employees are selected and interviewed . information, which i collected, was based on the
questionnaire filled up by the sample employees.

Under secondary method i took the help of various reference books which i have mentioned
in bibliography and also by way of surfing through the company website.

✓ Primary data

• Questionnaire :- corresponding to the nature of the study direct,

unstructured questionnaires with a mixture of close and open ended
questions will be administered to the relevant respondents within the
personnel and other departments of the organization.

✓ Secondary data

• Organizational literature:- any relavant literatture available from

the organization on the company profile, recruitment and selection

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procedures, job specifications , department wise break-up of manpower

strength and the organizational structure.

• Other sources:- appropriate journals , magazines such as human capital,

relevant newspaper articles, company brochures and articles on sites will also
be used to substantial the identified objectives.

✓ Sampling plan and design

A questionnaire will be used for the purpose of research:

• Questionnaire:- to tst the validity and effectiveness if the recruitment

and selection procedures within the organization and to test the validity and
effectiveness of the policies and procedures within the organization.

• The basic ratinale of questinnaire is to ascertain the perception of the non-HR

departments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of the policies and
procedures used by the organization. It is also in line with the assessment of
any suggestions/recommendations that the respondents from these
departments might have in terms of an alternative source/device of
recruitment and selection, than what already forms the current practice of
the HR department.

• Questioannaire would be administered to 15 respondents , holding a senior

designation within the personal department of the organization of the
organization. It will also be administeed to at least 15 respondents belonging
to typical departments within the oganizations and holding senior
designations within thier respective departments.

✓ Sampling element:-

• For the purpose of administered the questionnaire, the respondents would

comprise of personal holding senior designations within the
personaldepartment of the organization. The respondents for the
questionnaire will also be preferable being panel members of the
recruitment and selection board of the organization.

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• The respondents would comprise of personal holding senior designation

within certain typical departments identified within the organization,

❖ Stores.

❖ Finance.

❖ Oeration.

❖ Electronics.

❖ engineering

✓ Sample extent:- the extent of the sample is confined to be the operations to the
TTE, specifically to the administration.

✓ Sampling technique:-

• Judgement sampling would be used for the purpose of choosing the sample
for the purpose of administering questionnaire. The identified expert would
have a through knowledge about all the respondents within the personal
department of the organization.

• Thus his/her expertise would be incorporated in locating, identifying and

contacting the required respondents.

• Again judgements sampling would be effectively used in identifying the

typical non-HR departmnts and subsequently for the location and
identification of suitable respondents for questionnaire.

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The analysis of the various sources of recruitment and selection device is presented on the
following steps:-

➢ The response entitled from the HR departments (as analysed from questionnaire)
represented current practice within the organization in terms of the source of
recruitment and selection devices used.

➢ The analysis of the response entailed from all the other departments (as analysed
from questionnaire) forming the sample, represents the perception of the
respondent from these departments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of
recruitmnet and selection( specific to these department).

➢ The analysis further entails any suggestions/recommendations given by these non-

HR departments (forming the sample for administering questionnaire). In terms of
any recruitment amd selection device that should be dployed by the organization
apart from what already constitutes current practice ( specific to these

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The history human resource managementis the strategic and coherent approach to the
management of an organization most valued assets . the people working there who
individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.
The terms “ human resource management” and “ human resource “ (HR) have largely
replaced the term “personal management” as a discription of the processes involved in
managing people in organization. Human resource management is ivolving rapidly. Human
resource management is both an acedemic theory and a business practice that address the
theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce.

Human resource management has it roots in the late and early 1900. When there are less
labor than there are more working with machinery. The scientific management movement
began. This movement was started by fredrick taylor , when he wrote about it a book titled
“ the principles of scientific management.” The book stated “ the principle object of
management “ should be secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with
the maximum prosperity of each employee. Taylor believed that the managemnt should use
the techniques used by scientists to research and test worl skills to improve the efficiency of
the wrokforce. Also around the same time came the industrial welfare movement. This was
usually a voluntary effort by empoyees to improve thier conditions of thier factories. The
effort also extended into the employees life outside of the workplace. The employer would
try to provide the assistance to employee to purchase a home, medical care, or assisstance
for education. The human relations movement is the major influence of the moern human
resource management. The movement focused on how employees group behaviour and
how employees fellings. This movement was influenced by the hawthrone stidies.

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Functional areas of HRM:-

• Human resource auditing.

