HTML Css Javascript

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 JavaScript
 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
 Extension of HTML file is .htm or .html.

 HTML elements are represented by tags.

 Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use

them to render the content of the page.
 Most recent version is HTML 5.

 Tags are of two type :

 Pair
 Empty [Unpaired/Single]
 It has both starting and closing.
 The closing tag has a / slash, it means that the
tag is closed now.
 It is necessary to close a paired tag.

 List of some paired tags in HTML:

Starting Tag Closing Tag

<html> </html>
<head> </head>
<title> </title>
<body> </body>
<div> </div>
<table> </table>
 Unpaired tags are single tags with no closing tag.
 It is recommended to close the unpaired tags
 An unpaired tag is closed after adding a slash(/)
just before the greater than > sign. For example:
<br />.
 Some Unpaired Tags are:

Open Tag
 Describes the style of an HTML document.
 Can control the layout of multiple webpages all
at once.
 CSS can be added to HTML elements in 3 ways:
 Inline: by using the style attribute in HTML
 Internal: by using a <style> element in <head>
 External: by using an external css file. Most
commonly used way. Extension of external CSS file is
 A CSS rule-set consists of a selector and a
declaration block.

Selector Declaration Declaration

h3 color : red ; font-size : 10px ;

Property Value Property Value

p {
color : red ;
text-align : center ;
 Used to find (or Select) HTML elements bested on their element
name, id, class etc.
 Element Selector :
 Selects elements based on their name.
 e.g. p { text-align : center ; color : red ; }
 Id Selector :
 Uses id attribute of an HTML elements to select a specific element.
 Id of an element should be unique within page.
 To select an element write a hash (#) character followed by the id of the
 e.g. #alpha1 { text-align : right; color : blue ; }
 <p id=“alpha1”>Java EE</p>
 Class Selector :
 Selects elements with a specific class attribute.
 To select element with a specific class, write a period (.) character, followed
by the name of the class.
 HTML elements can also refer to more than one class.
 e.g. .center { text-align : center; color : white; }
 .large{ text-size : 50px; }
 <p class=“center large”>jee</p>
 Programming language for defining behavior of
 JavaScript can be written by <script> tag in <head>
or <body> section internal or external.
 Extension of JavaScript External file is .js
 Data type like var.
 Operator like +(Add), -(Minus), *(Multiply),
/(Division), %(Modulus)
 Keywords like break, continue, for, function etc.
 Functions
 Identifiers : developer defined unique name of
variable like age, address etc.
 Browsers do not display the JavaScript code, but run
them on different user events on the browser.
 Translated and not compiled into a binary.
 Create a webpage using HTML, CSS and
JavaScript that will do the following :
1. HTML page should display a table having three
headers for First Name, Last Name and Age
and 2 rows having the values for the above 3
headers in each row.
2. The background color of the header should be
red and the background color of rows should be
green using CSS.
3. Add a button below table and give it a name
‘swap color’
4. When someone clicks on this button the color of
the table header and rows should swap.

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