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businesses nowadays transform to sell their goods & services and accept payments
ethiopian businesses also want this kind of system but are limited to security
issues for financial transactioning online.

problem formulation:
there fore our system aims to provide businesses means to sell their products
online and accept payments online.
not only businesses but finding the right product, browsing for interests, and
paying with ease also made easy for consumers through this system.
our system is a web based so that it is an e-commerce website.

general objective:
develop platform that enables businesses to sell their goods online, and customers
to conveniently access and purchase items.

specific objective:
ensure secure transactions by developing a system that we think safeguards customer
develop platform customers purchase customized items

Develop an e-commerce platform specifically tailored for businesses in Ethiopia.
develop a ui for businesses to showcase their products and services.
implement online ordering system for customers
Develop inventory management tools to track and manage product availability.
Develop a user management module for administrators.
Integrate electronic payment gateways.

some prefer mobile apps but we didn't aim for that.
internet system availability on some regions of ethiopia.
integration with local banks.
business owners may lack the awareness and usage of ecommerce systems.
businesses with limited resources may be discouraged by the expense of implementing
the system.

the process involves these steps:
planning: involves defining the project scope, objectives and requirements.
design: the project team designs the ecommerce system.
development: actual development working in sprints to deliver incremental
improvements. testing and quality assurance also conducted on this stage.
deployment: deployed to a test environment. issues are identified and resolved
before releasing to users.
rlease: system is released to businesses in Ethiopia and the team continue to
monitor its usage and performance.
maintenance: team provide ongoing maintenance to the system ensuring it remains up-

documentation tools:
google docs and word

programming languages and tools:

frontend - ReactJS, XML, CSS
backend - node, express
database - mongodb
ui design - figma
IDE - visual studio code

testing environment - chrome, microsoft edge

postman for api testing

case tools:
Use case to capture the functional requirements of the system and describe how
users interact with the system. We will be using UMLet to draw the diagrams.

our system is relevant for the following reasons:
businesses lower operational costs by removing the need for physical inventory.
products together with their neccessary informations are easily accessible from any
where and at any time.

businesses: accelerate their operations and increase their revenue.
customers: can avoid the hassle of physical stores, long queues, and limited
operating hours.

2.3.1 Functional Requirements for vendor

FR1 - The system should allow vendors in Ethiopia to register as vendors on the
platform and make an account
FR2- The system should allow vendors to login
FR3- The system should allow vendors to manage their accounts.
FR4- The system should allow vendors to list their products along with their names,
description, prices and images
FR5- The system should allow vendors to view their products
FR6- The system should allow vendors to update their products.
FR6- The system should allow vendors to remove products.
FR7- The system should allow vendors to manage orders

2.3.2 Functional Requirements for Users

FR1 - The system should allow users to register on the platform and make an account

FR2- The system should allow users to login

FR3- The system should allow users to browse for products
FR4- The system will allow users to manage their accounts
FR5- The system should have a search function which allows customers to find
products easily.
FR6- The system should allow users to add products to shopping cart and proceed
FR7- The system will allow users to make payments
FR8- The system will allow users to view their order history

2.3.2 Functional Requirements for Administrators

FR1 - The system should allow administrators to register on the platform and make
an account
FR2- The system should allow administrators to login
FR3- The system will allow administrators to manage their accounts
FR4- The system will allow administrators to view user accounts
FR5- The system will allow administrators to search for accounts
FR6- The system will allow administrators to manage vendor and user accounts

2.4 Non-Functional Requirements

NFR1 � Performance � The system should load quickly without any delays.
NFR2- Usability � The system should be user friendly and easy to navigate
NFR3- Reliability � The system should be available and reliable to vendors and
users 24/7
NFR4- Accessibility � The system should be accessible to vendors and user from any
NFR5 � Scalability � The system should handle a large number of users and products
NFR6- Security -The web should ensure that all transactions and users and vendors
data are secure and protected from unauthorized access.

design goal of the system is to develop an e-commerce platform that encompasses the
following key aspects:
scalability: the sysytem should be designed to handle growing number of users,
products and transactions without compromising performance or user experience.
security: the system should prioritize the security of the users.
data persistence: the system should implement efficient data persistent mechanisms.
access control: the system should incorporate access control mechanisms to insure
that only authorized users can perform specific actions within the platform.
payment processing: The system should handle payment transactions securely.
Work-from-Home Empowerment: The overall design of the system aims to empower
individuals to work from home by providing a platform where they can sell their
products or services remotely.

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