• Human resource strategic planning.
• Human resource planning.
• Manpower planning.
• Recruitment/selection.
• Induction.
• Orientatiton.
• Training.
• Management development.
• Compensation development.
• Performance appraisal.
• Performance management.
• Career planning.
• Coaching.
• Counselling.
• Staff emenities planning.
• Event management.
• Succession planning.
• Talent management.
• Safety management.
• Staf communication.
• Reward.


Companies recruit the candidates and, employ them, train and develop them utilize
the human resource of these candidates. This strategy is called in sourcing.
Companies formulate and implement this strategy when the corporate strategy is


Some service companies depend for thier human resources on such external
organization.whose core business is to provide human resource. This strategy is
called out-sourcing. It is more suitable for both the fast growing and diversities

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➢ To search for talent globally and just within the company.

➢ To design entity pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.
➢ To anticipate and final people for positions that do not exist yet.

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As in internship there is no any responsibilities. It only undertakes the work like card
activation, written exam cordinations, calling interview for selected participants,
coordinating interviews and main work is updating the files of existing employees creates
new employees files.

Id card activations:- to activate id card , its neccessary to take relevant information form
employees. Like name, designation, divisions, signature, picture etc. And then the complete
forms send to the particular department.

Update old files:- before all employees files based on paper, which creates lots of problems
to maintain because it need lot of space, paper , cabinet, spend time to search and main
problem was it has risk to lost. So now we convert it from paperbased to computer based.
And aslo search those papers which are missinf and add these.

Creates new files:- at a time more than one people can join in an organization and all of
them have different files which created by them. Lots of papers i have to accumulate with
the new files joining forms, disclosure forms , gratuity forms, conflict of interest, medical
reports, pre-employement medical forms, CV with certificates, job advertisements,
manpower requisitions forms, CV shortening criteria, tabultion sheets, appointment letter.

Written exams coordination:- coordination written exams in exam period like guard the
candidate is the time of exam. Any candidates has any kind of problem then solve it by
conducting with the respective officer.

✓ HR division is very alert for selecting candidates and also the process is very
transperent so that they can choose the best candidates among applicants.
✓ In this process, there is no nepotism so there are higher possibilities to be selected
without having any backup.
✓ When they search for any experienced people they give more concentration on
previous experienced, eduucational background, length of servoces etc. So that they
can select the most suitable expereinced people.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

✓ When they select entry level candidates then they concentrate mopre on pro-
activeness, creativeness, ideas which related with the post.
✓ TTE has CV bank. At the time of selection process they collect CV from the bank and
give chinch to them.
✓ In the time of calling the candidates for interview or written exam, if the candidate
missed them the officers try hard to inform tthem.
✓ HR selects candidates from the pull of application so that they can choose most
suitable candidates.

But also the process has some problems like the sapce for written exam is very small,
so accommodation of all candidates is tough. And the difference between calling
candidates and taking interview is very short so sometimes it creates problems to
contact with candidates


Working environment is very good in tushar trans equipment. They are very friendly
to help each other. Any one feels pleasure to work with TUSHAR TRANS EQUIPMEN
if they take corrective decision beginning of the starting a work them many mistakes
can be solved. For example, there are many rooms available. If row of room can be
converted into a written exam form or then no problem wil be arise. If we consider
two or more problems then the functioning process are very good.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment


1. Internal job posting.
2. Employee referal program.
3. Recruitment agency.
4. Advertising.
5. Relatives of associates.
6. Re-joining of ex-employees.

1) Internal job posting:-

❖ Whenever there is a job opening in the organization, it would be postd
internally for the associates to apply.
❖ The applications will be short listed based on the competencies required for
the position. The process of inviting and screening resumes of external
candidates would also be carried out parellel to it.
❖ The internal candidates would be screened first for the particular opening, in
case no internal candidate is suitable for the particular position.
❖ There is no any predefined time limit for which the internal vacancy would be
posted; the duration for which the vacancy would be posted depend on
nature and cruciality of the job.
❖ The policy is applicable to all the full time associates of the company who
have completed one year of service in the organization.

2) employee refferal program:-

This policy is applicable to all full time associates ( except the reruitment associated of
HPD/P&A departments and concerned head of the department) of the company at all
location. The aim of the program is to make the recruitment process more effective and to
create a talent poolof high potential people in the organization and to identify and engage
performing people known to the company associates for thier contribution in the industry.

