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5- It is He who made the sun to be a radiant and the moon to be a light ...
10-Jonah, 5

The sun as a nuclear reactor is our world’s source of light and heat. The quantity of radiation
reaching our world from the sun that warms our world in the cold of space is two per billion
of the sun’s total quantity of radiation. The moon is not a source of heat and light like the
sun. This difference between the sun and the moon finds its description in the Quran, i.e.,
the sun’s light is expressed by the Arabic word “ziya” (radiant) and the moon’s light is
expressed by the word “noor” (light). The word “ziya” meaning radiation has the connotation
of light and heat, while “noor” does not have such a connotation. Other attributes of the sun
in the Quran are similes such as “seraj” (torch) or “wahhaj” (lamp). Both “seraj” and
“wahhaj” emit heat and light through the fire burning within them. The fact that such
attributes are not used for the light of the moon shows how refined the
style of the Quran is.


The energy generated by the sun in just one second is equal to the energy that three billion
power stations would generate on earth in a year. The world receives but two per billion parts
of the overall radiation coming from the sun. The slightest decrease in this quantity would
turn our world into a place no longer habitable by human beings, as ice age would reign. The
distance of our world from the sun, the size of the sun, and the power of reactions within the
sun are all calculated infinitesimally. We are part of these calculations. The slightest change
in the figures would make life on earth impossible. The creation and the perpetuation of
these critical values are the sine qua non of our lives. The sun rotates around its own axis
while moving towards a particular destination; the earth, on the other hand, has a variety of
movements; it rotates around its own axis, revolves about the sun, being dependent on it,
and is affected by the moon. In all the rapid movements, our world changes all the time
according to the position of the solar system and galaxies. None of the movements affects
our position in relation to the sun nor puts an end to our life on earth.

Life requires carbon-based molecules. These are only generated between -20 degrees Celsius
and +120 degrees Celsius. The range of temperatures is vast in the universe, the heat in
stars rises to millions of degrees and falls until -273.15 degrees Celsius is reached. The
bracket for the ideal medium for the formation of carbon-based molecules is just a thin slice,
one per one hundred thousand of the existing heat differences. Had the world failed to
conserve its existing heat and quit the bracket it is in, that would be the end of us. But our
Creator is ever conscious of our actual needs and everything is controlled by Him.

2- ...He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each one runs for an appointed term. He
regulates all affairs, and explains the signs in detail that you may believe with certainty in
the meeting with your Lord.
13-The Thunder, 2

The sun, about 150 million kilometers distant from us, renders life on earth possible. An
aircraft traveling at 1000 km/hour would have trouble covering this distance in seventeen
years. The temperature in the center of the sun, whose surface temperature is six thousand
degrees Celsius, is 15 million degrees Celsius. Not even on the surface of this incandescent
gaseous sphere can life be imagined. But at a reasonable distance for us, it is our planet’s
closest friend and source of life.

98- Your only god is God. There is no other god but He. His knowledge encompasses all
20-Ta-He, 98 82

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