6.1.2 The Solar System

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IGCSE - 6.

1 Earth and Solar System

6.1.2 The Solar System

1. Name the planets in the diagram.

For Question 2 (a – e)
eight minor one Mercury Venus comets Sun moons
Uranus dwarf planet Neptune asteroid Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn
2. Solar system consists of
a. _________ star, (which is __________ )
b. _________ major planets (which are _________, ________, _________, ________,
_________, ________, _________, ________ )
c. _________ planets (which are _________________, ________ (asteroid belt), _________)
d. ____________ that orbit the planets
IGCSE - 6.1 Earth and Solar System
6.1.2 The Solar System

e. Comets (made up from _________________ and come from either ___________ or

___________) and natural satellites.
f. What is (https://www.schoolsobservatory.org/learn/astro/solsys/comets/oort)
g. Kuiper Belt –
h. Oort Cloud –

How are planets formed?

For Question 3 - 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCkhEu3lYNc
3. Based on the link provided (video), complete the flow chart below.

___________________ Model - ___________ of particles into a __________ object by


4. Differences between planets in terms of type and size.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

- Known as _________________ - Known as _________________
planets since it is closer to the Sun. planets since it is further from the Sun.
- The size can be considered as - The size can be considered as
_______. ________.

5. Since mass of the Solar System is concentrated on the __________ , this explains why the
planets are ____________ the Sun. The gravitational attraction from the Sun is strong enough to
________ other planets in the orbit.

6. Strength of gravitational field depends on

a. ______________ of the planet
▪ The greater the ______ of the planet, the _________ the strength of the
magnetic field. (There are other factors affecting the strength as well)

b. ______________ from the Sun / planet

IGCSE - 6.1 Earth and Solar System
6.1.2 The Solar System

▪ As the _______ increases, the

strength of gravitational field

7. The distance between planets is measured by using _____________.

1 __________ (l.y) is the _____________ travelled by the

______________ in _____ year

Example :
a) ____________________
b) ____________________
c) ____________________

8. Planets, minor planets, comets have ______________ orbit.

i. Draw the shape of the orbit in the space provided below.

ii. The closer the planet to the Sun, the ___________ the planet is travelling.
This is because,
The closer a planet is to the Sun, the __________ the Sun’s gravitational pull on it,
and the _______ the planet moves.
The farther it is from the Sun, the ________ the Sun’s gravitational pull, and the
_______ it moves in its orbit.
IGCSE - 6.1 Earth and Solar System
6.1.2 The Solar System


Make a table / mindmap / poster or any other graphic organisers comparing all 8 planets’
a) Average distance from the Sun
b) Time to spin – for one complete rotation (in Earth days)
c) Time to orbit the Sun – time it takes for the planet to make one revolution (in Earth years)
d) Density
e) surface temperature
f) uniform gravitational field strength at the planet’s surface

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