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Name: Rubi Age: 25Y Sex: F ID: 32216

Ref. By: Dr.Siddhartha Chowdhury MBBS CCD MRCP (P1) 30-Jun-2023

Thank you for courtesy of this kind referral.

Pregnancy Profile
Uterus is gravid with single live fetus.
Active fetal movement is seen.
Four-chamber cardiac view : Appears normal.
Fetal heart movement : Present and regular (145/min)
Head : Up in position at present.

Fetal Biometry
(*Hadlock) 49.10 mm 18.80 cm 37.50 mm

Correspond to 21 weeks 03 days ± 2 weeks of gestational age.

Placenta is posterior, away from the os. No retro-placental fluid collection is seen.
Placental maturity, Grade - 0.
Endo-cervical canal, both external and internal os appear normal.
Amount of amniotic fluid volume : Within normal limit.(AFI 11.29)
Lie : Longitudinal along left flank of uterus at present.
Cerebral ventricles, spine, U. cord, urinary bladder, kidneys : Normal.
No apparent fetal anomaly is seen.
*On CD a single loop of umbilical cord wrapped around fetal neck.
EDD (approximate) : 18.10.2023 (±14 days). EFW: 447g (±15%)

Comment : A case of pregnancy of about 21+ gestational weeks with breech presentation at present.
Name: Shima Akter Age: 21Y Sex: F ID: 32225

Dr. Mithun Chowdhury

Speciality training in Vascular
Doppler Sonography

The “comment” is based upon ultrasound images at the time of examination, but the final diagnosis and
subsequent medical action should be based also upon clinical examination and other investigations.
Ref. By: Self 30-Jun-2023
Thank you for courtesy of this kind referral.

Pregnancy Profile
Uterus is gravid with single live fetus.
Active fetal movement is seen.
Four-chamber cardiac view : Appears normal.
Fetal heart movement : Present and regular (145/min)
Head : Down in position.

Fetal Biometry
(*Hadlock) 83.20 mm 30.07 cm 61.50 mm

Correspond to 32 weeks 05 days ± 2 weeks of gestational age.

Placenta is anterior - right lateral, away from the os. No retro-placental fluid collection is seen.
Placental maturity, Grade - II.
Endo-cervical canal, both external and internal os appear normal.
Amount of amniotic fluid volume : Within normal limit.(AFI 10.13)
Lie : Longitudinal along left flank of uterus.
Cerebral ventricles, spine, U. cord, urinary bladder, kidneys : Normal.
No apparent fetal anomaly is seen.
*On CD a single loop of umbilical cord wrapped around fetal neck.
EDD (approximate) : 31.07.2023 (±14 days). EFW: 2134g (±15%)

Comment : A case of pregnancy of about 32+ gestational weeks with cephalic presentation.


Dr. Mithun Chowdhury

Speciality training in Vascular
Doppler Sonography

The “comment” is based upon ultrasound images at the time of examination, but the final diagnosis and
subsequent medical action should be based also upon clinical examination and other investigations.

Dr. Mithun Chowdhury

Speciality training in Vascular
Doppler Sonography

The “comment” is based upon ultrasound images at the time of examination, but the final diagnosis and
subsequent medical action should be based also upon clinical examination and other investigations.

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