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"My purpose is to break down all barriers that stand in the way of union."

The Playmate

Embody The Playmate (59) Digital Course

Who is this Archetype?

The Playmate embodies pure life force which creates his powerful sensual aura that attracts people and things to him. He opens
all kinds of doors to share intimacy of varying intensity in many arenas, always expressing his eagerness to give birth to creative

The Playmate focuses on the interdependency of life and the connections to all he sees. He loves to break down barriers and
dissolve boundaries that stand in the way for union. Within himself and in every relationship, this archetype seeks to allow more
free movement and space for life force to spiral and flow.

The Playmate is a tantric master and can approach interactions in many different ways. He reads the moment and the other
person completely in order to meet them where they are at, and where he can create the most value and healing for them. The
Playmate is open and transparent about his intentions and engagements. He is not afraid to allow the truth to come to light
because something can only be corrected by admitting that correction or healing is needed.

The Playmate needs space and freedom in relationships. After all, he is a sexual healer and works directly with kundalini and
not all partners can understand and see the beauty of that. The Playmate wants to have a solid understanding of a partner and
relationship before he can commit fully. He prefers friendship as the foundation of his love if he is to commit wholeheartedly and
he won’t jump into bonds prematurely.

The Playmate has a close relationship with the Peacemaker (6). Since she is very sensitive to what comes into her aura, the
Playmate has to constantly purify his energy and intention for wanting to be intimate with her. She will only allow him in when he
is truly transparent and comes to her from a place of first being whole and sovereign in himself.

Once he is committed there is complete devotion and the Playmate desires to penetrate to the core of his beloved. He yearns to
commune in one field of awareness. To him there is no limit to what two sovereign beings with open hearts can do together.

The Playmate has a special relationship with the Game Changer (55). Their connection is like a whirlwind that always moves,
mutates, and evolves. The Game Changer holds the feminine spirit of freedom that awakens once she has transmuted what is
keeping her in the energy of victimization. The Playmate has the courage to face his inner dishonesty and trauma.

By not running away, he purges everything that comes to the surface. He knows that relationships are the clearing houses for
personal and collective trauma. Through the purging of emotional interference patterns and rising out of victimization these two
archetypes can meet in higher frequency of openness and freedom. Through them we see that intimacy is a byproduct of inner

In mythical terms, the Playmate and the Game Changer represent the force of prime yang and prime yin respectively. The
Playmate is the seed or semen and the Game Changer is the egg. Together these two archetypes circulate (spirit & dragon)
energy in a microcosmic orbit through all the chakras. This is a Taoist practice that creates intimacy and freedom since
preventing life force to get stuck and only expressed through lower and denser energy centers, while at the same time using the
body as a temple for embodying the more subtle spiritual energies.

We could say that by circulating the energy this way the Game Changer & the Playmate are moving from trauma to tantra. The
power of human intimacy is the power of two human auras interacting to create a third aura, whilst in the process the two
original auras are sublimated. This is the true meaning of Sacred Union.

Embodied Presence

Dragon Energy

Internal Motivator: Positive Attributes: Achilles Heel:

Fusion of two auras into a third Transparency in all relationships Can’t help but seduce
Sexual mastery Needs Freedom

I-Ching Quarter: Astrology:

Dispersion Quarter of Duality Virgo - Mutable Earth

Wind over Water Theme: Purpose Fulfilled Through


Biology: Codon Ring:

Ovaries / Testes (Arginine)
Ring of Union (4, 7, 29, 59)
Amino Acid: Valine

Physiology: Sacral Plexus (Sexual Organs)

Exploring the Archetype

"The sexual force is a spiraling force, which is why all living creatures have similar foundational spiral geometries."



Free Resources

"The power of human intimacy is the power of two human auras interacting to create a third aura, whilst in the process the two
original auras are sublimated."

Human Design Harmonic Gate Gene Keys Programming Partner

Archetype 6: The Peacemaker Archetype 55: The Game Changer

Phone Backgrounds
EMBRACE your shadows. Sometimes our shadows just need
attention and love to be transformed. An embrace is a hug. We
pull it in; we do not push away. Hug until it blends and
transforms inside of you, revealing the GIFT within. The gift is
then RELEASED within you and outside of you. You EMBODY
the Siddhi when this essence vibrates through your whole

Use these phone backgrounds as a reminder for you through

the transit.


Gene Key Wisdom

Discover the 59th Gene Key from its original source.


Victim Pattern: Dilemma:

Victim of Relationships Trauma

Shadow: Repressive Nature:

You unconsciously exclude yourself out of a deep-seated
Doing the Genetic Laundry
fear of losing control. When you open your doors to others,
"If you move against evolution at a time such as this, you will you always lose control. You actually manage to draw
meet an opposing force whose power is incomprehensible." negative attention through your self-exclusion. Furthermore,
when you are excluded, you can maintain your defense

Gift: mechanisms intact, even though you feel bad. The feeling of
being excluded can actually become an addictive state. It
Intimacy gives you the illusion that you are still in control of your own
emotional environment.
Sublimation and the Serpant
"As this heart opening occurs, true intimacy is born and two
people meet within a single awareness."
Reactive Nature:
Siddhi: You try to push yourself in the door, physically and
Transparency emotionally invading another person’s aura. When you meet
rejection, you become outraged and exclude yourself. You try
The Return of the Quetzalcoatl
to maintain control of the emotional environment through
"We are all one genetic tribe moving though a huge blaming others. You can be addicted to unhealthy emotional
transformative period in history, the end result of which will be relationships, so long as you find a willing victim to play your
the realization of our unity." game. You will try to dominate your relationships in order to
avoid rejection, which means that you can never stay with
anyone who is honest enough to challenge you.


Premium Offerings

"The serpent or dragon energy represents the evolutionary urge to transform oneself, reflected in the serpent’s shedding of its own

Embody the Playmate

We Bridge the Gap between Theory & Embodiment

Are you ready to go deeper through this digital course?


Human Design Circuitry & Mechanics

Gene Keys Living Transmission
Rave Mandala Explorations

I-Ching Elemental Wisdom

Astrology & Transits

Codon Rings & Physiology

Embodiment Practice
Soul Conversation

Workbook to guide your explorations
Opportunity for sharing through our Academy Discussion Portal

Let the Playmate teach you how to embody his gifts and wisdom.
Get your course for Archetype 59 now


Portals of Deconditioning The Inner Circle Membership

Get all 64 Doors! $44 per month

Learn More Learn More


"In mythical terms, the 59th and 55th Gene Keys represent the force of prime yang and prime yin respectively. The 59th Gift is
the seed or semen and the 55th Gift is the egg."

Give Back
If you enjoy what we are doing here at Unlock Your Design and the 64 Doors, please consider making a contribution to our business.
Be it $1 or $100, you will help sustain our mission of bringing these archetypes to life. Let us expand. Thank You.



"Divine Lovers"
Artwork courtesy of Ines Honfi
See more of her work at

"Astral Lovers" "Swadistana Chakra Mandala, the "Eternity"

center where our sublime erotic
effervescence is born."

"An Eternal Kiss" "The Path of Love"

59th Gene Key Artwork by Jane Adams

Codon Ring of Union Art by Jane Adams The 59th Mudra Art by Jane Adams



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The Playmate (59) Digital Course !

Embody the Archetype: Explore, Flow, Play, Share, Lead, Envision.


Harmonic Gate: The Peacemaker (6) Programming Partner: The Game Changer (55)


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