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—+—— + Sey what this person should or shouldnt do, “We got ‘pothace. ‘al poople what suce | oompige te nae start | osizess, | Seen (a forward wee Ion benaeey | “enseee. let's B oO oo 8 Describe a sentence amous person |; +s ‘Complete the Talk fora minute Name fve sports. | _ about your fovourite fim. | Say what you | Name five things were doing you must or vnuasies™ | conpeone gas | nisoaktneoh | seoerdy sax | mde - who it is? well if ‘o'clock, ‘school. Complete tne Moke tn usston sentence ee and then ask a {sk trend abot Tattora minute | suggeston about | ‘heriovaut | arynavcor | weatyourplers | fonsht ‘he win tal | forthe weckont pare) - shallwe...? fare — F qunstonond | Askto borrow an Say wna tis ton | A Ta | name we schot | Bese stator |) Mae ‘ren nea rm | Name we sho! | Pfoudnt do | will / go camping / Cant... ? ‘Ten lost. | nestyear! complete FINISH vometour | aoranee. | Taktor inate I Miss ago. na fu | sboutyour bcs If it’s sunny at the holiday. weed one rare © tan ray ree eoteeie none 8 TTA 43 Grammar 1 Cirle the correct ve 1 Rosie was / were st school yesterdy. 2 They was/ were inthe livingroom. 5 | was/ weremnere at half past five yesterday, {4 Harry wasn't! werentin the chen 5 Was/ Were you at hme yesterday evening? Ca 2 Complete the text with was or were. + Simon and Daisy —».-» in tondon in 2004 2 your friends atthe shonping centre? 3 Sou end your mum atthe cinema last Saturday? No, ws There 8 roDbery last miht! 5 ‘Sue in the library yesterday afternoon? Yes the 8 No, they ‘there. hungry lest night inthe swimming pool when | 1 Ti {5 Complete the sentonces with the Past simple ‘ofthe vorbs in the bax. open walk play are phone study rescue jump _want_ tak 1 Sally and Dave Tate forthe party. 2 Henne WOFy Har fo the test B Dan nnn NeW Bik 4 Mark football on Tuesday and Friday last week. st “Jenny but she wasnt at home. 8 The firefighter rune the man from the building 7 We ‘to schoo! on Monday morning 8 The dog into te lake when it saw the duck 9 Tho teacher to Ben about his work 10 ttwas hat s01 =the window. ‘4 Complete the beginning of each answer. 4 Ganeva iain France. : Win Switzeran. 2 Sara's party was ood 2 hod a geoat time 5 You nero t school this morning oon was there al day 4 Luo doesnt ike pasta, nn She loves allan food. 5 People anak French in Australia They spe0k English 6 Lucas kos Emily ss ‘Theyre best friends. 7 Girls don ke footbal My sitar plays it. 8 Tistest evry difiut —_ Ws easy 6 Garland Rose were atthe cinema last ight Ss They wore at my house 40 Ji ies ere Tis is Kates house. Go Vocabulary '5 Write the names of the clubs and groups. 1 ft tt S potto Bane Yinreea =" Giemeee ens 38 T alae b. 4a fen Skills Practice ‘8 Complete the dialogue with words from the be Goyouso doodidea skclock dont wart to fo, dont when do they meet join actin ploy 1 ove singing but _- be in a band. B Ive gt an idea. the schoo! choir aS "en do they practise? B They moet at four tity on Wecnesdays and Thursdays. 1 Ob Groat to the choir? Be T dont ike singing. ke dram WANE BE ‘A There's arama club at school, too. 8 eal?" 7 BARN oo 8 Mondays ig (om “44 won 9720 cane rt Fee anc eng nes 08 ET | | ‘Complete the table with the correct form of the Past simple. Co) Complete the sentences withthe Past simple form ofthe verbs. 1 (fina) my coat under he ofa! We (Go) tothe party at eigt Ded. (68 a robber inthe bank Dolly. 