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11 :

Ph.H. QUAl\JER 17

12 PEF such as may occur with concertina-hoses when handled

during respiratory manoeuvres. i
-'" Kymograph
The paper speed should be 3 cm/min for recording semi- i
::::. 8 . .1
:;; static manoeuvres. and at least 120 cm/min for recording
,g dynamic lung volumes and ventilator:' flows.
:i 11

~ 6

'6- Pressure. leaks
UJ 4 The maximal pressure at the mouth during a forced expi-
ratory ventilatory manoeuvre should not exceed 0.6 kPa.
The driving pressure required to achieve a volume
deflection should not exceed 0.03 kPa. The circuit should
be free from leaks. TI1ese are looked for by placing a
0 FVC weight on the spirometer bell to raise the pressure by at
r I ! ! i ! 1 least 0.2 kPa: the recording should remain level over at
0 1 2 3 -+ 5 6 least a I min period. Tests for leaks should be performed
each week.
Expired volume (litre)

Fig. 5. - Using the «envelope method". a composite curve is ob-

laIned from a set of maximal expiratory now-volume curves by Tel1lperafllre
oupenmposition at the level of IOtal lung capacity and by r~portlng The spirometer should be equipped with a thermometer
,:1e largest now values at given percentages ot' the largest FVc. which should be carefully located. For correcting inspired
"ot~ that the variability in maximal now ,hown here may arise
(mm different tlexion oj the neck at each FVC manoeuvre. gas to BTPS conditions the temper..lture may be measured
at the inspiratory line near the mouthpiece. For expired
gas the situation is more complex since temperature
~.5.1.2 COI/S{rt/c{iOI/ may rise considerably at the level of the soda lime when
.-\ long-cylinder spirometer bell is the simplest in con- CO, is adsorbed. In a water-seal spirometer the water
muction and mechanically the least vulnerable. For temPerature can be used for correcting inspiratory and ex-
the measurement of static lung volumes. a bell cross- piratory gas volumes. In spirometers equipped with a gas
,ectional area of 300 to 400 cm~ and a moving mass of circulation pump the gas temperature at the outlet of the
maximally 600 g is acceptable. A wide-cylinder bell spirometer. or under the spirometer bell. is an acceptable
(cross-sectional area 2000 to 3000 cm:) has considerably compromise: in spirometers with a common gas inlet and I'
better dynamic properties for the same volume. weight outlet the inspirator:' temperature should be measured at !,
and material. Such a bell requires a specially construc- that point: the site for expiratory tempemture corrections
ted suspension and electrical amplification of the displace- should be carefully chosen within the spirometer r106.
ment signaL A larger surface without the problems of 149). 111'11
suspension can be provided by a wedge-shaped spiro-
meter. ,.i
3.5 .J..1..ff;/i brat iOI-:J
The spirometer and recordin e ui m should be Connections calib onths b means of an
The gas connections of the spirometer serve the follow-
ing purposes: accurate
al il!ht 3within
~:tre~l.iItedI. Thesyrinfe'
displacement shouldshould
the latter be linear
I. Oxygen supply to compensate for O,-consumption and over the entire volume range and capable of being re-
,tabilization of the oxygen concentration in the spiro- corded with an accuracy of i: 3% of the reading or :t
meter. 50 ml. whichever is greater. accounting for the potential
::. Supply of indicator gas (usually helium) for deter- error in the volume displacement from the calibrated
l1ining the functional residual capacity: syringe this implies that an error of up to 3.5% or 70
~. The connections for the subject are usually provided ml, whichever is greater. is acceptable. A change in vol-
~)ya two-way tap: ume of 25 ml should be detectable. Similarly the recor-
~. A connection to and from the spirometer should be der speed should be checked at least quarterly with a
wailable. so that the tracer gas concentration in the spi- stopwatch. and be accurate within Ic~. In spirometers
'ometer (for example helium) can be measured. where the time recording is initiated when the expired gas
Carbon dioxide should be adsorbed by soda lime exceeds a certain volume. the acceleration of the electric
:ontained in a canister. The fractional CO- concentration motor is critical. TI1is is difficult to check. but can be
n the spirometer should be kept below 0.005. The done with a calibrator based on explosive decompression
lOse connecting the patient to the spirometer should be [150. 151] or equipment which delivers precisely known
;ufficiently stiff to prevent spurious volume deflections. flow patterns [152].

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