Life-Changing Events

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Illegal taking of money is called …

If a woman is giving birth, she is in …

When you want to invest into something, you can go to the bank and …

If you don’t cure a disease (like cancer), it can …

If you don’t like your current job, you can …

When you finish something, you can say a phrase “ …

If a football team loses, it gets …. of the cup.

The meeting on wedding occasion when you invite people is called a …

The quality when you don’t lie to people is called …

When you find a common decision for both people, it’s called …

The quality when you can judge some action or person honestly and by the law is called …

The quality when you feel full, unbroken and in harmony is called …

The quality of brave, fearless people is …

Each person has not only rights, but also …

Home task:
1. WB p. 76 ex. 1-3
2. WB p. 77 ex. 7,8 (Listening)
3. Vocabulary Copy

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