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Situation: Mark was having a bad day, so he called his best friend Jack to give him some
encouragement. Jack touched Mark's shoulder and said, "Don't lose hope." A week later,
Mark and Jack met up in the park. Mark said, "Hey Jack," and Jack replied, "How have
you been?" Mark replied, "Oh, I'm fine, thanks for giving me some encouragement last
The elements I identified in this situation are the participants, context, message,
channel and feedback.

Q. 1. Who is the speaker and what is the message created?

A. Jack is the speaker, the message created is to not lose hope even though your going
through so much problems in life.

Q. 2. What type of function of communication was chosen by the speaker? Explain your
A. The type of function of communication is MOTIVATION, because the speaker
motivated the receiver though vocal and non-vocal cues.

Q. 3. What is the channel used in the communication process? Explain your answer.
A. The channel used in the communication process is the face-to-face communication,
because the participants interact and communicate while visible to one another.

Q. 4. Who/what is the receiver and what is the feedback given?

A. The receiver is Mark and the feedback given was a positive feedback.

Q. 5. What type of noise can you identify in the communication process?

A. the type of noise that I can identify is the Psychological noise.

Q. 6. What context can you identify?

A. The context that I can identify in the situation is the physical context, the social
context and the psychological context.

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