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Position Paper

Country: Estonia

Committee: United Nations Environment Programme

Topic: Discussing the poor Climate in Europe

The Republic of Estonia is a European country. Located on the shores of the

Baltic Sea with Finland to the north, Latvia to the south, Sweden to the west,
and Russia to the east. Estonia is one of Europe’s smallest countries. Summers are moderately warm
(The mean temperature in July is 16 - 17 °C) and winters are moderately cold (the mean temperature
in February is between -2.5 and -7). The highest daily temperature ever recorded is 35.6 °C and the
lowest is -43.5 °C. There is a rise in Sea-level due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers, ice
caps and ice sheets may be one of the main impacts of climate change on Estonia. Countries affected
by climate change in Europe: -

 Lithuania
 Finland
 Latvia
 Iceland
 Greece

The conditions of climate in these countries have to be made better because poor climate conditions
can cause several diseases like: -

 Cryptosporidiosis
 Dengue
 Ehrlichiosis
 Fungal diseases like valley fever and histoplasmosis

Many lives can be saved by improving climate conditions. There are many ways in which countries
can improve their climate condition. European countries must cut greenhouse gas emissions by at
least 55% by 2030 by: -

 Increase the use of renewable energy (wind, solar, biomass)

 Improve energy efficiency in buildings, industry, and household appliances
 Reduction of CO2 emissions from new passenger car
 Abatement measures in the manufacturing industries

Global warming can cause extreme weather conditions which can cause weather and climate–related
hazards such as heat waves, floods, and droughts will become more frequent and intense in many
regions. Estonia is one of the most forested countries in the world. Forests cover nearly half of the
mainland in Estonia.

The Republic of Estonia has different ways to improve the condition of climate: -

 Increased use of renewable energy

 Decrease the use of Plastic
 Measures to reduce emissions from landfill

The Republic of Estonia thinks that everyone in the world should take care of the Environment and
take responsibility to improve climate conditions.

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