Employee refferal program process:-

❖ All the job opportunities with the required job and skill profile will be posted on the
notice boards.
❖ The assiciates have to forward the CV’s of the refferal to the recruitment in-vharge
of the HPD department of his persual.
❖ Even if there are no any other opportunities available, associates can be send in
refferals, which will be kept in the recruitment database.

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❖ The candidate will be contacted directly if considered appropriate for the position.
HPD/P&A will however not be able to provide the associate a status update, and will
also be not able to share information of the interview details with the refreeing

Reward to employees for reffering candidates:-

If the referral candidate candidate is selected ( except in case of trainees), the concerned
associate reffering the candidate will ne eligibl for a reward money equivalent to 55% of the
CTC( excluding PF, annuation & performance pay) of the referal camdidates. The amount
will be discussed as mentioned below:-
❖ 30% of the reward money will be paid soon after the candidate join the organization.
In case the candidate leaves the organization before 6 months of his joining, the
same will be removed from the referring associate.
❖ Balance 70% pf the amount will be paid in given after the 1st performance review of
the candidate is over and on candidate at least “ GOOD “ or equivalent rating in the

3) recruitment agency:-
❖ The company is having written agreements with some of the agencies for
manpower recruitment.
❖ Details of the position required, will be intimated to the agency through
email/phone by the HPD.
❖ based on the requirement, the agency will send the suitable profile to HPD.
❖ The agency must gurantee the candidate for at least 3 months, if within 3
months the candidate resign the agency must provie alternate source with
free of cost.

4) Advertisement:-

Vacancy of advertisements will be given in the reputed national news papers, based
on the type of the vacancy. Generally this method will b used only to recruit the
senior management cadre.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

5) Relatives of associates:-

work in the orgnization, the associates

Relatives of associates can
need to declare in case of refering a relative for a particicular
job position.

6) Re-joining of employess:-

In general the organization does not encourage joining of ex-employees who have
voluntarily left the organization to join back. However, in case an associate possesses
exceptional skills and if the organization feels that by joining , the associate would be
adding tremendeous value to the organization, the organization may consider the
associate for the required position upon approval of the VC & MD.

Other HR policies of the company:-

The company is having other HR policies which are formulated the benifit its
associates as well as the company.

• Work life policy:-

This policy explains the associates working days , time, attendance, dress code,
personnel data, and facilities to the employees at work place.

• Working days:-
All days except 2nd & 4th Saturday, weekly holiday.

• Working timing:-

o Identity cards are necessary for every employee.

o Each day entry in attendance register.
o Dress code- formal dess for corporate employes.
o Badget, caps, belts once in a year.
o Raincoats once in 3 years.
o 3 uniforms per year.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

✓ Employees PF and pension schemes.
✓ Group insurance acheme.
✓ Gratuity.
✓ Housing loans facilities.
✓ Fidelity gurantee insurance.
✓ Festival advance
✓ Group insurance scheme.
✓ Long service day.

Health and welbieng policy:-

✓ Meidcal checkup every year.

✓ Annual health checkup for family
✓ Occupational health center at plant.
✓ Hospitalization scheme for associates
✓ Extent of reimbursement
✓ Medicare scheme for management
✓ ESI ( employee state isurance).
✓ Group personal accident policy (for unfortunate event.)

Leaves policy:-

Compulsory paid holidays-9 days.


Casual leaves 7 days
Sick leaves 11 days
Annual leaves 21 days
Birthday leaves ½ day
Maternity leaves 12 weeks(only for 2 childrens)

Paternity leaves 3 days( only for 2 children)

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

Family leaves 6 days

total 132
✓ Sickleave bank to avoid “loss of pay”.

Travel policy:-
This explains the rpocedure and guidelines to the employees while travelling on
business purpose.
▪ General travel rules and procedures stated.
▪ Travel program plan(visiting plan, date, time) should be clear.
▪ Instructions have to be sent to the administration department for approval.
▪ Copy of approval travel plan has to be sent to the finance
▪ Accomodation by administration department.

Travel claim:-
All bills enclosed with travel plan, all expense mentioned in that enclosures,
and send to respective department for further process.

Travel rules for sales field staff:-

▪ Regular tour for sale-all expenses incurred will be recovered.
▪ Marketing operation dividend into two slabs – slab1 & slab 2
according to the state wise.