0) her homework las night (say) my workwas good ca Make Past simple sentences. 1 Iphone Robin / at 8 pm 2 Mum / answer the pone / ast might 3 we say goodbye /to our friends 4 it/ e/a seary fim 5 the bus / weit for us bythe shoo! 7) ‘Complete the text withthe Past simple form of ‘the verbs. Loy 'envnw (arrive) at Davina’ on Saturday They ho (water) TW and (lay) computer games, Thoy al60 ‘nn (go) to @ Barty, Ley 2aoon- (Oe) Ege They © (Gi and an (al al evening. They are now ood fiends, Lucy (be) very nappy as he Bcc lave Davina’ house She (ave) goodbye to Caving "What great waekend!™ said Lucy. Vocabulary '5 Write the names of the TV programmes and Skills Practice {Cirle the correct answer. [A Wat does your ded'..on TV inthe evenings? 1B The? onda quizshow, What sbout your dac? 1h My dd only ks sports. B What about you? Do you ke. fms? 1A No!l?.. romantic lms! ike horror mst watch horror fms inthe evening and | wate them I saw a great oro last Saturday ight. 1 What wes it ike? 1 owas realy sean! B Wel that's why... horror ms beceuse theyre scary watch. shows inthe evening. Theyre reat 1) watch always 8 alike 1) usualy wate 2) ate 6) wateh naver 0) love 2 alnews 6 a) inweekend quiz bat the weekend ) detective 6) at weekend 3 a) games. 7a) dovsni ike by fms by dont ke ©) shows tke 4 a game 8 2) detective 1) romantie 1) mature 1) tion © gome Ca [Tora aos ar 0 cares very Prem oi Ln 5 Grammar 1 Rewrite the sontances nthe negative forms, 4 Camplte with the correct question word. ti Kevin goto Rome? Last year, | Ithought Horry’ party wa very ood 2. n=l you go last year? France. z 3 id you gt there? By bus 2 Haylay found ne eat inthe park te intake to get to Est? 12 rst 5 Leome Amie in New York ea Vocabulary 4 The girls saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 5 Write the names of the transport. 6 She reads of 00k. Cie] 2 Complete the questions and shrt answers. 1 nett ary? hey £0) a Yes 28 ‘a book? (she write) Bae B No, q sa to im yeeros 560) 8 an heros? (tak mn eee 8 ies, . i sa on nab ou sty) Skil Practice B No, 6 Gomplete the dialogue. € knee wale? Gana ane) «tA When you gato London, Jamie? 8 Yee a at wd 10g your rater rang wth Ou? 5 Complete the dialogue. Be (No) Aeogory Vidi! Goad to 38 you! 104 eer pote tng yuri te? 2 sn i) i Yel. twas aati thre A Wat iyo 588? Gregory‘. you fon abot ri? Bem (ots figs sion No, We fan. Wanited to, but Dad ‘A. Did you go to lots of museums? ae BE v0) Gregory‘... sou go igtseng? a se Shy ese a ory ete amc . 15) 46 ans 92 carrie ners Pos nd abn Laren 0 ‘Complate the table withthe comparative form of the adjectives. 7 od 2 good col prety bad xing cold hot iffeutt (obeautiful 2 Circle the correct answer. Tia} roa hy tr ein 2 Nonor ne an ore 5 tre ots 1 Sos asta a $ eof sane og To ‘3 Complete the sentences withthe comparative form ofthe adjectives. 1 Bela (prety) hr sister Lucia Bi oan ose to school than my friend 1 Foatballie— {interesting basketbal 4 Mathe ig nnn (bad) English! Martin ig (young) his brother Bil Cal 4 Write comparative sentences using (not) 4 the new teacher not friendly the od teacher 2 North Afriea J not large / Alanis 5 fairy ales / nok interesting | science fiction stones 4 elephants / not lever / chimpanzees 5 rabbits / not dangorous / sharks 5 Complete the text. Use than, as oF more, 1 don't belive Arla was Digger onan Aiea fend Asia together. thin W458 ig nn 1S end | believe H was +... lose to Japen a5 ‘twas to Europe