Current Carrying Capacity of Cable

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Current Carrying Capacity

Current ratings are based on values given in IEC 60 364-5-52 (2009), with a refe rence con ductor te mperature of 70oC, ambient te mperature of 30oC and soil temperature of 20oC. Cros s Sectio nal Area (mm 2) Clipped in free a ir 2.5m m 2 4.0m m 2 6.0m m 2 10m m 2 16m m 2 25m m 2 35m m 2 50m m 2 70m m 2 95m m 2 11 13.5 18.5 24 38 52 70 84 107 129 149 170 Current Ca rrying Capacity (A) Buried in a groun d 10.5 14 17.5 23 35 50 65 78 98 118 135 155 Surroun ded by 0.5m of thermal insulation 12 16.5 22 28 40 60 80 104 133 161 186 204

120mm 2 150mm 2

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