Transfer and deputation:-

All transfer of associates in the organization.


from one
location to transfer ntal transfer

n group

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

• Transfer requset by associates.
• To fill transfer form.
• Relocation expenses.

Deputation:- transfer from one to another department.

Learning and development:-

Associate potential development: building individual competition i.e. knowledge, skill,
✓ ADP is a 4th step process; it gives step by step directions.

Need generation Design

Competency gap analysis Need analysis&APD plan.

Business requirements Faculty and program
Content development.

Delivery Evaluation

internal program. Post program.

External Pre & post program.
program/seminars/long term On the job.
courses. Return on investment.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment


Resignation is a voluntary separation initiated by associate if he/she is desirous

leaving the service of the organization. All associates are required to give a notice in
writing if they wish to discontinue thier employemnt relationships with the
organization. Process, notice period cadre wise, retirement, termination, death
benevolent assistance, final settlement.

Retirement:- 58 years.

Post facilities after retirement are- hospitalization scheme, pension etc.

Death benevolent assistance:- funeral expense i.e. 3500/-

Discrimination and harrasment policy:- Through grievance resolution


Technology used;- Applicabilty to information technology available at

work location.

• Ease of work.
• Optimization of performance.
• Ease of maintenance.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

Data interpretation

A questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting feedback from employees
and manager regarding “ recruitment and selection” of thier company. 15 employees
were selected randomly from different departments and were distributing
questionnaire from the purpose of the study.

Analysis of the data

The analysis of the data is done as per the survey findings. The percentage of the
people opinino were analysed and expressed in the form of chart and have been
placed in the next few pages.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment


Options yes no total
Responses 15 0 15
percentage 100% 0 100%

According to all the 15 respondents, their company goes for the campus recruitment every

➢ Most of the manager prefers to personal interview.

➢ 30% prefers to take telephonic interviews.
➢ Whereas only 20% go for video conferencing
➢ Rest 10% adopt some other means of interview.

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• An appropriate number of candidates are selected if it would lead to loss of

productivity, labour turnover.

• 10 out of 15 employees said that the recruitment and selection procedure

affects the performance of the employees.

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Options Yes no other total

Responses 8 5 2 15
percentage 45% 35% 20% 100%



Yes, it does if in appropriate candidates are selected it would leads of productivity, labour

➢ 45% out of 15 employees said that recruitment and selection procedure of

the employees while some of employees that it does not.
➢ 20% out of 15employees believe that the recruitment and selection
procedure followed by the company is appropriate.
➢ And others have some more inconvenience with the procedure followed by
the company.

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options yes no Total

Responses 11 4 15

percentage 75% 25% 100%


➢ 25% out of 15 employees in tushar trans equipment are not satisfied with the
procedure of selection in their company.
➢ 75% out of 15 employees are satisfied with the procedure of recruitment and
selection in their company.

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options yes No others total

Responses 10 4 1 15

percentage 70% 25% 5% 100%


➢ 70%% of the employees have agreed for the selection procedure is done with the
reference of the previous production data.
➢ While 25% of the employees are opposing the previous production data system with
the reference of selection process.
➢ 5% of the employees are in context with the manpower can’t be purchased with the
previous production data.

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Responses 10 3 2 15
percentage 70% 20% 10% 100%


➢ 70% out of 15 employees selected, says that the company ask for the reference of
their previous experience and other information.
➢ While according to the 20% of the employees selected for the questionnaire haven’t
asked for the previous experience and other references by the company.
➢ While rest of the 10 % employees are not aware about these reference of the
previous information during the time of their selection.

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PERSENTAGE 55% 45% 100%


➢ According to 55% i.e, 8 employees out of 15 , job specification was disclosed when
they were recruited in these company.
➢ While according to the rest of the 45% means 7 out of 15 employees no job
specification were disclosed to them at the time of their selection.

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Options yes no total

Responses 9 6 15

Percentage 60% 40% 100%


➢ 9 out of the 15 employees said that HR in a company provides a better quality of job
security and other benefits.
➢ While according to the rest of employees noticed that there is no any valuation of
quality service by the HR of the company to them.

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PERCENTAGE 80% 20% 100%


➢ According to the most of employees i.e 80% of responses are agreed with the better
and efficient policy of recruitment procedure in the company.
➢ While according to the rest of 20%, thinks that there is no any effective policies and
practices are followed by the company for the recruitment and selection procedure.