My teacher says there were very strange animals in Alans — Um tS SUPE ‘as she i bout that, How do we know? One thin for sure—the story flats... interesting ‘than ther things we learn about Vocabulary 6 Write the words. oy Skills Practice 7 Gircle the correct answer. My teacher's nome ie Miss Wilkins. She wears ‘eyes /alasses Her hae long and? orange / blonde. Seis ute “Blue / young. She's got green / sl ees. Sh int very tl / ana. think that she's "better /wavier than my other teachers She's?more cfu /clevererthen mo. She's avery nce / cur teacher. Cia Coa vig Joven Pose soe needs 0 ENT $7 Grammar Pore have a party / nest week 41 Write sentences using the correct form of - going to. - tant his birthday. i 6 eta tne carat ver or. | Thea ene Tiana (no oat beat a 2 on aor hve foo Rove ogo 300 3 itr aad ve ‘ato : 5 thet todo ry tomer ot i Tenia 4 tao vet dno ho to a beh niasiee eae «Ey nar to have toy br ram, toes! . 8 We doen hav don av fo ty i 6 we) wer omarou ovine mi ‘ 7 ene host dhe washing py a) (Tig Iertnthaet abana aot 2 Complete the questions. Ci 1 you going to help Mum in the kitchen? Vocabulary 2 jorsstergonetobuya car? 5 Compt the verb about hovesold tas ig Neeouwimmied "fame U Wtenaretey ge heh Dime Ware Tw caw ahewmrmend 5 dofed 4 conesh 4 wate queston oad anewers Une geingte, 5 cote 1 wee ete Saltese “ ~ Hise Se eon hal pst oat ial st = 2 yu se ie is wknd eee + Skil Practice tang secharen 6 Gel he correct newer Satur 1 1 dle ding ‘ea gute ot ind ssa ila ehh sacacmcnachiinoes sed ee Sateen ? a} doesnt quite b} loves c) don’t hate = wie Going vit my 3 Yom lang ‘Grandma, ‘a) quite likes really ike ©) love 4 Sood avin 4a mae er oh Shan nind eos realy ka wo c)dossnt really Tied ag Wen cel Ne ing ot cea 3 we 5 you lean the hose ed G he livingroom is @ (48 ome art contri tries sing on 8 EET mar Troe the correct verb. Yau must /muststuy forthe test 3 We must / must forget Murs birth. 15 You mustnt/ must be quiet in tha lesson 3 We musin? / must walk onthe flowers You mast mustn't workhard at sehoo Ca complete the school rules using must oF ‘mustn't at tke talk listen dO Use 1 You. to your friend in lessons. rou inthe oassraom bes You ‘to the teacher. 4 You ~ your homework 5 You {our mobile phone in lessons. 6 You Computer oma t lessons 18) '5 Write sentences using must oF musta. + yous feed /that dangerous dog 2 you watch TV / ll theme +3 you help / your parents | at ome 4 you ea breakfast “Su shout at /youreachor (oa) | Complete the sentences with the correct adver, 4 girs talked. «happy as they wales ta school 2 Yes, you can use my car, but drive (coretud! 5 Why id you do 4 Evelyn runs 5 Wealldidvery toad inyour music test? fas so shes nthe schoo! _- (god) inthe English ca Vocabulary 5 Write the name ofthe shapes, ee Sela) « m@@H A Cal {6 Complete the names ofthe school subjects, 7 Gomplte the dialogue. Vite the letter of the ‘correct phrase inthe spaces below. 1k a's your fovauite subject ot school? 1B Wil think... But ike Enish too. ike English more than Histon! A en do you have French? Bt What tout YOU? nn? 1 Musi! ow it eral Ik Nie Thursday today se ot Maths! B What about tomorrow? *n.? 1A ve got Music! dooray! Have you got music toe Tuesday mornings and Thursday mornings French is my favour ‘wnat have yu gt on Friday marines What's your favourite subject ca frome [7501 ens rrnocomiis unr rs a ng nga 28 EE“?

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