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Options direct other total

Responses 10 5 15
percentage 70% 30% 100%



➢ According to the 10 employees out of 15 selected, there is a direct method of

conducting an interview other than a campus recruitment.
➢ While rest of the 5 employees were recruited by the some other means of
conducting an interview.

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According to the most of the employees which were selected have noticed that there is no
any biased questions have been asked at time of their interview during the recruitment
procedure followed by the company.

In these, the purpose of an interview is to assess the candidates skills and abilities to
successfully enter the new job and perform the essential duties of that job.

Bias-free hiring removes any interviewer biases that may interfere with this assessment,
including questions that don’t assess the candidate against these job duties.

The federal and each provincial human rights legislations protect candidates for the
discrimination on a human rights protected grounds, such as gender, race, disability, sexual
orientation and age. In hiring, asking questions would be a violation of human rights

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Limitations of the study

❖ The employees were busy with their daily schedule and it was very much
difficult for them to give time to answer the questions.
❖ Time and money was also an important constraint.
❖ Respondents did not take questionnaire seriously.
❖ Respondents are very much reluctant in answer the questions.

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Recruitment and selection process at tushar trans equipment

Findings and interpretation

After a thorough study and discussion on the companies recruitment and selection policy, to
know its effectiveness in the organization a self designed questionnaire has been prepared
to gather the views of employers.
The questionnaire contains 10 questions related to recruitment & selection topic. The
questionnaire has been distributed to 15 employees from various departments (HPD,
marketing, legal, PNS , and finance & logistics) and asked them to answer the questions by
selection the given choices.

The responses of all the questions were summed up from all the answered questionnaire.
these summed up responses were calculated to derive the percentage to make the
interpretation more meaningful, being represented in the form of pie chart.

These are the findings:

• The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the company is helpful
to meet the company’s manpower requirement to some extent.
• The recruitment & selection policy of company is clearly stated but no updation
according to the company’s objective.
• Company is dependent on employees referral for the higher position and for lower
posts company prefers job portals and outsourcing.
• Company is recruiting right candidate for the right job but some respondents are
disagree so selection process needs improvement and proper verification of
• Candidate are not timely informed for their selection and also for their rejection.
• Too much time taken by the HPD in recruiting some important urgent posts.
• Some respondents are satisfied with the external sources of recruitment. it is
observed that most of the candidates are recruited through “ reference” or other
internal sources and about 50% have no opinions the external sources like job
portals, consultancies.
• After analysis it is better to get the manpower by internal sources as they are aware
about that candidate skill and behaviour but sometimes company will not get right

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Recruitment as being one of the major topic is required by most of the organizations. Hence
the study helped in understanding the various aspects of recruitment and selection process.
In the TTE , the sources of recruitment is effective, the internal selection of the organization
also in an economical means which also reduces costs, only after looking the efficiency of
the existing employee towards the company and his sincerity that employee will be selected
in TTE the effective selection process is adopted in the last 7 years. it can be retained as
such. Also the employees of TTE are satisfied process. Also they are well aware about the
various sources and methods of recruitment and selection.
It is not only the HR department provides the budget for the processes and the manpower
gap is determined by inputs from all the departments. Also the gruelling procedure through
which the candidate goes through is, in itself, an indicator of the significance of these
processes in the efficient functioning of the organization.

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After concluding the study of the companies recruitment policy. Interaction with some of
the recruitment manager, company associates and based on the responses received from
the associates the following suggests are made to the company for further improvement of
the policy:
1) The organization should not majorly clear job descriptions is given to the candidates
at the time of interview itself, to avoid disappointment after joining.
2) The candidate should be informed in time whether they have been selected or not.
There should not be any delay in informing the candidate.
3) There should be reliability on external sources.
4) Recruitment feedback should be taken by the candidates to improve the recruitment
5) The employees should be called for the interview only after checking their
educational qualifications and job experience in a proper way so as to save the time
and cost involved in the recruitment process.
6) Depend on the application bank as the major sources for the details of the candidate
for recruitment purpose. It should also consider other source which could provide
them better options.
7) Follow up to be done to the newly engaged employees to ensure that they have
settled in and to check on how well they are doing. if they have any problem it is
better to identify them at an early stage rather than allowing them to refer.
8) Internal job posting to be preferred to reduce cost of recruitment.
9) Organizations should use social networking sites for creating pool of good

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• Human resource management.

• Research methodology.








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Thank you

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